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Rated: E · Editorial · Political · #1275445
An alternative to those disenchanted with the establishment
After September 11th, we as a nation were angered, and rightly so.

After that time, our nation stepped across a line that should never be crossed.  We are enforcing ourselves as the Empire.  There are a lot of Americans who find it hard today to be proud of the actions which are being undertaken in our name.

We have so ingrained bad ideas into our system over the years that there seems no way to change it now.  At least no one wants to tackle the problem.

Well... for a change we have an opportunity to have a REAL outside thinking candidate on the ticket of one of the Big Two Parties. 

Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or a true Independent, Ron Paul stands out of the rest of the field with a common sense approach.  He is not offering easy choices, but rather radical change... back to the ideals on which this country was founded.

I doubt my words could ever change anyone's mind... but I am willing to do what I can to help spread his message.

Ron Paul is on the Republican ticket for 2008.  He has so far appeared at each of the Republican Primary debates, and has each time, not only won all on-line polls, but blew the opponents away.  Most people have never heard about him, and that is because he is being censored by the corporate media and establishment.

He supports not only bringing home our troops, but making a grand scale change to our entire foreign policy.  We should no longer police the world and enforce our might at will.  He does not want a weak country, just a weaker central government, and a more laize faire atmosphere.

Ron Paul ran for President previously on the Libetarian ticket.  Realizing that no third party candidate could possibly win in the general election, Ron moved over to the Republican party.  He is now desperately trying to get attention to his message, but is being stiffled at every turn by those with the most to lose.

Ron Paul supports a return to the principals established by our founding fathers.  He supports the constitution, and the notion of a government by the people... serving people's REAL needs.

Please... do yourself a favor... listen to 5 minutes of his dialogue on You Tube.  My favorite was his appearance on the Bill Maher show.

All I ask is that you take the time to give him consideration.  If you like his message, tell someone.

Ron Paul for President... a truly independent candidate.
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