Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1279957-The-Clover
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #1279957
Rough draft of a story depicting a mans struggle determining his past, from the present.
Tom walked into Jim’s Jungle for the third time that week. He knew Jim personally so suspicions wouldn’t be raised about the amounts of alcohol Tom had been consuming these past few weeks. Despite his lack of concern over his appearance he couldn’t help but notice a few ladies eying him as he sat on the farthest barstool in the joint. He had always been quite the handsome man. Tall, naturally tan complexion, piercing blue eyes. He always had a lingering smell of Burt’s Aftershave, cigarette smoke and Wrigley’s Spearmint chewing gum. Most women found that attractive, especially when he had more of a rugged look--as he did tonight. Tom hadn’t shaved in weeks and he had grown to appreciate the stubble along his chin and cheeks. After making sure he had gotten Jim’s attention, he swiveled around in his stool to scan the crowd.
“Not bad for a Friday.” he thought to himself. Usually on Friday’s the place was cleared out. Most men couldn’t get away with coming in after a long eight or nine hours at the office. They had wives’ and families awaiting them for Friday night family night. Tom remembered those days.
“Hey Tom. What’ll it be tonight buddy?” Jim asked breaking Tom’s train of thought.
“I think I’ll just have a Bud, Jim.”
“Put it on the tab?”
“Yeah. That’ll be fine. Thanks man.”
“No problem.” Tom watched Jim retreat to the cooler to fetch a cold Bud and pop the top on the counter. He placed it on a napkin in front of Tom and turned down to the customer at the other end of the bar. Tom glanced down the stools out of curiosity and did a double take. The woman placing her drink order was beautiful. She looked to be a few feet shorter than Tom but that’s how he liked it. She had golden honey hair that fell in twisted locks to her shoulders delicately framing her porcelain toned face. The woman must have sensed eyes on her as she turned in her stool to seek the source of the stare. She flashed Tom a perfect pearly smile and there was an undeniable twinkle in her exquisite chestnut brown eyes that gave her smile a run for its money. Her jaw line was set which radiated confidence and independence which drove Tom wild. However the most important detail of all was one he found hard to come to grips with. Just the thought of it made him look back for certainty; but it was undeniable. The girl looked just like Nichole. His Nichole.
“It can’t be.” Tom thought to himself. “There’s--There has got to be some logical explanation to this.” Tom’s features hardened as he thought back to that damp, cold day in December just three years ago. The way his heart ripped apart as he tossed his single red rose into the burial site as he whispered his last goodbye to the love of his life. The only girl he’d ever loved with a love immeasurable. Hearing Jim’s voice in what seemed a far away place, Tom forced himself into the present. Staring ahead he took a sip of his beer and forced himself to snap to. “I buried her.” He mumbled to himself. But as he downed another swig he allowed himself to take a quick glance back over in the girl’s direction. She wasn’t looking his way so his gaze lingered over her face until he saw what could only confirm his suspicions. The blood rushed from his face as he gasped for breath; for on the girls neck was a birthmark resembling a clover. The same birthmark he had loved about Nichole.

