Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1284544-A-Thanksgiving-Reunion
by BarbP
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1284544
A fictional romanatic story based around the Thanksgiving Holiday's.
Chapter 1 - Common Sense Makes a Difference

As a small soft blanket of snow coated the ground in Westchester County, Molly Stewart, a dark haired attractive thirty-five year old retired Chef now fulltime Mother, pulled a twenty-pound turkey from the oven rack and placed it on the counter beside the traditional Thanksgiving pumpkin pies, dressing and sweet potatoes. Molly grabbed the baby monitor from the counter and placed it next to her ear. She breathed a sigh of relief...no unusual noises... Jack and Erica, the twins, were still asleep.

In the dinning room Molly's Mother Judy Kline leaned over the festively decorated table and lit candles before placing festive napkins at each setting. Molly's husband Carver, an attractive thirty-six year old yuppie, stood in the doorway affirming all chairs were properly spaced around the table. To stay out of everyone’s way, Jack Kline sat in the living room drinking hot cider while catching up on articles in the recently published New York Posts.

In the far corner of the kitchen, stood Molly’s brother, an oppressed Royce Kline. Royce took another sip of his wine. Perhaps if he drank enough it would numb his feelings of oppression. Royce normally loved sharing family festivities around the holidays, however; this year his festive moods had been somewhat repressed. Jill, his past love and his two-year old Emma were not here. Due of Jill's job requirement, both were now living in Paris. This was the first time in ten years they would not be sharing Thanksgiving together. Emma would be spending Christmas Holidays with him, however; that potential was not enough to fill his feelings of emptiness. Angry, Royce forcefully placed the empty glass on the table…it was Thanksgiving, why weren’t they here? Royce went over and looked at himself in the hallway mirror…why was this attractive dark haired man having so much problems working out his relationship with the woman he knew he truly loved. Why?

It was 6:00 pm in Paris, the city of light. Jill Johnson sat in her upscale Louis Vuitton office punching in the last entry of the day into her computer. As she signed and typed in the date she noted it was Thursday November 25th.

Saddened, Jill leaned back in her leather chair. In the states families were now gathering in homes sharing Thanksgiving festivities. Jill closed her eyes and began reflecting past Thanksgivings. She pictured Molly at the helm preparing turkey and stuffing…setting around the table, sharing festive moments together with her six friends…the most important friend being her past love Royce Kline. Royce…suddenly an empty feeling began to overwhelm her. He had been her big love and they had a daughter Emma together…an empty feeling began to overwhelm her. Shaking off the feelings of loneliness, she stood placed required documents in her leather case and left the office for her apartment. Perhaps being around their daughter, Emma would fill up that empty feeling.

Molly observing her brother’s repressed state walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder for comfort, “Royce what is going on with you?”

Embarrassed not to be too revealing that it was still Jill's absence he was frustrated with looked downward, “It’s the holidays and I miss my daughter. She was always with me on the holidays.”

“Oh that’s sweet you miss your daughter, however; I think your frustration and anger is related more towards Jill than Emma.”

Royce somewhat angry that Molly put Jill over Emma, turned and angrily replied, “I miss Emma, that’s all.” Molly realizing she couldn’t influence him went back to her cooking.

As Jill opened the door to their apartment an excited Emma came running to her with a card, “Emm’s, what do you have there?”

The two-year old that was a reflection of her Mother looked up through her bangs, “Card…from Daddy?”

Jill ecstatic it was from Royce leaned down and looked at her two-year old while stroking her hair, “Emma, can I look at your card?”

Emma gleefully handed the card over to her Mother. Jill carefully opened the card…it was a Thanksgiving card signed by Royce with a message: Miss you; wish you were here. Saddened and lonely, Jill took in a deep breath. “Emma, it’s time for bed. I’ll read you a story, ok?”

After putting her daughter down to bed for the night she showered and then made herself a cup of tea. As she sat down on the couch, the Thanksgiving card from Royce was staring back at her from the coffee table. Shaking and nervous, she picked it up…noticing that signature she had seen so many times before. Saddened and somewhat lonely, she fell onto the couch and cried for nearly two hours. She missed Royce so much. Why could they not work their problems out?

After the four-course meal Mary and her Mother Judy retired to the kitchen to finish cleaning up while the men retired to the family room downstairs to watch football and drink some Eggnog. Carver sat back in his leather chair attempting to get into the game, however; Royce's sadness was beginning to affect the atmosphere in a negative manner. Carver stood up and forcefully motioned Ray to follow him to the Den.

“Ok Royce, what is it with you?”

