: Storm Machine
: 06-20-08 @ 8:50am : #1 for Stik, #3 for Summer.
: Mark
: 06-20-08 @ 9:01am : Stik #1 , Sum #2 ?? :-)
: Summer... who's she again?
: 06-20-08 @ 10:14am : Nobody right! Storm, I had to write several poems in iambic p. for class last year, and some haikus for a History project on Japan. I have yet to write a sonnet though. Stik--#3?
: Mark
: 06-20-08 @ 11:51am : #1 My shoe size is 11 #2 My age and IQ sometimes seem about the same. #3 My birthdate contains the sign of the beast.
: Storm Machine
: 06-20-08 @ 1:48pm : 1. Last week I had river- and lake-front property. 2. I was stuck in my home unable to leave because of the floodwaters. 3. I am currently unable to run A/C because of ongoing power restrictions in my town.
: Storm Machine
: 06-20-08 @ 1:48pm : Mark's is #3. :-D
: Mark
: 06-20-08 @ 2:20pm : Birthdate 11666... At least I was not named Damien. Sheta...#2
: Mark
: 06-20-08 @ 2:25pm : OT: and sorry to hear it - hope you and your are all ok - and you didnt lose too much. :-( *hugs*
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 06-20-08 @ 2:54pm : Summer got mine right (or write, haha). I wrote my first haiku when I was 12, but alas, it's lost. :-(
: Storm Machine
: 06-20-08 @ 2:57pm : Yes, Mine is #2, and most of me and mine are high and dry. Luckily!
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 06-20-08 @ 3:07pm : Let's go for a slightly more star studded set. #1 My first concert was Train/matchbox twenty #2 I've seen Conan O' Brien perform in person #3 I used to live a few mils from a home owned by Tiger Woods.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 06-20-08 @ 3:07pm : OT: That should say miles.
: Mark
: 06-20-08 @ 3:08pm : Stik #1
: Storm Machine
: 06-20-08 @ 3:40pm : Stik #3
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 06-21-08 @ 1:33am : No one got it right. I have never seen Conan live. On the other hand, I can tell you that Tiger Woods owns a house in the central part of Jupiter Island near the ocean. I lived about 8 miles north of it.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 07-25-08 @ 11:54am : Wow. Time to wake this place up with a road set! 1. I crossed the old 35W bridge in Minneapolis; 2. I've driven to the southern end of I-35; 3. I've driven to the southern end of the FL Turnpike.
: Storm Machine
: 07-25-08 @ 3:05pm : Stik's is #2.
: Mark
: 07-25-08 @ 3:39pm : ahm, yeah, lol #2
: Mark
: 07-25-08 @ 3:49pm : #1 My preferred soda is Diet Coke, #2 I am right handed, but bat lefty, #3 I wear no jewelery.
: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com
: 07-25-08 @ 4:15pm : #1 I used to drive a bus and a limo for a living, #2 I used to have the same job as Indiana Jones's hobby, #3 The longest I've ever been in the same job is 5 years.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 07-26-08 @ 10:17am : You two are correct! I've actually driven to the northern terminus of I-35.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 08-04-08 @ 5:35pm : Interesting, Stacey. I'm going to go with #2.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 08-04-08 @ 5:38pm : Mark-#2, Seisa-#3
: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com
: 08-04-08 @ 6:04pm : Rats! First guess, and she gets it right! :-P
: Storm Machine
: 08-04-08 @ 6:54pm : 1. I'm almost retired. 2. I almost got kicked out of Wal-mart. 3. I'm almost liking this new apartment.
: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com
: 08-04-08 @ 7:17pm : Stormy's is #3 :-D
: Mark
: 08-05-08 @ 10:22am : Right Stiky! Ahm...Sheta....gotta agree with Seisa's #3 guess. (Stacey, I'll guess #1, just on poor gut instinct)
: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com
: 08-05-08 @ 11:40am : Actually...now that I'm really thinking about it...I think Stormy's is really #1...she IS retired! :-D
: Storm Machine
: 08-05-08 @ 7:55pm : #3 is correct, Seisa. Dilbert's dad tells me not to fully retire because you get so busy!
: ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites
: 11-06-08 @ 6:07pm : #1 My hair is chin-length. #2 I love Katy Perry. #3 I've seen Geoff Moore and the Distance in concert.
: ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites
: 11-06-08 @ 6:09pm : Moirane~#1?
: ⭐Princette♥PengthuluWrites
: 11-07-08 @ 4:05pm : Yup, #1. *nodnod* My hair's almost down to my waist lol.
: Reyah
: 02-13-09 @ 4:58pm : 1: I am a Christian. 2: I have four half-brothers.
3: I have no real-life social life.
: Storm Machine
: 02-13-09 @ 5:13pm : Mire: #1?
: Reyah
: 02-14-09 @ 11:44pm : Yep, #1's the lie. I'm actually Pagan. {e:smile}
: Ravenwand, Rising Star!
: 02-15-09 @ 8:02am : What about last meals? If I were to have one, it would be: 1: Prime rib with baked potato, 2:Shrimp linguini with crusty french bread, 3: Peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich, with Lays chips on the side...
: Storm Machine
: 02-15-09 @ 10:38am : How can two of those be true?
: Ravenwand, Rising Star!
: 02-15-09 @ 1:54pm : No, only one is true. It would be my last meal; if I were offered the choice. One would be my second to the last meal, and the other, I would reject like raw liver.
: Storm Machine
: 02-15-09 @ 2:04pm : Then how does it fit 'two truths and a lie'?
: Ravenwand, Rising Star!
: 02-15-09 @ 8:53pm : Pick the lie? Geesh didn't mean to complicate things. Forget I ever posted.
: Mark
: 02-16-09 @ 11:28am : Raven, #2 is the lie? oops *forgets you posted*
: Mark
: 02-16-09 @ 11:36am : some of my prefs: 1.)fruit over veggies 2.)dogs over cats 3.) private over public
: Ravenwand, Rising Star!
: 02-16-09 @ 1:24pm : LOL ((((Mark)))) always ready with your oar of peace... Or is that piece? Actually, number three is a lie. If you read any of my deliberately bad poetry, you would know of my morbid dislike for Apple Jelly.
: Ravenwand, Rising Star!
: 02-16-09 @ 1:28pm : And Mark,I think your number 1 is the lie. You seem to be a non fruity sorta guy. You might be a dog person, so number two is a likelihood... And I assume you are a private person so three is probably true.
: Elisa, Stik of Clubs
: 04-07-09 @ 2:17pm : Quick set before I head out for work. 1) I aced my History of the Supreme Court class. 2) I drove a Chevy Cavalier in high school. 3) I worked a total of 14 hours on November 4, 2008.
: Mark
: 08-26-09 @ 2:09am : Stik, "IN" HS is too ambiguous, so I'll say #3 or #1 is a lie. Since yuo worked like a beat dog last winter, Ima guess u flubbed a question or two. #1?
: Mark
: 08-26-09 @ 2:10am : ANd me: all true, it was a lie that one of them was a lie. Does that count?
: Karen Lightnhart
: 09-07-09 @ 12:57am : 1. My iq has been professionally tested at 185. 2. I was once institutionalised for three weeks 3. A tornado once took the roof off of my house
: Steev the Friction Wizurd
: 09-07-09 @ 8:20am : You forgot to capitalize IQ so obviously number 1 is the lie. ^_^
: Karen Lightnhart
: 09-07-09 @ 1:21pm : Wrong.
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