Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1279586-Traumatised
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Educational · #1279586
A little girl being abused
Scene one takes place in Kayla’s bedroom. Heavy breathing awakened her. As she arched her body, she could see a man’s silhouette standing at the edge of her bed swearing repeatedly.
Kayla: Uncle Freddie, what yuh doin’ in here … way mommy?
He stumbled toward her placing his liquor-drenched hand over her mouth.
Freddie :( slurs his words) Gal, ah tell yuh …. doh call meh Uncle Freddie. I aint yuh uncle and Loretta’s workin’.
Freddie in his drunken state fell on top of Kayla, causing her to cry.
Kayla: Wah yuh doin’?
Freddie: (snickers) I know yuh want dis as much as me. Every time I’m around yuh always teasin’ meh with dem short pants, yuh always wearin’. (strokes her face) There is only so much ah man could handle.
He forcefully kissed her as she fought under his weight.
Freddie: (slaps her across the face then hisses) Yuh bitch! Yuh know yuh want it so stop playin shy. I love it when girls play hard to get. The chase is more interestin’, especially when it comes to claimin’ meh prize.
Kayla :( murmurs) Oh, please don’t. Ah sorry, I’ll stop wear dem clothing.
Freddie: Shut up, Kayla or I’ll have to kill you.
He then swooped down on her like a vulture on his prey, quickly stifling her sobs.

Scene two takes place at Loretta’s front door. Sergeant Miller from West-End Police Station came to deliver some disappointing news.
Sgt. Miller: Good afternoon Madame, I have some bad news for you. Your daughter had a drug overdose and is warded at Mount Hope.
Loretta: My daughter... well she get what she deserves.
Sgt. Miller: Pardon Madame?
Loretta: Dat same girl tried to mash up meh relationship with meh man, telling people how he raped her!
Sgt. Miller: Madame are you going to the hospital or not?
Loretta: Tomorrow.
Scene three takes place in the hospital, where Kayla was hospitalized. A psychiatric nurse was talking to her.
Nurse: Why did you end up here?
Kayla: (sobs) I had no choice. No one loves me…not my mother…definitely not me.
Nurse: why do you say that?
Kayla: My mother’s boyfriend raped me. She doesn’t care. She thinks I want to ruin her ‘love life’. He practically owns her.
Nurse: That is harsh.
Kayla: My life is harsh. The only reason why I used drugs was to dull the pain- the pain of knowing that she will never love or accept me.
Loretta: ( storms into the room) You ungrateful child! After all I done for you…yuh pull ah stunt like dis ( pointing at Kayla)
Nurse: Madame, please control yourself, my patient is ill. She doesn’t need anymore stress.
Loretta: I am this child’s mother, unfortunately.
Kayla: Yuh right mom, I bet you if I were dead, it would have solved all your problems.
Loretta: My problems? It’s not my problems that have you in the hospital, it’s yours! You lie too much!
Nurse: Miss, I think you should leave my patient in need of rest.
Kayla: (hisses) He is both our problem.
Loretta: He’s not my problem you are. I think it’s best you live with your father.
Kayla: (cries) If that will make you happy, bye mom.
Loretta walked out the room with tear-filled eyes; doubts began to circulate in her head about Freddie.

Scene four takes place at Loretta’s home. Freddie came home late and was drunk.
Loretta: What happened the night I was working late shift?
Freddie: (slurs) woman come off it nah. De past is de past.
Loretta: So yuh really raped meh daughter.
Freddie: I didn’t say that, yuh puttin’ words in meh mouth. Anyway, if I did, she deserves it, always parading around here in dem short pants temptin’ de eyes.
Loretta: (slaps him across the face) how could you rape meh child? How could I not believe her? Get out! Ah, go call de police for yuh ass.
Scene five takes place at the hospital.
Loretta: Kayla I’m sorry that I failed you as a mother, would you ever forgive me?
Kayla: No, you hurt me more than Freddie did. You were my mother yet still you sided with him. Now you’re asking for my forgiveness…well mom you already have it.
Loretta: (embraces her daughter) I love you Kayla.

© Copyright 2007 Enishal (enishal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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