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Questionnair for Islamic Extremists running Madressah System. |
A Questionnaire for Lal Masjid Brigade from the streets of Pakistan by Maverick Wu I am a Pakistani like most of us are. I live a life that millions around me live. I suffer long hours of load shedding, eat Bun Kababs(Local Burgers) from thaylay walas(Carts) near garbage dumps, have been exploited by government officials, suffer everyday to make ends meet, have been harassed by both, police and criminals and travel like animals in public transport. Still, I love my Pakistan. As I walk in Karachi, trespassing one Franchise Restaurant after another, I FEEL for the barred feet, shabbily dressed hungry boy staring helplessly through the window towards giggling kids and smiling rich parents. I FEEL for that wrinkled palm of an aged beggar, flat in front of me, with grievous look in his fading eyes. He is helpless, penniless and all alone in a country in which one night of Basant can drain millions of rupees. Yet, I still love Pakistan from the depth of my heart and will never tolerate anyone who will try to take it away from me. I live my life, like many, crossing each date on calendar. Military Generals, Politicians, Landlords and Bureaucrats have made my own country a living hell for me. With no freedom, respect, wealth and security, the only thing that I have is my Pakistan. Now the so-called RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS who have declared a Theka(Contract) on Islam wants to take that away from me? With danda (Batten) in hand and threats on their tongues they are proclaiming that they will take away my-Pakistan from me and turn it into a second Afghanistan. With news flashing Lal Masjid activities and newspaper highlighting their threats, my mind is filled with thousands of questions. Following are few questions among thousands of those piercing nails. These are aimed at Lal Masjid Brigade in particular and all the Religious Seminaries (Madariss) in general. I know that every Literate Pakistani knows the answers of these questions. It is time for the brigade to know that Pakistanis know, and they cannot be exploited on the name of the most beloved and only things they have i.e. Islam and Pakistan. What have you given to Islam? --------------------------------------------------- Islam in the present era is facing one of the most precarious times of its history. Muslims are divided. Islam itself is divided into hundreds of sects. There are Shias, Sunnis, Diobandis, Barelwees, Naksh Bandis, Ahley Hadees and many more. Apart from internal divisions, Islam is also facing problems as due to the lack of its implementation in rapidly changing Global Scenarios. With millions of students all across Pakistan, becoming experts in Asul Deen and Fikkah in Religious Seminaries (Madariss), we want to know what they have done for the religion that is their profession as well as belief? Dear dissenters of Lal Masjid Brigade, thousands of Students have become Aalim-e-Deen(Masters of Religion) from your Madrassah. I would like to ask: – Have you carried out any research, proposed a solution or exerted efforts to verify the causes and cater the problem of Sectarian Divisions in Pakistan? What have you done to unite the divided masses? (I am talking about common Pakistanis, among whom there are groups who even refuses to greet each other with respect due to sectarian bias) – Have you ever introduced and implemented any probable scheme that would include erudite Pakistanis to cater the perilous threats that Islam and Muslims are facing in present times because of Missionary and Zionist attacks on Islam? Apart from cursing the enemies of Islam after every prayer and especially in Friday sermons, have you practically done anything that has benefited Islam? (Except for preparing suicide bombers and jihadis to fight a false battle) – Have you ever carried out any research and proposed solutions about how can we implement Islam effectively in our Corporate and Civil Sector? How can a Banker, an Engineer and a Sales person excel in his work due to Islamic practices? What have you done for Scholars of Islam? ----------------------------------------------------------------- - What is the future of students studying in your Madrassah? - Are you competent enough to face the challenges of rapidly changing global scenarios? Can you become the leaders of tomorrow in the field of Arts, Science, Technology or even a cognizant authority in Religion? - Can you represent Islam on Global Forums? Are you aware of Global Politics, Missionary and Zionist Psychologies and the kind of threat they are imposing on Islam? -To this day, you have been surviving on charity and sadkas (a sacred charity). What have you done to make your Madrassah self-sufficient? - You are so powerless and weak that the only solution you have to bring a change in the society is the short cut of blowing yourself up? Was this the way our ancestors adopted when they stood against the ignorant fiends of the time? What have you done for Pakistan? ---------------------------------------------------- - What have you given to Pakistan? How many Thinkers, Scientists, Sociologists, Doctors and Leaders have you produced? - Have you ever carried out any research, proposed any solutions or exerted any commendable efforts that can move Pakistan towards prosperity? - You have declared the fatwa that Army men dying in Waziristan (troubled tribal area of Pakistan) are not shahid(martyr) (they cannot even have a Muslim’s funeral), but are you competent enough to replace these accomplished individuals who have fought bravely and died for the prosperity of this land? - You claim to be authority on Islam, where is Islam in Pakistan? Where were you and your elders for last 60 years? Now by taking over a Children’s Library and threatening suicide attacks (that will claim more lives of innocent Pakistanis), you think you can implement Shariah overnight in Pakistan? - What have you done to improve the image of Pakistan in International community? - What is your contribution for the Education Sector, Agriculture Sector, Industrial Sector, Defense Sector and Economy of Pakistan? What have you done for a Common Pakistani? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - What have you done for me, for a common Pakistani? How dare you raise your hand on me, abduct me and call me kafir(non-muslim), when you have always considered me Nijs (impure)? - A Pakistani is still suffering in every way he can. You claim to have the only true knowledge, why can’t you solve their problems? (The nation is totally disappointed by giving a heavy mandate to your leadership, in the form of Muthaida Majlis Amal, who have literally done nothing for people in last five years) Where is your study, research and strategy about how to make the life of Pakistanis easy by eradicating the problems of poverty and exploitation? (After all, you are an Educational Institution where young minds are shaped to lead the nation in the future) - Why have you made Pakistanis, terrorists and suicide bombers in the eyes of International community? Now, even true Scholars from Pakistan are deprived of getting modern education and practical exposure from the developed world. - What have you done for the moral grooming of Pakistanis? What have you done to eradicate false practices of late marriages in our society? Where were you when obscenity and fascism was creeping in our populace? (Probably you were breaking televisions in streets or sleeping in caves) - How many role models, heroes and mentors are amongst you, who can be idolized by the youngsters? - How can you explain your ultimate love for Taliban, Foreigners and Afghans? Don’t you realize how much they have damaged the life of a common Pakistani by introducing Drugs, Weapons and Violence in our society? How will you Implement Shariah? ------------------------------------------------------ - Every Pakistani wants to know how will you implement Shariah? Do you have any detailed research carried out? Do you have any plan; strategy and a work break down structure to make it possible? - Are you planning to convert Pakistan into Afghanistan of Taliban and adopt methods of Mullah Umer and his mentors, who are now nowhere close to Afghans who are being slaughtered in their own homes (Unfortunately, you don’t have anything different from Taliban, both in vision and knowledge). - How will you implement Shariah(Islamaic Law) in a country of 160 million people? How will you do it in thousands of Courts, Police Stations, Military Bases, Educational institutions, Public places etc? If you have any plan than then where it is? The answers of these questions are evident in social, political, moral and economical situation of Pakistan. Unfortunately, we have been exploited and deceived by those who we have revered the most. It is a sad reality that those who have to guide us out of darkness are themselves lost. If any young suicide bomber or a woman in veil with a big danda(Batten) in her hand is reading this, kindly think about what I have highlighted. Please leave those fiends who are exploiting your young blood. The end would be the same; it has happened previously. Thousands of deceived will die, suffer or turned into busted pieces of flesh and bone, and your leadership will continue raving on microphones and traveling in air-conditioned vehicles. The writer is an Engineer and he is currently doing his Masters from University of Life. |