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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Supernatural · #1258274
There are many dreams and visions in the novel of Alien Bond: Spring of Life.
The chapters referenced from the below novel:
 Alien Bond: Spring of Life  (13+)
Evil is destroyed through peace and unconditional love. A lesson at hand.
#794265 by Beth Barnett

Chapter 1

Sylvia said, “I don’t have a scientific mind for one. Secondly, faith in myself had little to do with what happened in Africa. God showed me where to find the antidote for the Ebola virus. Since He showed me, I knew it couldn’t fail. And I know this experiment we’re undertaking now won’t fail...You know me, but you don't know me. The frog and the plant were a new species that had only existed for a few days. I had a vision of the exact location of these new species and what to extract to create the vaccine. I, then, saw the African plain and saw people who were dying. I saw dead bodies lined up in villages. I heard their cries to God. And the Lord bid me to go and bring them the cure.”

Chapter 2

Sylvia went back into her bedroom and laid down in her soft bed, pulling the blue satin covers up over her shoulders as she turned over on her side. She closed her eyes and waited for the voices. Joseph’s voice echoed fresh in her ears again for the first time in nine two weeks. “God, please be with me and my son in this new city. I thank you for sending me to Dr. Stattor. Guide her and I in our work to help people who can’t help themselves. I pray also that you would rid me of this lonely heart,” he said, his voice catching in short sobs. “Show me what you would have me do. I am downcast and lonely. My son deserves better than me. God, please grant me peace and love, so that my son will see me happy again.”

Sylvia breathed in short spurts of air as his cries once again brought her to tears. He knew God, but did not know peace and love within himself. A voice that sounded of a rumbling river soothed her concern. “Help my servant,” He whispered, “Help him find peace. Show him love, for you know love better than all of mankind.”

Her small stomach crawled with tickling feathers, sending her into a fit of loud laughter. A calm washed over her, and there was silence. She got lost in her thoughts again and pondered all of the words she just heard, forcing herself to understand them. Joseph’s face was engraved on her mind, his eyes overflowing with tears.

Chapter 12

Sylvia said, "...I hear things in my sleep while I dream. I hear people who are crying out for help, real people. I don't see their faces, but I hear their sincere prayers."

"Why would you hear them?" Joseph asked.

"The people I hear will have an impact on my life and vice versa."

"That's amazing. Have you heard me?"

"More than once. I was startled when I first heard you speak."

"You've heard my intimate prayers. When was the first time you heard me?"

"About a year ago, not long after I left Africa. My heart skipped a beat, knowing that someone I've never met was praying for me. Your exact words were, 'Let all the work of her hands be blessed with Your touch, Lord.'"

He looked down at his lap, and she reached out and gently lifted his chin.

"Every one of the sufferers have since been cured. It was a 100% cure rate. That hasn't never happened in the history of scientific research. That prayer was answered."

Chapter 13

Sylvia curiously examined his sweatshirt. It had on it a small insignia, a cross with a pitchfork angling left at the top. She closed her eyes tight and shook her head, then opened them, and the familiar symbol disappeared. She pulled out her keys and rubbed the beads of the oddly-colored cross, as he came in close enough for her to get a deep whiff of the whiskey on his breath


She went to Joseph's car, her shoulders back and head held high, despite the quiet echo of horrid laughter with each of her steps. She slid down into the driver's seat and peeled out of the parking lot and followed behind the ambulance until she reached the hospital. Breathing deeply to calm her tumbling stomach, she sat in the car before turning the engine off, her mind swimming in hungry anger. The taunting in her ears continued. "Get behind me, Satan. You know you can't get to me, and you won't get the people I love either. I claim this in the name of Jesus. Get thee gone!" she yelled, then there was a calm silence.

Chapter 14

Joseph said, "I saw something in a dream, and I just saw a flash of it again while I was looking at you. Maybe you can explain this silly dream I had. I saw some pages of ancient text that looked like English, but it was written from right to left. I saw the leather-bound cover, and it had a pearl-white cross embroidered on the front. It said something about prophecies of some sort. I saw this woman, and she kind of looked like you, except her eyes looked odd, not even human. Her hair was a shimmering white. She held a sword in the sky, although it didn't look like a metal blade. The light reflected off it and burned my eyes. She wore this sexy glowing white dress. She held two books at her side."

