Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1277430-You-Wont-Controll-Me
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1277430
It's time for Resa to escape.
Ch. 1
Resa skidded to a stop, her heart was pounding. More than anything she wanted to keep running, but fear and maybe something else kept her where she was. In the darkness, Resa couldn't see well but she knew that He was close. The tall trees were everywhere and in the darkness it was impossible to see.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Resa. Haven't you learrned by now that there is no escaping me? Haven't you figured out that no matter what you do, I will always find and catch you?" He said, not bothering to hide the amusment in his voice. She couldn't tell where He was yet, the darkness still surrounded her.
Resa wanted to say something back, but when she opened her mouth, no sound came out.
"Come on girl, time to go back," He said.
"No!" Resa screamed. She could just make out where He was and started thrahing her arms around, hoping she would hit Him. Tears stung her eyes as she cried out for help. He grabbed a hold of her wrists with his large fat hands. Resa cried out. With a sigh He hit her hard across the head and she fell into obliviation.
Opening her eyes to blackness, Resa stiffled a cry. When she tried  to stand up she felt her hand chained to the pole in the middle of the room. She had been locked up in this room for most of the five years she'd been impisoned in His place of death. Most people called Him just by that, but Resa had overheard his actual name or at least what one of his men called him, Tom. She had no idea what he was doing with all the children here, and she didn't know what was so specail about her that it was important for her not to die.
It was a while before a sudden rush of light came in. Resa was starving and her throat was dry and rough. She tried to talk but when she opened her mouth her throat was too dry for sound. Resa looked up to see a little boy nervously clutching a chain of keys. He was wearing black pants and a white tee shirt. Just like every other person in His wretched place.
"I...I'm s..s...s..supposed to..to. take you t..t...to Him," the little boy stuttered in a high squeky voice. The boy's bottom lip was trembling and it looked like he was about to cry. Resa instantly felt sorry for the kid. She wished that he'd never been caught by Tom, that he was safe with this family instead of doomed to die like every other child here. Exept her.
"Are you going to r..ru...run away?" he asked stepping forwards.
"I have nowhere to run to," Resa answered simply. Her words were true but that wouldn't stop her. This response seemed to satisfy the poor boy for he walked and unlocked her, his hands trembling violently.
As soon as she was free, Resa bolted upright, bad choice. It felt like her legs had turned to jelly, she could barely stand up. Resa leaned on the small boy for support, she wouldn't bo going anywhere until she got the feeling back in her legs.
They boy led her down many hallways that were unfamiliar, they could've been going in circles for all she knew. Finally the cold floor was replaced with thick red carpet, the aged walls took on a new look as they were replaced with black paint. Pictures were hanging in various spots all of the same man. Resa knew where she was now, and knew that there was no chance of escape in this hallway. Camera's mounted on the walls fallowed their movement, watching in the silence.  The frightened boy stopped at a large wooden door guarded by two extremly large men.
The stepped aside and let Resa pass, the boy remained in the hallway, Resa felt bad for him, knowing his fate was nothing short of horrific.

As Resa stepped inside she almost sighed, the room was so warm, she had been locked in that room that was over airconditioned for what seemed like forever. She felt the goosebumps on her arms and legs dissolve slowly. 
"Resa my dear, so glad you could make it," He said. Resa jumped, she hadn't noticed him standing in the corner. She noticed he was staring at a picture of himself, Resa faught the urge to spit at him.
"Like I had a choice," she mumbled instead. 
"Haha, you amuse me,"
"go die," Resa shot back.
He stopped almost as if he was considering her request.
"Now why would I do that?
"Becuase you have no heart," Resa said, starting to run out of comebacks. She knew from expirenece that He could go on like this forever.
He laughed. Resa felt like screaming the name all the kids refered to him as when no one was listening, The Devil. However childish the name was it suited Him perfectly.
Resa slowly counted to ten, waiting out His fit of hysteria. She had no idea what would become of her, she had nothing but the hope of freedom, and even if she was somehow able to manage that she would have nowhere to go. The memories of her past had all but faded now. She couldn't remember her family or where she used to live or even laughing. It was no way to live.
"Please, why do you keep me? Just kill me now and end my misery!" Resa pleaded, her eyes becoming hot with tears.
"If I did that, then everything I've been working for would be all for nothing!"
"What would be for nothing?" Resa said slowly, starting to get firghtened.
"My life's work. The research, the power! If you were to die then i would have no one else to fall back on, no one else to use instead. Oh, the power that would go to waste!" He ranted on. His fists were clenched and Resa was terrified. She knew the last thing she wanted was for him to lose control.
She slowly backed up towards the door hoping to bolt out but He saw the sudden movement.
"Stop!" he shouted, "You can't run away from me, I control everyone!"
"Yeah well you won't control me!" Resa screamed and without thinking she shoved open the dark heavy door and dashed down the hall, no idea where she was going at all.

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