Tickets up for grabs. Help a great group and WIN BIG!!!!!!!!!! |
Gifts For You And For Me!!!! Hello there! May I interest you in buying a ticket? Well you see, I'm trying to make this raffle fast so there are some great offers I have put up. For every 15 tickets you buy, you get a ticket for free! And, if you buy more than 5 times with each time buying 10 or more tickets, you get 3 tickets free! The ticket prices aren't that high so even the people with less Gp's can have a go. You might just end up winning! Prize divisions 60% Goes to the winner. 20% Goes to me to keep my upgrade. 10% Goes to supporting a friend of mine: cometcheetah 10% Goes to the Angel Army. The thing about this raffle is that there are no second's and thirds. So that leaves more Gp's left for the winner. BUT, the dice will rolled three times and the winners for the second and third roll will get something as well. Winners #1 Roll=60% of the Pot, 2 reviews of my choice, a sig made by me. #2 Roll=5 reviews of my choice, 2 sigs made by me. (For an example of what I can do, visit my pictures/images.) #3 Roll=3 reviews of my choice, a sig made by me. Generous Donators ShiShad - 10,000 gp's *caitlin * - 1,000 gp's Ticket Prices Ticket price= 300 Gp's Ticket stock= 694 tickets Ticket sold= 306 tickets Pot value= 102,800 Gp's Ticket Holders # 1-3 cometcheetah # 4-8 Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! # 9-18 gar57 # 19-22 ♥SoNNetWolF♫ # 23-25 Helen Aussie Writer/Editor # 24-28 Meg # 29-58 kiyasama # 59 Phoenyx, risen from the ashes # 60-89 shadowedheart # 90-95 ystab # 96-99 christi # 100-104 Momo M. # 105-110 *caitlin * # 111-120 Helen Aussie Writer/Editor # 121-126 spiritdancer # 127-176 Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife # 177-206 Nikola~Look! A Shiny New Year! # 207-306 simply_complex # 307-316 *caitlin * # 317-322 simply_complex (free!) # 323-324 Nikola~Look! A Shiny New Year! (free!) # 325-327 Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife (free!) # 328-329 shadowedheart (free!) # 330-331 kiyasama (free!) And so the dreaded question was how much? Well... I thought I would put it at 300 Gp'. It isn't that high. Interested yet? If yes, then read the simple rules below and start buying tickets today! Raffle Rules You can buy as many tickets as you want. Remember, the more you buy, the bigger chance you have to win. n_~* Put the number of tickets that you want to buy as post title. The raffle will end when the 1000th ticket is sold. The winners will be decided by the virtual dice. Please allow 1-3 days after the raffle for the winners to be posted. Please send Gp's to {item:1280000}, it might get lost in my mail box n_~*, but still let me know if you have donated or bought any tickets. Thank-you n_n. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** n_~* Thank-you for your support!!! n_~* |