Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/126746-Buggers-the-Cat
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #126746
I'm doing this as a test... Lighthearted and silly is good. :-)
Buggers was a beautiful cat with long, flowing black and white hair. His whiskers were longer than any other and his tail was the dream of any cat his age. And he knew it.

Buggers lived in the suburbs with his humans and he had a pretty good life. Most of the time, he was a well-behaved cat... but sometimes, he got into so much trouble.
It's Saturday morning and Buggers wakes at his usual time of 5 am. Yawning and rubbing his eyes, he lazily looks around the room and wonders if the humans are awake. Probably not, since the lights are still off.

Stretching his legs and grinning mischievously, he tries to decide how to wake them up this morning.
Buggers decides that its about time to make a smelly morning debut. Using he unknown cat skills he opens the bedroom door and creeps towards the humans. "Still asleep" he thinks "Good..." Unlike usual he wants them to wake up slowly, only to be horrified at the stink when they totally wake up. He was very glad that he had eaten that mouse yesterday, it should add to the stink. Carefully he jumped up onto the bed and...
into the wonderfully fleshy part beneath the cheekbones. The male human bolts upright screaming in pain. He tries to throw Buggers off his head but Buggers hung on for the ride. The female human merely rolls over and mumbles. Buggers allows himmself to be taken of the male's head and heads straight for...
 (This addition was edited by sarah on 02-27-01 @ 1:44 am EST)

the pair of shoes below the bed. Throwing his head back, he coughed a big hairball into the left shoe while the man regains his balance. Giggling hysterically, Buggers strolls past his humans to the...
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kitchen where that big stupid puppy is still drowsing. Buggers loves to torment Fido almost as much as the humans. With feline stealth, Buggers approaches the sleeping form of a brown puppy, flexing his claws. Hmm, what shall I do to Fido today, Buggers asks himself. Yesterday he'd tipped Fido's water dish on the floor, splashing the dumb mutt. With an evil grin, Buggers decided today he would...
At that point Fido starts dreaming. Fido always hated Buggers and was dreaming of chasing him. He got so involved in the dream he started runinng in his side. As he "ran" his foot hit the approaching Buggers. Buggers got a foot full on the side and flew through the air. He hit...
his own food dish and little pellets of cat food flew everywhere! Scrambling to his feet, Buggers took one last jest at Fido and hissed at him. Thowing himself up on his tiptoes and puffing his tail out like a mad cat, he spit a few times and took off toward the...
A Non-Existent User
pet door, deciding to see what was happening in the neighborhood. After leaving a present for his mistress, Sarah, in the flowerbed, Buggers pranced happily down the street. He spied a squirrel and sized up his chances, deciding it was too much effort for such a lazy day. Perhaps he should...
Buggers scrambled to get to the top of the garbage pile. Suddenly he felt friendly paws assiting him. As he surfaced he came face to face with a scraggly old siamese. "Welcome friend" the siamese said, "I am Jeeves"
Buggers *GASPED*! He'd never seen such a dirty, scruffy cat! He leaned closer and EEEeewww, that smell! He could barely catch his breath enough to say hello, when the truck bounced him right into a bag of dirty diapers. Jeeves laughed at the silly little suburb cat and dove back into the bag of goodies he was rummaging through. All off a sudden, he howled out "Look what I found! It's a..."
"well I really don't know what it is. But it sure does smell scrumptous" Just as Jeeves goes to start chowing down it moves. Nothe whole pile of garbage moves and it starts making noise.
A little sueaky voice is heard, "HELP, Someone help me."
Buggers and Jeeves look at one another then back to the pile of garbage. They see a little grey head protrude out of the mound. "Buggers look its fast food"
A chase around the inside of the garbage truck between the rat and the siamese. The truck stops and the jaws of the truck open up and the rat and two cats jump out scaring the...
old lady walking by. "Oh my!" she yelps startled by the comotion.

"Come on!" meows Jeeves as he pounces after his next great meal. But Buggers is now too dazed. He's never been here before. Running along the sidewalk of the city street looking for security and familiarity, Buggers spies a...
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lets out a giant 'MEEeeow', and darts across the road, narrowly avoiding a speeding car.
Wow! That was close!
Buggers hears a strange tittering behing him, and quickly spins to see a group of cats sitting on the wall, swishing their tails defiantly.
He realises these cats might know the way home, or at least where he is, and purring he approaches them.
'Hello,' he mews.
'MEEEeeeowww,' replied the first, and then the second, and the third, 'MEEeeoowww.'
Buggers didn't understand, but then he realised, the cats were mocking him and his girly meow! Well, he'd just have to...
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defend his honor. Buggers sized up the competition, deciding he was too outnumbered. Abandoning the defense of his honor, Buggers tucked his tail between his legs and ran off. After several minutes of running, Buggers realized he was more hopelessly lost than before.
What was he going to do?
All of a sudden he heard BUUUUUUUUUggeerrrrrs... BUUUUUUUUUggeerrrrrs... Where arrrrre yooooou?

Jumping up, he sprinted frantically to where the voice was coming from... it was his Human! She had come to find him!

Buggers leaped up at her legs practically knocking her over in the process. The human bent down and scooped him up, squeezing him tightly and cooing his name.

Buggers decided he would never, ever venture out that far again... it was all too scary for him.

With that, the human turned and walked back down their driveway.

The End!

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/126746-Buggers-the-Cat