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This is a love story that has a twist to it |
~ONE~ ‘What do you say Andrews?’ asked the rather old and wrinkled lecturer, averting his eyes and pointing his finger at Ryan. Ryan looked at the girl who sat in front of him, her shining blonde hair gleaming in the sun light that poured itself into the large lecture hall. She quickly turned behind and her sea blue eyes locked in with Ryan’s sharp black pupils. Her attractive and extremely striking face looked unsure as she looked on at Ryan waiting until he spoke. Ryan’s lips curled into a smile and tearing his gaze away from Lily, he adjusted his frameless spectacles and looked up confidently at the old lecturer, who was waiting until Ryan spoke. ‘Yes sir,’ he said with a short nod. ‘Lily’s answer is correct. I don’t have anything to add.’ ‘You’re correct yourself Andrews,’ said the old lecturer, his straight, line like lips curving into a smile. With an approving nod, the lecturer turned back to the board and resumed in his explanation on the subject. Just as soon as the lecturer turned, Ryan looked back at Lily. She smiled and gave thumbs up which Ryan returned. Ryan was a college student and was also one of the youngest in his class. His unwavering intelligence had placed him in his position. But unlike the many and usual bookworms, Ryan was an accepted figure amongst many and he took care of the fact the best he could. His friendly nature appealed everyone and although not as good looking as most of his peers, he was liked by many. Although he took pains to take care of himself, the only aspect of himself that he couldn’t take care of was his hair which never seemed to settle down properly. His dark black-brown hair always remained as it was- messy and disheveled. In comparison to most of the boys of his class, he looked extremely young and was not big made and as muscular as the rest. His glasses covered his true looks but his fair face and smile made up for all that was lost. In short, Ryan was a pleasant and averagely good looking guy. Once the class had concluded, Ryan packed his bag and walked out of the hall, greeting farewells to all those he knew. The day was beautiful and the sun shone brightly. While Ryan walked down the path, he heard the sound of running footsteps behind him and turning back curiously, he saw that Lily was running towards him. He stopped at once and waited for her. ‘Hello Ryan,’ she said panting when she had finally reached the spot. ‘Thought that I’d never catch up with you. Do you mind if I walk with you?’ ‘Not at all,’ said Ryan amused as he looked at Lily’s extremely red face. ‘Thanks for backing up my answer,’ she said, once they had resumed their walk. ‘For one wild moment I thought whether if I was wrong.’ ‘Don’t thank me,’ said Ryan. ‘I backed you up because you answer was absolutely right and well what else could I say?’ ‘But I still appreciate it all the same,’ said Lily smiling brightly. Suddenly she turned to him and said: ‘Seriously, you’d look great without your glasses.’ Before Ryan could protest, she stopped him and reaching out her hand, she removed his glasses. ‘Wow,’ she said looking at him appreciatively. ‘You really look great without them.’ ‘Thanks,’ said Ryan, suddenly turning red but Lily was quick to notice it before he could hide it. ‘Blushing, aren’t you?’ she said playfully handing him back his glasses. ‘Take it as a compliment.’ Just at that moment, their conversation was interrupted at the appearance of another boy. He was slightly taller than Ryan and his muscular body and chipped face with his almond brown eyes always caught the attention of the unwary eyes of the girls. Seeing him, Lily squealed and she kissed him. Jason was her long-term boyfriend. ‘Hullo Jason,’ said Ryan grinning. ‘Hallo old nerd,’ said Jason jokingly, clapping Ryan’s back hard, that Ryan winced. ‘Saw you guys discussing something. What was it all about?’ ‘Ryan helped me today back at class,’ said Lily leaning against Jason. ‘I was busy thanking him.’ ‘He!he! Very good Ryan,’ said Jason grinning widely. ‘And by the way, can you see without those glasses of yours.’ He said seeing Ryan without his glasses as usual. ‘Oh,’ muttered Ryan suddenly and wore it back again. ‘Well to tell you the truth I can see perfectly well without them but I’ve worn them for so long that I feel sort of weird without them on.’ ‘Makes you look more like a geek,’ said Jason mockingly. Stung by his words, Ryan spoke hurriedly: ‘I have to go take care of some work,’ he said. ‘It was great meeting you and see you later,’ he added to Lily who threw blazing looks at Jason. Bidding them goodbye, Ryan turned and walked fast, away from them. ‘You hurt the poor guy,’ said Lily, slightly angry at Jason’s unkindness. Jason simply shrugged and taking Lily’s hand, he marched her away and Lily gave one last look at Jake before he disappeared round the corner, away from her sight. |