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Somin i did for the love of my life Naomi littler |
Naomi, we're both weird, got the same airspace frequency and a hell of alot more but i hope tht me n u last 4eva and woteva happens we'll tackle it together, i'v a special somin 4 ur b/day which i'll give u either the day after or day be4 haven't decided yet but i love u 4 who u r not 4 tryin 2 be some1 ur not. Now our real feelings r out we can show the world wot 2 insane dirty minds can do wen put together, and thts not good 4 every1 else! I love u more than life, u stole my heart and i stole urs now we're in love, we're invincible. The marks on our bodies show how much we're loved by the other and wot we'v done 2 get here, i ![]() Ur heart is warm i cud just sleep in it, ur voice needs no words as it plagues my mind and will do foreva. Our love was once hidden now released to be show to the world how much we mean to each other. I'll never break up wiv u as i love u 2 much. Wen we're apart time drags on slower i only wish tht time wud stop 4 us. U'v done wot few have, u'v repaired my heart and healed my soul and i never thought i'd find some1 who cud do that then i fell in love with u nd u did, my life cant possbly get any better. I want to spend the rest of my life wiv u regaurdless of wot happens. I will always love u. All i ask from u is 2 be loved 4 who i am in return and even tho i may no have ur pic as a good luk charm, the key to ur heart is more than enough. When we first tlked well it was a bit on and offy then we loved each other from then on but it was forbidden so we kept it secret, now its no longer a secret the universe will live in fear of what 2 insane lovers can do wen put 2gether, and thts not good 4 the sane! |