Royce guilty that he was the reason for the downtrodden atmosphere figured it was time to reveal his pain, “It’s my first Thanksgiving without Emma and Jill.”

Carver reflected back to his childhood. With his parent’s divorce still a prominent force in his life, he was fully related on how it felt to be abandoned by your family on Thanksgiving. “What exactly happened between the two of you before Jill left for Paris?”

Royce not wanting to go back to that painful time sat down and reluctantly began relating the story, “Well…Jill somewhat angrily revealed to me that I was the one she would most miss…so to confirm our feelings for one another we slept together. I thought it was great but evidently not enough for her because within a few hours she appeared anxious to leave.”

Carver could not believe Royce’s stupidity. For a genius, he sure lacked in compassion. Carver angrily put his hand over his head, thinking out a good question to make Royce realize his stupidity, “Did you tell her to stay or more important that you were still in love with her?”

Royce astonished by the frank question, looked up, “No.”

“NO…you’ve got to be kidding me!!!”

Royce somewhat shocked by the angry reply innocently inquired, “What do you mean?”

Carver leaned over and placed his hand on his forehead in frustration, “Royce, where in hell is your common sense…I mean…how dumb can you be? Royce, sleeping with someone you have been involved with and not being able to state those words is like a slap in the face.”

Royce angry at Carver's sermon turned and stormed out of the house.

Molly noticing Royce’s sudden exit quickly inquired of her husband, “What happened?”

Carver stood there silent shaking his head in frustration.

Royce entered into one of the sleaziest bars in the Village. The darkened, smoky atmosphere matched his oppressed emotions. Looking around he bar he spotted an empty stool at the bar. As he slid onto the stool a youthful longhaired bartender walked over to take his order, “What can I get you?”

“Any beer you have on tap", Royce replied while removing his gloves and coat.

“Hi gorgeous, I’m Nora. Can I buy you a drink?” a somewhat older woman held out her hand in introduction as she slid onto the stool next to him. Royce looked over discovering a half drunken woman that appeared to have been through a life of hard knocks. Nora's clothing attire appeared way to young for her age, fit her way too tightly and had periodic stains. Her red hair appeared messy and unattended to. As she attempted to line the lighter up to light the cigarette he noted her hands shaking. Royce feeling uncomfortable and needing to avoid any more of her advances downed his beer as fast as possible and left the bar quickly. As Royce placed his door key in the lock of his car he suddenly felt a presence behind him. He turned and found Nora standing a few feet away. In a slightly drunken manner, she made her way over and stood next to him. Snuggling up next to him she reached out and softly began to rub his back, “Hey sexy...how about driving me home?”

Jill awoke in somewhat of a daze. She rose up and looked over at the digital clock on the end table for the time…it was midnight. She sat upright on the couch and wiped away leftover tears. An idea suddenly filtered through her mind. Enthused, she reached for her purse and frantically searched for her blackberry. Locating the palm-sized computer, she nervously punched in “Charles de Gaulle International Airport Phone Number" in Google and hit the search button.

Chapter 2 - Coming Home

Streetlights enhanced the falling snow as Royce turned his car onto a rundown street better known as the bowery section of New York City. Trash, along with drunks, lay strewn on the sidewalks in this rundown district. Royce somewhat frightened, cautiously inquired. “Nora, where is your apartment building?”

Nora replied while attempting to light a cigarette, “That one over there?”

“Listen, I don’t allow smoking in my car.”

Nora offended turned and moved over next to him yelling in his ear, “Just who the hell do you think you are ordering me around like this?”

Royce put his foot on the gas pedal and sped over to the curb leaving skid marks.
Royce angrily reached over and shoved open the door. “Get out NOW!!” Royce’ yelled back in a firm tone. Nora frightened, nervously exited the car and quickly ran up the stoop to her apartment. Royce sat there for a minute, thinking to himself, how did I get myself into this mess?

Jill pulled her and Emma’s needed clothing from the walk-in bedroom closet, and threw them in the Louis Vuitton suitcase in a half hazard manner. Their flight would be leaving for Kennedy Airport in approximately two hours, which left her a short amount of time for packing. After Jill had booked the flight she next contacted her Mother in Massapequa informing her that their flight would be touching down in Kennedy Airport within the next eight hours. Sandra Johnson reciprocated by inviting them to stay at her place for their five-day duration.

As Royce unlocked the door of his townhouse, he began feeling heartburn and indigestion. Royce went into his bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and scanned through the shelves for some Alka-Seltzer. After swallowing the tasteless drink, he fell into bed sleeping soundly for the next ten hours.