“Hey Tom, have you seen my keys?” Nichole shouted from the kitchen. Upstairs, Tom chuckled as this had become almost a daily routine for them. Nichole couldn’t seem to keep anything in place.
“On top the computer desk beside the fax machine. You left them there last night.”
“Oh yeah. Thanks honey.”
“No problem darling.” He thoroughly enjoyed mocking his wife. After four amazing years of marriage he felt as if they’d been together a lifetime and still had a lifetime to go--a feeling he wouldn’t trade for anything. He heard her rustling around a bit more in the kitchen before finally her footsteps sounded on the wooden staircase.
“Alright Tom. I’m off to work. I’ve got to hurry before I’m late. That big presentation for Mr. Furman is this morning and I want to have time to prepare.”
“Second time you’ve been late this week Nichole,” he said with a chuckle, “and it’s only Tuesday.”
“I don’t see you rushing out of here worrying about being late yourself Mr. Jones. You might want to practice what you preach.” Despite her serious tone Nichole reached over the bed to pop Tom in the shoulder.
“It’s my day off Nichole. I told you that I had Wednesday off sometime last weekend.” He feigned a hurtful expression. “Oh! Why don’t you skip the presentation and stay home with me? We could grab some lunch, take it out to the waterfront. It would be fun.”
“Tom…” Nichole drew it out in a whiny sing-song voice, “you know I can’t do that. I’ve been preparing for this presentation for months now. Mr. Furman expects me to give a detailed and precise explanation of the company’s expansions.” Tom sighed and leaned against the headboard of the bed.
“Let Felicia do it. If I remember correctly she was researching and prepping with you. I’m sure she could do a fine job and I don‘t think Steve would mind.” There was a slight hint of desperation in Tom’s voice and it broke Nichole’s heart to have to refuse his offer. But she just couldn’t miss this opportunity. It was rumored that this presentation could quite possibly land her the coveted V.P position with Furman Enterprise. This was just something she couldn’t let slip away.
“I love you, Tom. I’ll be home at 5 o’clock, 5:30 at the latest. Then I’ll cook us a nice supper and we’ll make plans for this weekend.”
“I’m flying up to Brooklyn for the weekend. Conference. I told you that at the same time I told you I was off today.” Now there was undeniable hurt in Tom’s voice. But Nichole couldn’t deal with it now.
“Well, we’ll talk about it when I get home. I’m sorry, for what it’s worth. I love you.” She walked around the bed to plant a kiss on his cheek and turned to walk out the door.”
“Yeah, I love you too Nichole.” Tom listened to her footsteps down the stairs, heard her crank her Jeep Cherokee, pull out of the driveway, and slowly drive away. For some reason, it left him unsettled. It didn’t feel like any other day, not minding the fact that he was off for the day. However he just slipped the thoughts into the back of his mind and got up to brush his teeth and dress for his exciting day alone.

Nichole walked into the office feeling a mixture of emotions. She knew she was well prepared for the meeting that was scheduled to start in 15 minutes. However she was agitated with her & Tom’s fight before she left for work. Was she really that insensitive? Was she losing her precious husband all because of her dedication to her job? She took a deep breath and walked into the conference room. She had been waiting for this day a long time. If all went well she would be moved into her new V.P office before the end of the week.
“Such a vain spirit.” She chided herself out loud. Nichole knew anything could happen that would affect her chances of getting the position. She knew she would have to be in tip-top shape and on top of things that morning.
“Good morning Nichole!” Felicia bounded into the room with more energy than Nichole had ever seen. “How are you?”
“I’m good. Ready for this meeting to be over.”
“Oh me too! What’s wrong though? You look tired or upset--something. I don’t know.”
“Tom and I had a fight this morning. Gosh Felicia, he made me feel so horrible.” Nichole went on to explain the argument while Felicia just sat back and listened intently. When she was done, Felicia took a second before replying.
“Are you sure it was as bad as you think it was? I’ve known Tom a long time and I can’t see him as the guilt trip kind of guy.”
“Well…” Nichole thought for a second… “Maybe a lot of it was my own guilt for not paying him much attention lately.” Just as Felicia was about to speak, Mr. Furman stepped into the room and cleared his throat.
“Ladies, are we ready for our presentation today? You know the whole committee will be here for this expansion meeting. It’s an important day for Furman Enterprise. I have all confidence in my two favorite executives.”
“Aw don’t get all sentimental on us Mr. Furman. We need your tough, solid appearance to work with.” Felicia said with a smile. That was the joy of Nichole’s job. She adored the people she worked with. Felicia was her best friend on and off the job, and Mr. Furman was her next door neighbor’s son. Nichole often teased him by calling him “little Stevey” around the office. She loved her job and when she realized that she had been putting it before her marriage with Tom her heart sank. She slipped out of the room pulling Felicia along behind her.
“Hey Fee, do you think you can handle the meeting on your own? I really need to get home.” A look of panic surged across Felicia’s face.
“Is everything okay? You’ve been waiting for this meeting for as long as I can remember. Is Tom alright? Nichole, your face is so pale. What’s going on?” The questions only irritated Nichole--She had to get home.
“Look Felicia, can you do this for me or not?”
“Yeah, I’m sure I can. I’ve prepared with you for months. Go home. I’ll explain to Steve.
“Thanks, I owe you. I’ll call you when I get a chance and explain okay?” Nichole gave the girl a quick hug as she scrambled to her office to gather her things. She held her stomach as she ran out to her jeep and guided it onto the highway.
“We’ll be okay, sweetie. You just wait and see. We’ll go talk to daddy and tell him everything. We’ll fix this. Everything will be okay.” Nichole was too caught up with talking to the daughter Tom didn’t know was on the way to notice the 18-wheeled truck race through the stoplight on a direct course with her jeep.”

