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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1283926
Short story based around fantasy/supernatural things.
Malice In Wonderland

Small town in Oaklahoma nothing but fields and sky for as far as Morlock can see as he stumbles along the long dirt road leading to Razor Back Cemetery. The sun is sinking faster than Morlock would like. As the wind blows harshly like a legion of roaring demons shaking the limbs of the trees as one might shake from the chills. Morlock knows that with it being the sanguine moon or more commonly known as the moon of blood, he has to isolate himself away ’til the dawn.

The darkening landscape makes his paranoid haze much worse than the shadows painted on the wall in the run down bar he left nearly half an hour before. Reminding him that his curse was fast approaching, keeping him alert and more than a little painfully aware of his weakening condition.

His curse half known as Isaac was gaining control faster and faster as the seconds went by and the time for Isaac to do the devils bidding was closer than he’d like to admit. When he looses his body and mind to Isaac he knows he’s in for a long night.

“There is a reason why they call him scarecrow, Morlock. Tholomew muses darkly, Isaac is after all, the original devil infused predator of this town and has been since the beginning.” Watching silently as he sits upon his chosen perch he feels the change in the air

“Hmm, seems that something wicked this way comes now!” Tholomew presses his thoughts with sickening glee.As Morlock approaches the old fence he sees the one “person” he’d never like to see that is, if, he can help it. “God damn he’s onto me again or maybe I’ve had too much to drink.”

Sitting upon the bent and rusting fence wire is his families curse guardian Tholomew “Still running, still trying to control what you cannot I see.Ya know, Lock, if you weren’t so stoned so trashed maybe you’d make it to the cemetery in time!” Tholomew cackles with a sadistic smile playing on his lips as he leans towards Lock, leering at him, mocking him.

Hopping down off his perch Tholomew circles him, watching him, as though it were the best thing to watch Isaac come into existence every sanguine. “You think you’d have learned by now that you will always loose until the day you die you will always be a pawn, Morlock.”

“Perhaps, but, its worth the night to ensure that innocent blood is not on my hands.” Morlock sneers throwing a dark look in Tholomews direction. It was then he realized what Tholomew said was true so he’d have to go to plan b. Though he only had about ten minutes to spare now.

“Well come along boy we don’t got all night! Seems we’ll have to improvise on how to control that lovely scarecrow of yours.” Tholomew calls mockingly over his shoulder. As Morlock follows him vaguely he wonders if any one who values their life has sought safety locked away in their homes or some other area. Just not out in the open.

Not that it matters because Isaac is the strong half now. As his last bit of control slips away for the night. “Five months gone and now I’m back. Away with that useless bastard eh Tholomew?” Isaac asks grinning sadistically as he stands before Tholomew. “Oh, what’s the matter now Tholomew? You act as though you are not happy to see me again! As he leers into Tholomews face, wearing, a mask of false innocence.

“I’m about as happy to see you as I am to not torment Lock. Don’t you have something else to do other than to bother me?” Tholomew growls out teeth baring in annoyance.

A dark mirthless chuckle escapes Isaac’s throat and through his lips “I’m in no rush I’ve got the whole night but I’d rather have fun with an angel first.” Isaac says forcing Tholomew backwards against the fence as vines start to creep up and around his throat and over his chest and arms effectively pinning him there. “Almost like a stuck pig.” Isaac thinks with a grotesque happiness.

“But then again, what’s the use of an angel that’s cut up and hanging around?”Watching the recognition flash through Tholomews eyes as he pulls out Morlocks throwing knives.Onyx eyes narrow into cat like slits regarding him before the first cut with the knife is made. The slow drag of the knife against skin. Cackling laughter and a cry of pain, harsh panting breath are all that can be heard from either of the figures.

“Ah, so you won’t scream for me Tholomew? Well, let’s make you scream I mean isn’t that what your kind does best? Suffer.”

A flick of the wrist and a throwing knife finds its way into the left side of Tholomew's arm, Then dragged up the arm, down the left side of his torso, and to the hip. A hiss of pain earned but not a scream. A frustrated sigh before the next knife is brutally thrust into the skin just above Tholomew's left hip.

“Don’t bore me Tholomew I know what a sado-masochist you are when it comes to pain. I can make it easy or the easiest just tell me where the book is and where you’ve laid my bones.”

Whispered into his ear as a cut is made at the collar bone and lick of the blood causes a sharp in take of a breathy moan on Tholomews part.

I soon as rather you kill Morlock. Than as tell you where they’ve been laid.” A swift punch to the mouth and blood being spit on the ground. “Planning to just as soon as I get my book back and my bones. Issac grins malevolently. The vines securing Tholomew tighten to an almost unbearable tightness but just enough for breath.

“You can’t kill him Isaac.You’re both two sides of the same coin and without a host. Well, you’re just outta luck.”

A triumphant grin spreads over Tholomews face and they both know that he’s found Isaac’s chink in the armor.Stuck in a stale mate that’s like mumbley peg labored breathing and quick thinking sizing up the other. They know how this works by now and one can’t defeat the other and one can’t exist with out the other; its dark light reasoning.
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