As the plane neared New York City, the French Captain announced the upcoming arrival over the intercom, “Plaisent amarrer tes ceinture, le project volonté soit atterrisage danz le puis quinze protocole.” Please fasten your belts; the plane will be landing in the next fifteen-minutes. Jill fastened and secured their seat belts. Looking out the plane window the towering buildings of New York City soon came into full view. Jill smiled as she looked over her former homestead. Jill felt as though she wasn't visiting for only a few days, it felt like "coming home".

Royce awoke, pushed back the coverlet and sat up on the side of the bed. Still feeling a bit queasy, he took a quick shower and dressed halfway before heading down to the kitchen. A cup of fresh coffee was in order. Just as he was pouring the freshly ground coffee beans into the maker, the doorbell began chiming.

Who could that be? Curious, Royce pushed back the kitchen curtains. He couldn’t make out whom it was because they were too near the door.

Royce went upstairs and threw a robe around him. He combed his thick black hair before running back down the staircase. As he opened the door his heart began to jump in excitement…. “Daddy, I’m here”, the excited two-year old replied as she ran into her Father’s arms.

Royce held her close tears streaming down his face. He had missed her so much. Jill, watching them get acquainted again began to well up.

Royce gave Emma one last long hug before releasing her, “Emm's, at the top of these stairs, is a box of your old toys for you to play with.” As Emma padded up the stairs, he turned around and for the first time in six-months looked at the woman he had loved from the beginning. No one had to tell or remind him…he was "still" in-love with her. “Jill, how are you?” Royce felt a lump in his throat as he leaned over properly planting a kiss her on the check.

Jill, clearing her throat to hold back tears, somewhat impulsively walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him, “I have really missed you.” Royce touched, returned her symbolic gesture.

“So Jill, how long have you been in town?” Royce inquired while handing her a fresh cup of coffee.

Jill thought out her reply carefully trying not to reveal her real purpose for this visit, “Oh, I guess old memories of sharing Thanksgiving together with my friends, began to catch up with me, plus I miss New York City so much.”

Royce nodded in approval, “Well, I’m glad you decided to fly home to see us, right Emma?” Emma looked up from her stuffed toys and smiled.

Jill looked at her watch, “Oh…Listen Royce, I’m meeting Mary for lunch and then we are going to get in some Christmas shopping. Could you watch Emma during that time?”

Royce smiled as he looked adoringly at his daughter, “Do you even have to ask? I’d love to.” Royce replied while wrapped his arms around her holding her tight. This felt so right…he so needed to reveal how much he really missed her…maybe later at the proper time.

Mary and Jill gathered up their purchases and stepped onto the city bus. Their destination was Rockefeller Center. Their view on the way was phenomenal. In New York City, every year store designers transform their showplaces into miniature holiday worlds.

Mary and Jill warmed up their veins with some hot chocolate at a café table directly outside of the Center. Jill looked around at the classic holiday image, which also featured skaters on the famous skating rink. The festive tree, located directly in the middle of the center, was decorated with 78,000 lights, which brightly lit windows of skyscrapers in the surrounding area. The atmosphere left a distinctive flavor of the holiday season in New York City. Jill had seen this holiday setting many times before, however; this time for some reason it meant more.

Mary looked directly at Jill…there was something she needed to ask her, “Jill, did you ever regret leaving Royce?

Jill stunned by the direct answer sat quietly before speaking, “Royce has always been special to me, so yes it was hard leaving him behind.”

“Did you ever regret moving so far away with Emma?”

“Well that was a problem, but you have to remember he agreed with me on taking the job.”

“I fully realize that, but if he would have asked you to stay, would you have considered it?”

Jill began to squirm in her seat…she felt Mary had crossed the line.

Mary realizing she had delved too far into the situation backed off, “I’m sorry…I apologize…that decision was between you and him. Listen, he is staying with the twins tonight while Carver and I attend a movie. You and Emma are certainly welcome to come over and share some Thanksgiving leftovers together.” Mary to make up for her nosy question reached over and placed her hand on hers, “Why don’t you come?”

Jill realizing this was an opportunity to spend more time perked up, “Thanks, I will. What time?”

“Around seven o’clock.”

Jill put a sleepy Emma down on a bed in Mary and Carver’s guest room. She had lasted an hour before falling asleep on the floor beside her stuffed toys. She looked so peaceful sleeping there. The family atmosphere saddened Jill as she realized Emma did not have any relatives in Paris.

