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A romance story involving vampires and destinies |
rewritten hopefully to sound better! Part Two: Gwen had just finished with a customer when Sara came in. She was wearing shades and was extremely pale. "About time sunshine." Gwen said walking over to her. Sara just brushed by Gwen. "Ugh, I am so tired." "Tired or hung-over?" Sara took her shades off and sat down at her desk. "Don't even start with me." She glared at her friend. "You were so rude to those guys last night." "They gave me the creeps. I can't believe you let that one take you home!" Sara picked her head off the desk. "He was alluring!" "There was something wrong with them." Gwen thought back to the two guys that had come up to Sara and her at the club they were at last night, they had seemed dangerous to her. "Will you just get laid already! You are so cranky." Then Sara’s face softened as she began rubbing her temples. "Come work your magic fingers on my neck." Gwen laughed. "You insult me, and then ask for a favor?" But she walked over to her hung-over friend anyway and began rubbing her neck. Suddenly Sara winced. "What?" Gwen asked. "My neck is just really sensitive there." Gwen bent down and looked at her neck. There were two tiny holes on her neck, they looked like pin pricks. "Did that creep bite you?" Sara shrugged. "Maybe." Gwen couldn't believe she was being so calm about it. "What a freak!" Gwen studied her friend, her usually perfect shiny blonde hair was thrown up in half assed ponytail and there were shadows under her brown eyes. Sara simply looked drained. "Look why don't you just go home. I can handle things." Tired brown eyes turned to look at Gwen gratefully. "I'll make it up to you." Two minutes after Sara left Gwen heard the door open again. "Did you forget something?" She asked. There was silence. Gwen finally looked up. Instead of Sara there was a tall, dark, and incredibly handsome man. Oh Sara was going to be mad she missed this one! Gwen watched the man glance around the store and took the opportunity to study him more. He was dressed in black wool slacks and a black turtle neck. His clothes looked expensive. His dark head looked back at her and Gwen sucked in her breathe; his eyes! They were such a deep blue, but there was something else she couldn't put her finger on about them. He walked towards her. The man seemed to send off what Gwen’s grandmother, who was into voodoo, would call vibes. Gwen just couldn't decide if they were good or bad yet. He held out his hand. "Brendan DeWolfe." Gwen thought she heard a faint Scottish burr in his voice. She put her hand in his. What could only be described as a jolt went up her arm. "Gwyneth Wyatt." Gwen hated how her voice came out all shaky and mentally shook herself. Gwen prided herself on not being a willy-nilly woman who got all flustered by gorgeous men. "What can I do for you Mr. DeWolfe?" There, she was proud voice came out strong. "I am looking for a specific artifact. A Scottish dirk." Gwen stood up. "We have a couple." She led him over to the swords area and pointed towards the five Scottish dirks on the wall. His presence at her back was nearly overwhelming. She stepped back so she was beside him. She looked up at him; he definitely had the rugged sex appeal down. Gwen didn't even know if she could describe him to Sara. He reached up and pulled a dirk in a display case down. "That belonged to someone in the Graham family; they helped in the fight against the English." He nodded. "John Graeme." Her lips turned up into a smile. "Are you a historian?" He stared at the dirk a little while longer, and then turned to her. "Not really." His eyes, they appeared to be a deeper blue than before. She looked away from him. "Th, the others I'm not sure of their family names." The man must have sensed her nervousness because he turned away from Gwen and started wandering around the store. "How do you acquire all these?" He asked waving his hand around the store. Without him so close to her, she could breathe and think normally; Gwen relaxed more. "From other collectors or museums that have no more room." He had stopped and was staring at a painting. Gwen walked over to see what he was looking at. It was a painting from the sixteenth century of the Highland moors. She smiled at him. "Your homeland?" His eyes bore into hers, they looked black now! Gwen involuntarily took a step back. "I just, I thought I heard a Scottish burr in your voice." He seemed to lose some of his tension and Gwen could have sworn she saw his eyes lighten. "I thought it was nearly gone by now." He said quietly. Gwen tried to laugh, but it sounded forced. "I admit to watching the Highlander movies too many times and I've always been interested in Scotland. So you could say I try to hear a Scottish accent in everyone's voice." "Have you ever been to Scotland?" Gwen shook her head. "No, but I hope to someday." He walked up to the counter with the dirk. "I will buy this." She followed him. Quite the impulse buy, the dirk was five thousand dollars. Gwen couldn’t help but run her fingers across the case before she put it in a padded box. "I will be careful with it." He said with some humor in his voice. Gwen blushed. "My friend says I grow too attached to these artifacts, but I find them so fascinating." smiling at him, "And oh, it they are ancient and Scottish I just can't keep my hands off of them!" He smiled so suddenly and so unexpectedly Gwen was momentarily shocked. It transformed his whole face so completely. His eyes seemed a lighter blue and they seemed to sparkle. "I'll have to remember that. You know I am a collector myself, if you would like, you may come by and view my items." Tempting, "Well I wouldn't…” "I have a sword used by Robert the Bruce." Gwen gaped at him. Not even if she thought he was Satan himself trying to tempt her could she pass this opportunity up. "That would be great." She handed him a piece of paper to write the address down. "My associate Sara and I will stop by there around eight tomorrow night, if that is ok?" "I am looking forward to it.” Was his only reply. |