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by Lyn
Rated: · Other · Activity · #1262244
alien story I wrote for school
One spring night while Ginger was outside chasing the animals outside a green light appeared in the sky above the house. Ginger of course didn’t know what the green light was, so she just kept chasing the animals outside. Within a few minutes the green light got brighter and bigger in the sky, that’s when Ginger started to look up as if something was wrong. I was coming back from inside to see if Ginger was ready to come inside for the night. I saw the bright green light and dropped the glass of milk I was holding, the milk spilled all over my black and pink outfit which I wasn’t happy about.

I stepped outside the porch and walked toward Ginger. Ginger looked up at me for a minor second then looked up again. Once I was standing there for a few seconds the green light started dropping things to the ground. First there was a can of spray chicken then some sunglasses and all sorts of things. Then once a pair of blue and white shoes dropped to the ground two aliens dropped to the ground right in front of us. Ginger started to bark and then she stood behind me because she was scared.

The aliens looked at me and said “ human” I just stood there like so still so that maybe they wouldn’t notice that I was alive. After saying human once of the hit my shoulder to see if I was alive and sure enough I moved when they hit me. I was very scared then I said, “What do you want?” They looked at me and Ginger and said,” are you humans, the ones with all the machines in the air?” Ginger then stood on her back legs and started to say, “ yes, and the probes, what’s wrong with them?” I looked at Ginger and my mouth dropped open, the thought that Ginger could talk just kept running threw my head, and the fact if it was true. “ So you humans like the pictures of my wife, you all seem to catch her when she is outside growing cans of food!” “ Growing cans of food, I asked.

“Yes like spray Chicken, Spray pork, everything comes in a spray can outside the hours, the alien said to us. “Do you all have cars and medical creams up there?” The alien’s looked at me like I was crazy, they just kept saying medical medical medical. “ What’s this so called medical cream you speak of, the alien said. “Well, pain reliever or pimple cream that makes the pain or spot goes away”. You have cream that makes spots go away, on your face or other places, the alien said to me very curious like. I looked at Ginger and Ginger said yea, don’t you??? The alien then said, “well human if you give me that spot remover cream your talking about I wont destroy your planet.” “ You will forgive them for taking pictures of mother for some spot cream!” “ You know mom has all those spots she wants gone, so yes.” Once they had stopped talking Ginger had gotten back from getting four different types of spot remover. Once the alien’s left I talked about to Ginger and she just turned her head like her never talked before. Of course nobody ever believed me about that day, but ginger and I will always remember.
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