Chapter 15

"Get in and tell me about this nightmare. What did you see?" She lifted the covers and Joey climbed up under them.

"The children are dying. They're hungry," he said, sobbing. "They keep dying while I'm sleeping."

"What children?"

"The black children in the desert. They're dying. They're starving. Say that you can heal them."

Sylvia wiped away his tears, trying to keep her own from streaming down onto her pillow. "Where did you hear about these children?"

"I see pictures on television. People raise money for them, but money won't keep them from dying. Can you heal them?"


They walked out into the garage and got into the car. "I need to tell you about the dark children. I had a good dream when I held your hand."

"Tell me about it."

"They dying and starving, like before, then there was this beautiful yellow and orange sunrise, and they got up and grew thicker in their skins and walked with smiles on their faces. What does that mean?"

"You tell me," she replied, staring into his curious eyes.

"The children are going to be healed."

Chapter 19

Phone call:
"Joseph said, "You give me visions and dreams that scare the living daylights out of me, but at least I'm not bored. That dream coming true made me realize that God is talking to me again. I see the image in my dream, and it's in the museum the next day. I'm still struggling with the words in my dream. They aren't the same as what is on the painting."

"Do you remember what they are?"

"It read backwards, so let me think," he said, and paused for a few seconds. "I remember now. It said, 'She will create a bond with a most beloved people,'"

Sylvia dropped the receiver, but Joey caught it before it hit the ground


"Are you there, Sylvia? Did you hear me tell you what it said?"

"Yes, I did."

"Do you know what it means?"

"Yes, that's why I dropped the phone. I can't explain it to you right now."

"As I've counted, you have a lot of explaining to do once you do decide to tell me everything. It would be easier just to tell me a little at a time."

"That's not possible. I'll see you tomorrow. Your son is itching for me to tell him the story behind the sword, so he can get to bed for a good night's sleep."

"The sword is real? Joey usually tells big stories, so I never know when his overactive imagination takes over. Please, don't tell me it's the sword from my dream."

"Fine, I won't tell you. I'll see you later. Joey will tell you all the good details. God bless you."

Chapter 20

"This is a very special sword. It has been blessed."

"By God?"

"Yes, sit down and I'll tell you why it is so special. This story is in the book you were reading, if you want to know more than what I tell you." She unsheathed the sword to show him the diamond blade. "It's a double-edged diamond sword." She held it in front of her, and she told him the story as it passed in her mind.

She stood in a cave, a large crack in the ground in front of her. Wailing and screaming came from it, as the flames shot up and tickled her face. The smell of sulfur made her turn aside, in vain, for a gasp of fresh air. Her bare feet absorbed the soaring heat beneath.

A cool wind swept in and a voice like that an ocean crashing against the shore said, "Take your sword and hold it over the deep pit. Hell shall have no fury over my people any longer."

The sword shined with a pure white glow, and a tingling surge of peaceful energy made her tremble in fear. Even though dread filled her soul, she did as she was told, and the ground shook violently as the screaming from below grew louder. The naked rock walls around her cracked and littered its debris on the other side of the deep pit. Sylvia's feet tumbled backward, as she could not keep her balance. She watched the cavern draw closed. A flash of white fire shot up from the ground to the top of the cave and sealed the crack, leaving no remnant of the hellflames.

She felt the rising cool air from the ground through the thin material of the long white skirt of her dress. There was complete silence. Her breath quickened as she stood up and turned around. She looked at the bush engulfed in the white flames in front of her. The two books which had been forbidden to read for over a thousand years laid on top of it. The flames neither consumed the bush, nor the books. She prostrated herself to the ground.

YAHveh said, "Get up, my child. Take these books to the people and tell them that I will be with them unto the ends of the universe. You will be a guiding light for my people, so they may see the glory I have for them through you."

