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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #1279695
The third chapter. Cloud wakes up with the fear that he is losing his eyesight. Enjoy!
Denzel heard a piercing scream from Cloud as his body lost all of its life and his skin lost its color. Sephiroth’s spirit came out of Cloud’s body and the same piercing scream he heard from Cloud he heard from Sephiroth’s spirit. After it screamed it disintegrated into flames and disappeared.

         Denzel put Cloud’s cold hand in his. “Cloud I did it your safe. Please wake up. Please wake up. You promised you promised.” Denzel lowered his head over Cloud’s lifeless body and cried bitter tears. “Please, Cloud, wake up. Please, don’t leave me here alone. We have to save Marlene together.” Denzel just couldn’t let go of Cloud. He just couldn’t so much was at stake. He just hoped with all his heart and soul that Cloud would wake up.

         â€śCloud please let me help you.” “No, Tifa, I will remain like this for the rest of my life. Since you never loved me just leave me the fuck alone.” Cloud felt Tifa’s hands on his wound. He didn’t realize how painful it was. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground. Tifa put her arms around him and comforted him with a soft kiss. “Please Cloud let me help you. I’m so sorry, but I can’t say I hate Reno I love him. I’m so sorry Cloud.”

Cloud looked at Tifa with anger in his eyes. “Leave me alone, please. I can forgive you, but I still can’t get over the fact that it took you till you were on your death bed to tell me. No wait you never told me Denzel did. If you love Reno then just leave me alone, but know that I will always love you. I don’t know how I will live without your touch, without your kiss. Tifa I love you so much, but obviously you don’t love me the same way I love you. What I still don’t understand is why didn’t you tell me that you didn’t love me? Why did you lead me on with the belief that I was the only man in your life? Why? Why? My heart will never mend and every time I think of you it will bring me a mixture of joy and pain.” Tifa was crying did she regret what she did?, thought Cloud. “Cloud please forgive me. I am so sorry I should’ve told you and I regret that, but I love Reno I’m sorry.” Anger flowed through Cloud like a never ending river. “Just leave me alone leave me the hell alone.” Hot tears flowed down Cloud’s cheeks.

         Denzel heard a groan from Cloud and he smiled. He had been so scared in his life. Denzel heard Cloud panting for breath. Cloud looked so worn and tired. Cloud turned his head and looked at Denzel. A big smile came upon his lips. He hugged Denzel and said, “Thank you so much my son.” Denzel smiled back and gave Cloud a kiss on the cheek Denzel looked at the wound that he inflicted on Cloud. “It’s still bleeding. Let me wrap it up.”

         When Denzel walked out of the room to get the first aid kit Cloud leaned back into the pillows and sighed. It burns so much am I going to have this problem for the rest of my life? he thought. Oh well I guess it won’t give me that much pain. Denzel returned with the first aid kit and began to dress Cloud’s wound. As he was wrapping Cloud’s wound Denzel said, “Cloud are you okay?” Cloud didn’t know how to answer him. He didn’t want to lie to Denzel. “Denzel, I can hardly breathe and my heart burns every time I try to keep it beating regularly. My heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to explode. I don’t know what to do. And on top of that I think that I am losing my eyesight.”

         Denzel looked at Cloud in horror. “What? Do you think you are going blind?” “I don’t know Denzel, I just don’t know. But it seems that way.” Denzel watched Cloud as he put his face in his hands and began to cry. Denzel put Cloud’s hands down from his face and said, “Cloud I’m sure that everything is going to be okay.” Cloud smiled weakly. “Now why don’t you try to get some rest?” “Okay thank you Denzel for everything.” Denzel gave Cloud a kiss on the cheek and closed the door.

         â€śHello there Cloud. Did you miss me?” “What? I thought that-.” “Well that little brat took away some of my powers but not all of them. And I think me losing my powers had a bigger effect on Marlene.” Kedaj sent Cloud an image of Marlene screaming in pain and shaking uncontrollably. “See what you have done to Marlene. She will never forgive you now.” “Fuck you you bastard.” “Hey, Cloud now be nice. Remember I still have control over your body and I can make you legally blind. Yes, I know that you are losing your eyesight and you’re afraid that you will never be able to see again.” “Go ahead and do it then. I will still kick your ass when we meet again.” “Ha ha ha. Oh Cloud you crack me up. Oh dear.” A fierce pain came through Cloud’s body and he groaned in pain. “Ha ha ha. You want to be blind so I’ll make you blind. You will be as blind as a bat. Ha, get it? As blind as a bat.”

         Cloud knew that he was awake but he couldn’t see correctly everything was black. I must be dreaming, he thought, I know I’m dreaming. But then he heard the door opening and he heard someone walking towards his bed. “Who are you? What do you want?” “Cloud it’s me Denzel. Are you all right?” Cloud’s heart filled with horror. He really was blind. “Oh my God. I am blind. Oh my God.” Cloud just couldn’t believe it. Kedaj was not kidding when he said that he was going to make him blind. Cloud was so scared how was he supposed to fight Sephiroth now?

         Denzel looked at Cloud in horror. He was shaking uncontrollably. He kept on screaming I am blind I am blind. Denzel just couldn’t believe it. When he left Cloud could see. How could he have gone blind in that short amount of time? There was only one answer, Sephiroth.

         Cloud just couldn’t believe it. He was blind. He thought that Kedaj was kidding but obviously not. “Cloud? Cloud can you hear me?” “Yes Denzel I can. I am not deaf. He heard Denzel laugh. “Cloud, I’m so sorry about your eyes.” “It’s alright. I guess I just have to get used to it.” Denzel took Cloud’s hand in his own. “Your hands are freezing and you are boiling hot. You should try to get some rest.” “Thanks mom,” said Cloud sarcastically. “I can’t sleep I either see Tifa or Sephiroth in my dreams. I don’t want to go to sleep.”  “Just try it will help you feel better. Please for me.” “All right all right, I give in. If you promise to cook me a good dinner.” “Deal?” “Deal.” Cloud leaned back into the pillows and fell asleep instantly.   
© Copyright 2007 LaVieBoheme!! (nodaybuttoday at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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