The impact of Tom meeting the floor jarred his whole body awake. He checked the clock to see it was 10 ‘til 6. The room was dark around him. He couldn’t believe he had slept that hard for four hours. Lifting himself up he checked his cell for messages then the house phone. Finding none, Tom went downstairs checking the house for any sign of Nichole.
“Hadn’t she said she’d be home around 5:30?” he said aloud to himself. Her car wasn’t in the garage though and there was no note on the counter. An uneasy feeling quietly settled over Tom but he refused to give into the fear. He was sure there was an explanation. She’d probably gotten the V.P. position and had gone out with Felicia and Steve to celebrate. Or maybe she was at Tomlinson’s picking up stuff for that supper she had promised. Still though, that familiar fear crept upon him like it did every time she was late without explanation. Tom poured a glass of tea and flipped on the T.V in the den. “Nothing good on as always.” He chuckled to himself. Nichole hated all the ridiculous programs on television which would explain their extensive DVD collection. He stopped on a local channel to check out the news. He needed to see the weather for his weekend flight out.
“Our top news story tonight at 6--A deadly accident on Madison and 5th leaves one dead, and one in critical condition. For more details stay tuned.” Tom faintly heard the opening chords of the news theme. He felt such remorse for the families of those victims. Situations like that were so heartbreaking. How quickly loved ones could be taken from you.

Samson, Tom and Nichole’s lab came running when he heard glass breaking in the den. He found Tom sunk into the corner of the couch, hands over his mouth, no color in his face with tears streaming down his cheeks. He waddled over to Tom and stuck his head in Tom’s lap. All he could hear was Tom quietly whispering to himself.
“It can’t be true. It’s not her. That’s not her jeep. It can’t be true. That’s not my Nichole.”

“This is the worst part of the job.” Wayland said to Rick as they got into their squad car. “I bet this guy has no idea what’s coming. I feel for him.”
“You feel for him? I feel for him, Way. I remember when you came to tell me about Sarah. My whole world stopped. Thank God she was okay. I can’t imagine what this…” he flipped open the manila folder sitting in his lap… “Tom Jones will feel.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll never get used to having to do this. But I’m just not field cop material. You know that.” Wayland said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood for the time they had left before telling Tom Jones his wife was dead. He knew as well as anyone that the job couldn’t get too personal or they would never be able to do it. Rick looked over at Wayland’s gut with a laugh.
“Yeah, I know, Way.”

The rain came down hard that day and a cold wind blew from the North. Two weeks until Christmas and Tom was burying the love of his life. His precious Nichole and his little baby girl too. He had no idea why Nichole hadn’t told him. They had wanted a child for the past year. She was pregnant, and she hadn’t told him. Now it was too late.
“We shouldn’t have been fighting. She shouldn’t have rushed home.” Tom thought to himself as the minister finished up the service. It was supposed to have been a small one but everyone Nichole had ever known as there. Tom felt his heart ripping apart as he tossed his single red rose into her final resting place and whispered his last goodbye to his wife and daughter.
“This isn’t goodbye, Nichole. I will see you again one day.”

Those words echoed through Tom’s mind as he sat at the bar at Jim’s Jungle. He started down at the striking young woman. It had been three years since Nichole’s death but Tom’s memory of her was as untainted as ever. He downed the last of his beer and gave a wave to Jim. He made his way passing the empty stools until he came to a stop beside the woman.
“Evening miss. My name’s Tom. Tom Jones. I can’t help but get the feeling I know you. Have we met before?”
“Hello Tom. I don’t believe we have met until now. My name’s Nichole. Nichole Jones, actually. Such a crazy coincidence ain’t it.” She said in a matter of face tone with a mysterious gleam in her eye. With fear in Tom’s eyes and a tremble in his voice he slowly tried to reply.
“You have no idea, Nichole.”
© Copyright 2007 nicolebee (thecataclysm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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