Sylvia jumped to her feet, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You have shown me some of the blessings you've bestowed on this race. Now that we will read the truth, will you not speak to us as often as before?"

"I will never stop speaking with my people. It is essential that you know I love you and will work through you and this race to bless other races. Your work with the human race has already gained you favor in their eyes. Well done, good and faithful servant. You have led others over to help them, too. You will go further away from here to work with others, but I will not leave you nor forsake you. None of their weapons can overtake you. All you must remember is to never resist what I place on your heart, or the pain will sicken you in spirit. Go now on your way, and know that you are blessed."

The image of the burning bush disappeared from the forefront of her mind as she stared into Joey's eager eyes.


A wailing voice pierced the silence. "Lord, help me. My life is a mess, and I want the pain to end. My wife lies in constant pain, and I suffer for it. I know I couldn't be there when she needed me before, but I am here now, and I am helpless. Let me know what can be done to bring this all to an end. The baby growing in her will not die, and he is killing her faster. This child is a miracle. He is so close to death, but has not tasted it. I don't know why you would send a prophet to this city at this time of trial, but I pray, please send her to me. I ask that you forgive me, Lord, for the disrespect and dishonor I paid to her by walking away. I was selfish, and this is no time to think of only myself. I pray that it is not too late to ask for this forgiveness. I need your guidance, Lord, because I just don't know what to do. I love you for your gracious mercy. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen."

Chapter 21

A vision of a teenage boy with Thomas' visage preaching from a church pulpit, flashed before her eyes and startled her. YAHveh had never sent a visual image before her eyes while walking about on this planet. "I know about your son, who is living though your wife is dying and has been sick for the past year."

"H-how do you know that?"

"I heard your recent prayer in my dreams, and have seen your son in a daydream. Normally, I don't see the face of the one praying before I hear the prayer, but, then again, there's always room for the unpredictable to happen, as you well know."

Chapter 22

Sylvia nodded her head. "I can't, but I know Someone who can." She took his hand as she started to walk into the room, but he stood still. She looked into his eyes.

His eyes were opened and he trembled. "There's a fire in your eyes," he cried. "I feel it. What is it? Why am I seeing things I'm seeing and feeling what I'm feeling?"

"Open up your heart to the Holy Spirit," she said, gently pulling him into the room and closing the door behind him as she kept her eyes fixed on his. Her heart tingled, jumping to life with static sparks. She could feel a wave of power leave her, and her knees grew weak. Her eyes overflowed with tears and released her pent-up grief.

He fell to his knees, and she fell with him, still not breaking her gaze. Tears came to his eyes, and he cupped his hands over his face and sobbed.

"I don't know why you cry, but YAHveh does, for He sent His Son to die for you to comfort you. Let the Holy Spirit in." She could feel him still fighting against it, and it anguished within her. She took his hands in hers and placed them over her face, and felt his soft palms and fingers as they carressed her cheeks. She felt a soft, warm glowing ember in her spirit.

He took his hands away, and stood up. He held out his hand and lifted her to her feet. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I don't understand any of this."

Chapter 24

"Well, I was just walking to the store to get some whiskey on Saturday night, and was attacked by some lunatic on the street who was tearing at his clothes and said that it felt like his skin was burning. He said that he had seen a spiritual being, and that God was talking to him, telling him to repent of his evil deeds. He told me to turn the other way and forget where I was going."

Sylvia pulled into a space in the parking lot. She stared at him, her jaw dropped open. A vision of Gabe came to her mind and the symbol of Satan worship that had blazed before her eyes, and the whiskey on his breath, then that image disappeared in a flash of white fire. She shook her head as she came back to her senses.

"He grabbed at my uniform top and tore the buttons loose as he fell to the ground, trying to hold on. I looked down at him, and he lied there for a few seconds mumbling something in a strange language before he looked up at me with a smile. I saw this dark spirit leave him and move swiftly away. It looked like a large black bat with red eyes, and it had looked at me for only second. It shook me to the bone. The agony was gone from the man's face and he looked so peaceful. He whispered, 'God is with us right now. Do you feel Him? The Holy Spirit is here.' I didn't pay much mind to it, because I was still shocked by what I had seen. What caught my attention was when he mentioned Dommy Carlton. I don't know how he knew her nickname, or how he knew her, but he said that she will hold her son in her arms, and that I didn't have enough power in my hands to kill her. I've never meant to kill anyone," he said, his voice cracking.

