Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1264970-Paradise-excerpt
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Experience · #1264970
life in Paradise, USA isnt what it seems to be
it about a kid in highschool who has two friends that end up shooting up the school in the end, its about what causes us to turn to violence and how to stop it, its about the modern drug experience as well as the life experience we get from it.  As well its a comment on the role we played in the shootings at columbine and whos to blame for them, its a look into the american dream and what it really means... enjoy!

(in this scene my main character, Jon, has dropped 3 hits of acid and taken some ecstasy, then went to school.  On his way to lunch he passes one of the recruiters that set up shop in every single highschool cafeteria across the USA)

The Experience
In the beginning stages of onset, LSD is likely to cause a sort of undefineable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. There is often a slight feeling of energy in the body, an extra twinkle to lights, or the feeling that things are somehow different than usual. As the effects become stronger, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; non-specific mental and physical stimulation, pupil dilation, closed and open eye patterning and visuals, changed thought patterns, feelings of insight, confusion, or paranoia, and quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation) ***in small text*** (Erowid.org “LSD Basics” May 6, 2006)

***At School***

---- As Jon is walking down the hall towards the lunch room he comes upon recruitment table for the Marines and recruiter stationed right by where he is going, he unavoidably walks past it he doubles his speed in an attempt to avoid the situation.  But the recruiter spots him and with an excited look on his face he stops Jon and begins to speak.  He is dressed in the tradition marine uniform of this time.  He has many medals and decorations.  He is wearing a white marines hat over his flat top hair cut.

Recruiter: Good day sir, spare you one moment for your country?

---Jon stops and turns to the guy then he puts his hands on the table to lean on it right infront of the guy, he looks down, and at the pamphlets, then looks up at the guy and says….

Jon: Indeed, but I beseech thee
speak with haste sir.

---with this jon nods and looks up at the recruiter who then nods with jon realizing what just happened.  the recruiter gets excited when jon actually pays him attention and begins the very showy sales pitch he waves his arms around and makes it sound like more than it is…

Recruiter: War is brewing in the midst of us
         Your fatherland is in desperate need
         A sturdy lad is just what our Father desires.
         You will gain renown in this hallowed place for your enlistment
         Much accumulation lies on the other side,
         Many empty tomes to view and walk upon too are there,
         And plenty of battles to be had, if that is what you fancy.
         So I asketh unto you my honest friend of such noble stature
What sayeth thee?

---jon looks around then laughs and looks at the guy infront of him, the shot cuts to a close up of jons eyes, even though he has dark brown eyes, it is easy to see that his pupils are almost as big as the color around them, barely any brown is seen, John is still tripping from the 3 hits he ate earlier that day on his way to school, then the shot cuts again from jons point of view, as if to show from jons eyes, and during the next scene the picture begins to blur and move around like an acid trip and colors change and the guys face gets all tripped out while jon is looking at him, then it cuts back to a view to show the two of them talking profile, jon looks cool even though he is tripping and we are now aware of this fact, he is a little shaky, but nothing too bad, then he says...

Jon: I will not be conscribed for war,
Not in my name will it be fought,
And I will not fight for any man but meinself;
For you hath no desire for righteousness.
I covet only the sweet humanity,
That is absent from your sin-filled camps.
And thus I scoff at your sinister abortion.
God hath no clemency for your folly
And I demand that it be known
Of corporate beasts and immortal men
A blunder of the soul
Leaves thyself in despair

---the recruiter looks surprised when he says this and then looks around nervously but then he looks back to jon quickly and points at him like he has a point and hurriedly replies…

Recruiter: I hath no clemency for your folly!
True it is, that my decision is a vacant one
But I ask of you one thing
Deliver unto me this moment
And bestow upon me your faith
And with it I will secure you your sanctity.
No true patriot would turn his back on his peace.

----The recruiter smiles and a smug look come over his face as if he has just won, but quickly jon replies, his voice is louder this time and he is very serious when he says this, and he flaunts his arms around as he talks for emphasis…

Jon: Hah, thou art so vacant!
Vague words and vague meanings.
Erudites and bombasts die like us all. 
What you mean to speak you mask to the world.
And empty minds and empty souls.
Like fools, they die. 
Forever forgotten. 
Who's to blame?

(he holds his hands up and looks around when he says this, then he looks back and looks at the guys sternly and waves his arms around as to point out everyone around them when he says the next line)

We will light our blunts on the flames of your destruction
and when your (he points at the guy now) cities crumble
through the ashes we shall trek
and in the wreckage we shall find
freedom from your world’s dolour
and empty from the days before
a god in your midst
cries out for his fix
but I (points at self) know something no one knows
and I’m sure you (points at guy) know something too
and no i wont see you off
the words roll on and on you see
no pelf of an honest man exists
while selfishness is the will of man
life is just a mortal sin
(holds up his hands almost in prayer) god give it to us
before our words destroy it
how quickly the thirsty heart grows fond
of fearful doubt and pious faith
forged of chains and open hands
and my moon weeps for his iniquity
so sleeps a darkened world tonight
with fairy tales inside your (points at guy) empty tomes
hindering my apostolic faith
I pray to thee... good day sir!

--- smiling at his self righteous victory over the grunt, Jon walks off and goes and buys a water in the lunch line, and then he sits down with Conrad, Nihl (buff guy with long curly blonde hair, he looks like a stoner. He has on an old shirt with holes and a lot of fading and some jeans that are ragged at the bottoms),

Nihl: What’s up man?

Jon: Hah, livin… lovin… learnin… preachin
         Oh how I love this precarious splendor!
         How are you?
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