“OK, now just in case, our cell numbers are on the refrigerator…uh…their diapers are beside their cribs and if they wake up, give them something warm. There’s turkey and leftover dressing and pies in the refrigerator and…” Carver somewhat impatient chimed in, “Mary, they already know all of this. Can we go please?”
After sharing turkey sandwiches, cider and warmed up dressing, Royce and Jill took their cider and went downstairs to the family room. The focal point of the room was a stone fireplace that lined one wall. Searching over the comfortable homey atmosphere, Jill soon noticed a familiar item, “That was the couch that used to be in Mary’s apartment.”

After lighting a fire in the fireplace Royce pointed over to the once familiar couch, “Would you care to set down?”

Jill smiled as she slid onto the couch. At first, both acted uncomfortable, but as the relaxing atmosphere enveloped them, they began to relax and open up. “Wow, I can see why Carver and Mary wanted to move out here…it’s beautiful. Look outside; the snow’s falling?” Jill beginning to feel bold leaned over and placed her head on his shoulder.

Royce nervous at first put his arm around her. “Jill, you know I missed you”…suddenly Emma ran downstairs crying…Mommy…dark.” Jill pulled the freighted two-year old up on the couch between them. As their daughter settled down…this newfound family sat together contently enjoying their time together in this homey atmosphere.

Sandra Johnson sat across from her daughter at the kitchen table sharing bagels and orange juice together. “So Jill, how did your date go with Royce?”
Jill looked up, a bit stunned that her Mother would come out with that bold of statement. Jill attempted to suppress the question, “Uh…What are you talking about?”

Sandra not being put off so easily informed her daughter, “Oh c’mon sweetie, I know you better than you that. You absolute glow…sweetie that tells it all. Why you won’t admit you are in love with guy is beyond me.”

Jill turned and looked away from her Mother while fiddling with her hair, “Oh by the way Mom, would you mind watching Emma this evening. Royce is ordering in Chinese at his townhouse and he’s invited me to join him.”

Sandra walked over and kissed her daughter while running her fingers through her hair, “Of course I will.”

After Jill left for her date, Sandra sat down at her desk and began writing a shopping list. As she picked up the notepad she found the name Louis Vuitton along with a phone number scribbled on it. Why would Jill be calling them when she could very easily send them an E-Mail over her blackberry? Perhaps she...no it couldn't be.

It was 6:00 pm. As the Chinese food plates kept warm in the oven, Royce removed more logs from the wood holder and placed them on the fire. Just as he began stirring the fire, the doorbell rang. Royce ran down the steps and opened the door.

“Is Don Perignon ok?” Jill inquired proudly displaying the expensive wine.

Royce reached over and softly kissed her, “Wow, fancy…I don’t know if that will go along with my simple Chinese.”

“Well perhaps later on”, Jill teasingly flirted while entering the townhouse.

“Can I take your coat?”

“Sure”, Jill removed her coat revealing a beautifully styled blue cashmere sweater. As she turned and faced him, Royce noticed how the blue cashmere sweater perfectly matched her blue eyes.

Royce placed two overstuffed pillows in front of the fireplace, “Sit.”

Jill sat down in front of the fire. Shortly, Royce placed two Waterford wine glasses in front of her, opened and poured the wine. As he took his place on the other pillow, he began reflecting back to his drunken bout a few days previous. What a change these past few days had made.

After the meal, Royce and Jill pulled their pillows closer to one another. Royce began feeling nervous. He so wanted to make a move…what was stopping him? “Jill?”

Jill looked over at him…he knew…now was the time, “You know I never stopped being in love with you, don’t you?”

Jill stunned by the sudden revelation sat down her wine, reached over and put her hands on his face. Their lips met softly at first, softly progressing into passion. He grabbed her hand and led her into his bedroom. He pulled her over to him and began removing her clothing…he stopped…her skin was as soft and smooth and still enticing. She placed her hands on his face pulling him down the bed. Soon he was on top of her. As the motion of their bodies met, passion ignited, they soon found in each other again, all they had missed throughout the years still existed. No one else had filled that desire. He slowly entered her. It felt so right. All of the anger they had experience towards one another melted away. Within a short time both had experienced pure passion.

As they fell away from each other Royce turned and put his hand on her face.
Jill looked directly into his eyes, “Royce, I am totally in love with you.”

Royce softened by her revelation put his head back down on the pillow.
Jill supporting herself on one arm leaned over and placed her hand on his chest, “Royce, is there something else you want to say to me?”

“Yes. Stay.”

The End

© Copyright 2007 BarbP (barbp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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