Sylvia put her hand on his shoulder. "I believe you. Have you not slept because of what he said?"

"Not a wink. I've been seeing strange things lately too. I see dark spirits in the halls of the hospital, and they badger me with laughing, a gruesome laughing. They remind me of every time a soldier had died under my command with their taunting. Why did that man have to say those things to me? I didn't go get that whiskey, and learned later that the liquor store I would have went to was robbed at gunpoint, and all the people inside were killed before the police arrived. Why is this happening?"


Let us go outside and talk about this. I do not wish to quabble in front of either one of them." They walk just outside the room and shut the door behind them. "The U.S. Army does not own either one of them. You are going to throw him out because of his HIV-positive status, so I don't need to hear how much you care about him. Now, I do wish to know the prognosis you have for Dommy," she explained in a calm voice.

"Her body is all but dead. Lymphoma is beyond its final stage. She has AIDS on top of that, so I don't even see how she is living right now. She is off life support, but has a feeding tube, at Sergeant Carlton's request. Somehow her body has managed to maintain a minimum heart rhythm and blood pressure to survive. It's as if she is waiting on something."

The burning in her right eye answered her question of how to tell him she knew what Dommy was waiting on. She took out the contact and looked deeper into his widening, shaking eyes. As he started to wobble, she grabbed his right wrist with her left hand.

He opened his mouth as if to speak, but no words came forth, but just short grunts, in failed efforts, escaped.

"Doctor, are you okay?" a nurse asked from the reception desk. "Miss, what's going on?"

Sylvia broke her gaze and looked at her, and looked back to the General as the nurse fell back in her chair into a daze. She placed her contact back into her eye. "Let's go back in, and I'll give you more of the details."


She turned around and saw Dommy lying limp on the bed. The veins were close to the surface of her skin, but that is not what primarily caught Sylvia's attention. There was a large mound under the light green cotton cover, which held the 8-month-old baby, who would not give up his life. She walked over to Dommy and placed her hand on top of it. A vibration hit her hand, and she smiled. "He kicked."

"That child has drained the life out of her much faster than the disease," General Massach said.

Sylvia's eyes moved to peaceful expression on Dommy's face, as she responded to his comment. "That, dear sir, is where you are mistaken. This child is the reason she still lives." She thought on those last words, and the words that Joseph told her that were in his dream flashed and echoed in her mind: She will create a bond with a most beloved people. The image of the painting was in the forefront of her mind; a reminder of a day when the impossible happened before her face. She closed her eyes as the baby kicked once more. "My guess would be that she told you not to take his life, right?"


Dommy looked lovingly to her husband, and carressed his face with her hand. Her eyes moved to Sylvia. "You must be Sylvia. I was waiting on you. The Lord, YAHveh, said you would come to me. He said that my child is a sign to you that what you think cannot be, will be. I don't know what that means, but the Lord told me to tell you that." She placed her hand over her womb.

Sylvia's spirit stirred and sparked within her stomach as she contemplated her words. "This life is a sign for another life, one that is not conceived yet." Tears flowed down her cheeks.

Chapter 26

Thomas looked down at his son, then back to Sylvia.

"Your son will be a mighty man of God. He will see things in his lifetime that many people would only dream of. He may leave you to travel, but I pray, please do not stop him, for I will be with him. Do not worry about such things right now. You will know when it is time. Dommy, YAHveh has spoken to you and revealed me to you. I don't know how much He has shown you, but I do know that He will reveal it all in time."

Chapter 27

Joseph and her walked up close to her bedside. He reached out his hand from across the bed. "You must be the new proud father. Thomas, I'm..."

"Joseph. You're Joseph," Dommy said, interrupting him to finish his sentence. "I know you. I've seen you in my dreams. When God showed me Sylvia, you were with her. You were kneeled in front of her crying, and she put your hands to her face."

