Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1273991-Taken-for-Granted
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #1273991
A person I took for granted because I never thought one day she wouldnt be here.
Taken for Granted
She sported a silver and white hair style that resembled a cotton ball. The cracks and creases around her mouth were stained from tobacco juice. Being 13 Indian, her skin was ginger bread brown. Her clothes were never hip or in style, and she could have cared less about being in style. Her black and white striped dress always hung past her knees so she was sure not to show too much skin. She was cold natured, so to keep warm in the winter long handles were worn under her dress that over lapped the tops of her socks. She always had comfort in mind, so her favorite black cloth slip on shoes was worn all year long. She was blunt and to the point on every subject, and always was ready to share her opinion sparing no ones feelings. She had a personality like no other ornery, loving, caring, and grippe all at the same time. Her parents were poor and did well to feed their family of nine, much less have the finer things in life and send all seven children to school. She was the eldest child, and also one of the unfortunate ones who did not attend school. She never learned to read or write, but she could cifer. Tending to the younger children was her duty when she was younger while her parents picked cotton in the fields. I am sure this left a lasting impression on her, because she felt that family should help each other whenever possible. She would loan money as if she was the family bank, she would take in family with no place to go like the family homeless shelter. She passed these values on to her children and grandchildren. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for her family. Most of her life she was poor, so she could stretch a dollar a log way. Keeping a secret was not her strong suit. She would let a secret slip out not meaning to tell. She was highly thought of by the family and still is. The time she spent here on earth seems so short. This is my roots, my kin, and my grandmother. I miss and lover her dearly. I thought she would be around forever; I took her time with me for granted. I know I will see her again some day; we have so much to catch up on.
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