Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1267876-Dream-Time-Truths
by TypeC
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1267876
Sleep talking can come to bite you in the butt. [Ps. Alex is a boy]

         I was being nudged.


         I was up.

         "Nnnngghh... I wasn't sleeping."

         "Yes you were, now get up before I leave you behind."


         He looked at me weird. "He" being Kody. Kody was what most girls would call a cutie. And ... I knew so too. His ocean blue eyes stared into mine. As he straightened his posture his messed gelled hair shifted slightly; the sunset flooding in from the windows causing it shine a beautiful brown. I saw a smile creep across his face.

         "Come on, it's getting late, we should go home."

         "Sounds good."

         The walk home itself was uneventful. Although I did notice that Kody was quieter than usual and that every time I looked at him he looked away.

         He couldn't know...

         No. He doesn't know that...

         We parted ways as I got to my cul de sac. He said a hasty good bye and ran off home. I looked in awe, but made my way inside. I immediately went to my room and finished the remainder of my homework (What hadn't been completed in the library that is). It was about 8pm when my parents went out to the movies which meant that I was alone. But more importantly, that's when I got THAT phone call. I picked up and heard his voice.          

         "Hey Alex..."

         "Yah Kody?"

         "Can .... Can you meet me by the swings in the park in 15 minutes?" he said, his voice a bit shaky.

         "Of course ... But what for?"

         "Erm.. I'll tell you when I get there."

         "Oh ... Okay. 15 minutes."

         I hung up and started my journey.

         He can't possibly know can he...?

         I got there a bit early so I decided to go on the swings; one of my favorite things to do. I started pumping. I went higher and higher. It felt amazing. Ever since I was a kid, it was the one thing that was sure to calm me down. It made me happy no matter what. It was nice to just, enjoy a moment. I was taken aback from my thoughts when I spotted him.

         He looked cute from far out too. His tall stature was what made him stand out. He was always better than me in gym. Most people didn't know why we were friends.. We were nothing alike at first glance. But I guess on the surface those things don't matter.

         As he got closer, I stopped pumping and gradually came to a halt. He gave me a sheepish smile and sat down in the swing beside me.

         "So ... What's this all about Kody?" I said deciding to take the initiative.

         "Uhm... Well ... Today in the library ... you were talking in your sleep."

         Oh shit. I blushed.

         "I know it's not right to eavesdrop but  ... I couldn't help myself."

         I gulped.

         "You were awful restless. I heard in between your mumbling 'Please don't leave me Kody. I'm sorry.' "

         I looked down. He... He probably...

         "You also said something else but I couldn't make it out."

         Might as well just tell him...

         "I love..." I started.


         I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "I love you Kody."

         It seemed as if time stopped. He looked at me blankly. It all seemed so wrong. I just confessed my love to a boy. My best friend of all people. I couldn't take it any longer. I got up and started walking across the field back home.

         "Wait! Alex!" I heard him yell after me.

         I ignored him. I heard him start walking after me. That's when I ran. I ran as if my life depended on it. It was futile though. As soon as I heard his steps pick up in intensity I knew I was screwed.

         But maybe I could out run him...

         Too bad I was tackled from behind.

         Oh no he's going to beat the shit out of me.

         He flipped me over. Please no... Don't Kody.

         And that's when I felt his hand softly caress my face.

         "Wha ..." was all I could sputter dumbfounded.

         "Oh Alex you silly kid. You overreact too easily."

         I was at a loss for words.

         "I love you too."

         To say I was shocked would be an understatement. It was all so overwhelming. There we were. The cutest boy ever on top of me. The moonlight in full shine let me see his cute face.

         After a few minutes of letting it sink he did the unimaginable.

         He bent over and kissed me on the lips.

         Suddenly the swings didn't seem so exhilarating.
© Copyright 2007 TypeC (metaneko at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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