Thomas lowered his hand as Joseph's face turned pale.

Sylvia moved a chair behind him, as he stumbled clumsily backward into it, then covered his face with his hands.


"He doesn't understand. The Lord says that you, Joseph, strengthen her. I saw a vision of a woman with long, black beautiful hair that shined blue. She called herself Elyssa. She spoke, saying that you should not run backward away from Sylvia." Dommy said.

Sylvia approached Joseph and kneeled in front of him. She attempted to move his hands from his face.

"Leave me alone," he said, slapping her hands away.

Sylvia stood up. "I brought you here to see that Dommy is no longer dying, but lives, and to see that Thomas is well. Wake up and see. You have no reason to fear her words, but rather the source of her words."

Chapter 27

Caitlin rushed inside, and Sylvia swept her up in her arms.

"It's great to see you. Come on in. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Sylvia said. "And why do you hug me so tight, Caitlin? I'll see you tomorrow night at church, won't I?"

Caitlin shook her head. "I won't see you there. You won't be there. Mama, show her the notebook."

Sylvia felt a nagging pull at her heart as she put her down, then sat down in the small recliner across from Roberta, who held out the notebook.

"Caitlin wrote something Sunday night. She said it was spoken to her this way," Roberta said, her outstretched arm trembling as Sylvia took it from her grasp. "I've never heard of this language, and neither have the scholars I have had look at it. They said it looks like some kind of ancient language, but it is not like any they know of that has existed."

"Mama, the message is for Sylvia. God told me that no one could read it except for her."

Sylvia opened up the notebook, and her heart lept inside her as she stared at the beginning of the message.

"Can you read it to us and tell us what it says?" Roberta asked. "I want to know what the Lord has told my daughter in this mysterious language, if it is truly the Lord's voice she has heard."

"I can read this. No other but the the Spirit of the Lord could give her this gift of tongues. I'll read it as it is pronounced, then I'll tell you what it means."

Caitlin sat at Sylvia's feet.

"Child, you have no reason to sit at my feet. You have a gift you've shared fully with me. I should sit at your feet," Sylvia said.

Caitlin got up and sat beside her. "Read it, please. I do not know the meanings of these words, but only how to say them."

"She was speaking this aloud when she was praying that night, and searched for any notebook she could find," Roberta explained.

Sylvia placed her hand over Caitlin's. "I'm going to read through this notebook in silence, but I want you to let the Spirit speak through you again. You have no need to look at these words, for they are still within you."

Caitlin closed her eyes, then belted out these words:

Yes anats dorvener Ri yas heter shakyed, Ri yas heter shakren, Ri yas avaber ya makel ona Sylvia, niha sylva ona rinese, Ri yas ofler, om reish herme zufler; om zufler, om reish herme ofler;

Sylvia ran to get her Bible and opened it to Revelations, as Caitlin continued to speak.

Mi venale niha eserates; rachi, Mi avabe asimilu fateem ni pe oflasen taulis, om reish herme panner ofler rik; asa ni avabel dasakelu Mir dorval, om avabel reishet azrenalu Mir dorvenik.

Sylvia's heart raced, and she explained the meaning of the words which Caitlin uttered. "This is clearly a message to me, and not to any man. This is from Revelations 3:7 and 8." She handed the opened Bible to Roberta, and Caitlin ran to her mother's side to look. "'These things say He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the key of Sylvia, your mother of ancient times, He that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens; I know your works: behold I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it; for you have kept My word, and have not denied My name.'"

Roberta placed her hand over her heart. "Oh, my Lord. How can my child know these words? Why does she speak them?"

Caitlin closed her eyes, then opened them and ran to Sylvia and clutched her hand as tight as she could. The light in Caitlin's small eyes and the strength of her small voice, made Sylvia tremble in fear and her breath grow heavy.
Fallis! Fallis!
Pe coshermes kitlen!
Dorshannah ril,
Dorshannah niha malene.
Ni whillanehi, shinnanehi.
Reish ada zinnanah lonik Hermes.
Ris tekkanehi mekkanet ni,
raszanet ni, zossanet ni.

