Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1279721-when-we-met
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1279721
love at first sight for two girls
"This convention sucks," said Andrea bored.
"I know, who cares about this stupid convention. Im not even old enough to work yet." Amanda replied.
The job convention had just began and already the girls were bored of it.
"Lets go find someone to mess with," Amanda whined.
"You go by yourself im goin to go to the girl scout stand, because they given out cookies."Andrea replied over enthusiastically.
The girls went their seperate ways. Andrea going for her Mint cookie and Amanda lookin for someone to hang out with. Andrea was a short, chubby mocha colored girl, who had not grown out of her "tomboy phase" as her mom put it. She wore baggy clothes that made her look twice as big as she was and went for the all natural hair look. Amanda was about the same except she was white ,more into girly stuff,and over homophobic. After Andrea got her cookie she met back up with Amanda who had finally found the rest of the gang Porchia, who was the shortest, Coty who was just an inch taller, and Amber who was the misfit of the whole group. They were bout to get in some trouble, all them in one room was mishcief waiting to happen. They all set off going to different stands, stalking boys they thought were cute(an activity that andrea never perticipated in, she had never been boy crazy.) After awhile of walking around Andrea decided to take a break and met up with her friend brandon.
"Whats up Andrea" said Brandon.
"Nothin much, just lookin for my future."
"LOL same here, why dont you come take a break with me and let me introduce to my friend Linsey."
After walkin up the bleachers they finally got to where Linsey was sitting. Adrienne was amazed at what she seen before her 5'8, dark brown hair, honey brown eyed sat one of the most gorgeous girls Andrea had ever seen.
"Hey!!" Andrea managed to choke out, feeling that staring at Linsey would make her think that she was some dumb idiot.
"My names Andrea, whats yours, well i mean I know your name but your suppose to say that." Andrea nervously spoke.
Linsey giggled, it sent such a joy up Andrea's body like she had been deaf all her life and that giggle was the first, most beautifull thing she had heard. The two began to talk. Feelin very awkward, Andrea couldnt help wandering why she was wondering was linsey the curious type who wuldnt mind sittin on the fence. Andrea wanted so bad to be the one sitting on the fence with Linsey.
"So i see you havent did any of your paper that youre suppose to turn in," Andrea said tryin to make conversation.
"NO i dont feel like doing it and my sergeants being a butt whole to me," Linsey replied a little sadly.
"Well you can copy my paper," Andrea said trying to sound like Linsey's rescuer.
When Linsey was handing the paper back to Linsey Sergeant Bottoms came and took Andrea's paper for cheating.
"Im so sorry, I didnt meant to get your taken"
"Its cool dont worry." Andrea wasnt about to let something like a stupid project get in the way of what could and would possibly become one of her best relationships with another human being.
After the convention Linsey and Andrea went different ways they didn't see one another again for 2 periods. At lunch Andrea caught up with Linsey again but they really didnt talk much Andrea feared that she had scared Linsey. Maybe staring wasn't the best thing to do when i've just met her," Andrea thought. Andrea couldn't help but keep wandering the whole lunch, as she watched Linsey could she possibly ever get the chance to show her how she felt. She meant nonsexually at the time, but who ever knew what was in store for the both of them in the future. A couple of weeks went by and Linsey began to sit with Andrea at her table, the majority of the time Andrea found herself sittin beside Linsey without realizing it. Some days went by and Andrea was talking to some of her friends about Linsey, since that was all she ever talked about, and she found out that Linsey, in fact, not only sat on the fence but actually had jumped to the other side, the side Andrea had hoped she would be on. Andrea played it cool though she didnt want to seem anxious and "I mean come on she's GORGEOUS." Andrea kept tellin herself.
One day at the bus loading Linsey friend Matrese came over and was like
So,Andrea are you..." she looked at Andrea weird.
"Am I What?" Andrea asked(some how you can always tell when someones askin the "ARE YOU GAY?" question.)
"You know," she hesitated moving her hand side to side.
"OH!!" Andrea said sounding surprised,"Yea"
"Well as you probably already heard Linsey' gay and she's crushin on you."
Andrea felt like Lil Jon for a moment when she said,"WHAT!!"She had to be playin with me.Me,Andrea having this bombshell like me?"She thought"OK, im being PUNK'D."Andrea regained her posure and asked,"R U sure?"
"YEP!" she replied,"and she wants your number."
"K." So Andrea get out some paper and gave Matrese her number to give to Linsey.
"Tell her to call me tonite after nine." Andrea said hiding her excitement,and she ended her day over joyed.
That night was the valentines day dance, but Andrea couldnt make it. Around 9 o'clock Andrea checked her phone NO CALL. Andrea began feeling like she should have known it was too good to be true.So she went and shot some hoops to ease her mind, but when she got back in she had a missed call from an unknown number.

© Copyright 2007 soNlove (lr33c3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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