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This is not your average boy meets girl story.(Comment on my work so that I could improve) |
Firm, a sense of reality Vol .1 Prologue It was about 6:00pm in my watch. I walk inside a fast food restaurant, the restaurant is pretty much for ordinary people like me, well some of my classmate were filthy rich to eat in a restaurant like this one but I wonder why the foreigners love to eat in this place, it only have simple red chairs, simple white tables, and a counter. I walk inside wearing my favourite black jacket, in my jeans and sneakers. There is a swarm of people inside most of them are foreigners, luckily there is a vacant seat which I scuttle to seat on. I sigh heavily after having a seat. While I looked around I kind of remember my high school life. I can never imagine that college life would be much easier. The fact is I always get a perfect score in my test but I’m kind of careless sometimes. I wish I could see my old pals again I really missed them but then again its time to say goodbye. Well college life is not that bad, I get to know other people their attitude and stuff. Well I have to learn to live in my own even it is difficult, I have to do this; this is my life and my future. My father always tells me to do my best in every way but what’s the fun with that. I sigh again after thinking this things but actually I kind of like doing things by myself. “Ugh, what time will they arrive, it’s very late I have to do my homework.” While I literally said to my self, I’m glad that no one’s able to hear it. With all these people I couldn’t even hear my self talking. Just by seeing them happily talking to each other and while couples are all around having the best time of their life I felt that I’m always alone. I never had a girl friend before. I wish a girl would come to my school and be my girl friend, ugh, What was I thinking I can’t have a girl friend now I’m still concentrating on my studies there’s no time for that now. After a while I stood up and head to the counter, I’m starving and I’m also tired of waiting better eat than do nothing. I saw the girl at the counter smiled and said, “what’s your order sir may I suggest that…”, this girl talks rapidly as if she doesn’t care even if I didn’t understand her, to make the conversation short I quickly said, “just give me a burger”. After that I got back to my seat something happened. It’s about 8:30 in the evening suddenly my classmate appears like a weed popping by in a field of grass. His manly looks made him look like a playboy while his macho stance give the impression “hey look at me girls I’m sexy”, if he where to run at a fashion contest I will definitely vote for him. The way he move and talk make me envy him I wish he could give me a part of confidence but well we have our own differences. “Hey, how are you? What are you doing here? Well I’m here with my dad; did you finish your assignment in our Grapone (a subject which involves drawing lines, curves, etc)?”After he said that to me he gasps for air. There are so many questions in so little time. “Well I’m fine (actually I’m not), I’m just wasting my time here waiting for my father to come and pick me up, well in that subject I didn’t have enough time but I manage to finish all of it” I answered as if I’m a dazzling person running for magna cumlaude (EN: a person who achieve the highest grade point average). “That’s great, well see you later” After that conversation he left just like a spectre, then back to my previous state, sitting while thinking. I could never thought that my life could be this boring, I wish that something happen to me just like in the book that I read about aliens and other super natural thing happening to a normal high school student to be in a middle of a war that causes the brink of reality and I will be the hero to safe the world, when I was a kid I had wish to obtain super natural powers after eating a magical candy from a magical candy shop. Well I can’t expect it to happen I realized that reality could be so mean, all of my wildest dream is lost, well let’s accept the truth that I got older and I’m now in college now, I must think rational and think about my future other than fighting supernatural beings. My grade here is my passport to obtain jobs, to gain professionalism. Then I glanced at my watch and I realize that its already 9:06pm, I spent more than 3 hours in this fast food restaurant, suddenly I realize that the guard at the door was looking at me as if saying “If your not going to eat then leave”. I felt that even the people beside me are getting anxious. I gaze at the windows, staring at a certain point. “Ahhh…, when will they arrive... I’m getting really bored here”, somebody over heard me, after saying that he looked at me with suspicion as if telling me “you’re a bad person aren’t you?” Then a black car arrives and the way the car turns it shows that, someone experienced is driving that car, well it’s my dad with my sister inside, what took them so long. Then finally I stand up and sigh in relive that their here, I’m so glad that they arrive I think that it’s only a matter of time the guard would literally force me out in the restaurant. “Hello” After that there is no reply, silence were abundant as if they’re deaf. I was expecting a reply like “hi” or “oh, sorry were late…”but no there was none. So I entered the car and just sat in the back sit without saying anything. My father is like a serious type of person he is always strict in every way in the way we act, dress and he implements rules are rules there is no exceptions. While my sister is a jolly person, she is always on the go in any activities we have but sometimes she could be very moody. While I was in the utterly quiet car ask my self ‘what if life is different, what if there could be something more’. I was being devoured by these two words ‘what if’. This is reality we are bound in the law of physics; we are limited in certain human bounds. We are only capable of doing thing the ‘normal way’. Even when you think the situation is extraordinary there is a science to explain it, there is always a reason that it happens. I wish there could be something super natural in a way that rational thinking can’t even mange to explain it. I was in a lot of thoughts while I’m sited in the car. I whispered, “Darn this reality” |