Mi avabe asimilu fateem ni
pe oflasen taulis met.
Mossannah pel rik
om benannah doskanet dorana
fateem ri zufler al ni ammire
Benannah om Mir dorana rallanehi ni.
Ye rachal hermes Mi assimilu
fateem niha kapas raldanerehi ni
kit pas dorana yasik maysonehi reishal.

Mayso! Mayso!
Ris parchelehi,
Mi parche, Ammisannah!
Nir zoki shinnanehi riha manho.
Pitannah ri; ri pisaner.
Riha pitanre shinnaner Mir Caitil
kitlen ni al Hermes.
Shinnannah niha malene niha dorana
om pa Caitil ona Mir doranna.
Mossannah pel pe oflasen taulis.
Ni reishik zozzanet rof Hermes.

Sil ni zoslan, pais hetenehi maysal,
reishik ammisal!

At her last words, Sylvia sat in a trance. She looked down at the open notebook and silently read through what Caitlin had just spoken. "You speak a perfect dialect of Armavish. It hasn't been spoken for a thousand years, but the words come so easily from your lips. It is YAHveh who speaks through you so that I will understand."

"Armavish. Where was that spoken? And why do you say call God, YAHveh?" Roberta asked.

Sylvia took a quick sip of breath. "On a planet that can't even be seen as a light through a telescope from here. This language spoken during the end of days of the humans who once lived there. As for me calling the Lord YAHveh, I acknowledge His holy name which should never be forgotten. Jehovah, as you might hear spoken, is a name I do not know, nor have I ever spoken to Him with that reference." Sylvia answered.

Caitling shrugged her shoulders at her mother's grimacing countenance. "Does anyone live that planet now or is it dead?"

"I am from there," Sylvia answered, "and there are many others. Let me translate for you what Caitlin said, if you would like, then I can answer more questions."

Caitlin and Roberta had their eyes focused on Sylvia.

She closed her eyes and said,
Fire! Fire!
A child within!
Save him, save yourself.
You will be cleansed, revealed.
No more hiding among Man.
They will seek to find you,
probe you, hurt you.

I have set before you
an open door now.
Go through it
and reach out to claim love
before it shuts to you forever.
Reach out and My love will engulf you.
The strong man I have set
before your eyes will embrace you
with this love, which will never die.

Dead! Dead!
They will say.
I say, "Live!"
Your shadow will reveal his light.
Wake him; he is asleep.
His waking reveals My Spirit
within you to Man.
Reveal yourself, your love
and the Spirit of My love.
Go through the open door.
You will not be bound as Man.

If you fail, there will be death,
not life!

Roberta's eyes grew wider. "What does this mean? Why is my little girl speaking these words? Why here and now?"

"I understand much of what she says, but this message is more of a warning for me to do what YAHveh has called me to do. He has used this child as a messenger because she does not question where these words come from. There are too many people who would say that this sort of thing should only happen in church. That would be a sad day when the Gospel would only be shared within walls surrounding believers. The Spirit of the Lord wants to abide within all of us," Sylvia said, and she placed her hand over her heart. "He wants to abide in our hearts and in our minds, within our whole being. To wholly believe that He abides within, it takes the faith of a small child. The reason for the timing of these words comes because YAHveh is not completely happy with all that I haven't shared with mankind. I do not believe, however, that this message is for mankind, nor is it about Armegeddon. When I spoke of the end of days, I meant the last fifty years of the human race on my planet. When my race was born and learned a different tongue, the humans mixed it with their own. The dialect that Caitlin spoke was before the humans recognized us as equals among them."

Caitlin said, "I heard my name in what I spoke. What does my name mean?"

"Your name is a variation of the word for Spirit, as in the Holy Spirit," Sylvia answered.

Roberta touched her pursed lips with her index finger and fidgeted in her seat. "You are not human? How can that be? You look human to me."

"That's because I am hiding, and, as Caitlin said, God is about to put that to an end."

More to come soon.

© Copyright 2007 Beth Barnett (angellove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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