Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1257530-Debutante
Rated: GC · Sample · Adult · #1257530
"When you're eighteen" the pat answer...well,,,this is the day Sara becomes a Junger .

"C'mon Sara...'' the family was beginning to disperse around the house after my
birthday dinner; mother and her sister dutifully cleaning the kitchen area, father and
uncle smoking their cigars in front of the TV watching a Packers' game as Gina, (I
never really understood where Gina fit into our family tree,) reached over to place her
fingers lightly on my hand.

''Vicki?'' she called out to my mother, "We're going out for awhile."

"Hunh?" my aunt whispered something to my mother after her response, "Umm
hmm." my mother muttered to her, "Right. Don't get into trouble you two."

"Just celebrating eighteen Vicki." Gina said tersely.

"Yes, I know, it's ok just be careful. Please?"

"You know, I will be careful Vicki." Gina said to my mother who had walked to
the entryway between the kitchen and the front room to watch us leave.

"My my it's a beautiful day." we were walking towards the fields, "Where are
we going? I'm so glad to be eighteen, I mean I know it's lame and all..."

"Shussh! Little girl..." Gina said, "don't be prattling on, my Goddess, listen to you..."

"I'm not a little girl!" I protested stopping where I was, (minus the stomping of my foot in a childish manner,) "I mean, why are you saying that? I know you're older and all that but..."

Gina stopped in mid stride grabbed my arm and turned me to face her, "In relation to me you ARE a little girl..." her eyes seemed to be flashing lightening,)
"...for I am ancient." her voice softened, "Yes this is a beautiful day and you are
eighteen and your feelings are not lame." Placing my arm in the gap created by hers' at her side we turned and started walking across the field as she quietly spoke,
"You are nervous and that is good now settle down and let these moments and the lovely scenic ladened eventide just soothe you and relax you for I am to 'talk' with you."

Her sweet voice began to soothe me, "All the Junger," (she pronounced my surname in the Teutonic fashion with the 'yot,' sound for the J,) "have had this conversation and this time." We were walking through a forested glen I had never seen before, "A Junger woman has owned this land since so long ago down through the ages," it seemed as if her voice was singing, "your mothers' mothers' mother passing it down aeon's and aeon's, to her sisters to you and yours' in succession. This place we're going to is for all of you." I was quietly subdued listening entranced by her, "Let's sit."

We sat at the edge of a small loamy beach the water moving in front of us calling me to remove my shoes so I could place my feet under the waters' surface, "I don't remember ever having been here." Moving my legs out in front of me then dipping my feet into wonderful exhilarating swirl of the water I noted, "My God it's deep!"

"Yes," Gina agreed murmuring her words quietly sitting next to me, "endlessly, bottomless but not overpoweringly so, isn't it wonderfully warm?"

"Mmmmmm, yes deliciously so, ..."

"You were always so good at choosing words Sara. Look!" she reached and placed her fingers under my chin tilting my face up slightly, "She has blessed us." referring my eyes to the wonderfully huge yellow moon on the horizon. "It is for us Little one...". The moon was so brilliantly yellow against the darkened skies that appeared to be there only for the smattering of stars around it, "and her sisters Little one," her face was mere inches from the side of mine, "the witnesses." she finished her sentence as we gazed at the sight the air alive with the sounds of eventide. "Yes, everyone of you...,"

Her hands went downward to her waist then grabbed the bottom hem of her blouse, "...just like this." pulling it up over her breasts then over her head, "Join me." She reached to the side of my face making me look then moved her eyes down and back to meet mine. It seemed as if the lightening was back in her eyes. Seeing her bare breasts I quickly turned away. She grabbed a lock of my hair then curled it upwards around the fist of her hand, "I said, 'join me.' "

"What? Why? Ow...that hurts." I protested trying to move away from her.

"Yes. It does." she pulled me bringing my face close to hers' so close, eye to eye, nose to nose, foreheads touching, "You are a woman and going through that to the bliss is such joy." Her sweet wet lips demandingly met mine kissing me before she bit my lower lip, "Mmmmmmm, so sweet. I just love this blouse, I gave it to you didn't I? Yes, sweet sixteen, all of the boys with hard little cocks leering at you," her fingers untied the bow attached to the blouses' collar then proceeded to open every button, "You remember all the times mommy said," her fingers opened more and more of my blouse, "when you're eighteen..." her fingers were under my chin, "and you listened and heeded didn't you Little one?" my eyes speaking the yes as she placed my fingertips at the applets of my blouse indicating her intent that I should, 'join her...' then telling me, "Now! Join me." I reached behind me murmuring as I unfastened my bra. She placed her fingertip on my lip quieting me and nodding in approval as I removed it.

She stood turning to stand in front of me on the shores' edge her fingers deftly unfastening her skirt, "Look at me Little one..." I looked up at her backdropped by the big wonderful glowing moon creating an aura about her highlighting the auburn tones of hair which appeared so much longer curling as it did down her shoulders and along the lines between her arms and body making her breasts so wonderfully alluring. "Yes Little one look at me." I continued to stare, "I knew you would be such a good girl..." she murmured as her hand pushed down on the top of my head making me look at her bare pubis. "So sweet..." her hand coaxed my face to her, "Mmmm...hmmm...," so close to see how bare she was, so close to the most wonderful wet dewy smell that I could not resist inhaling as her fingertips turned my face moving my cheek flush to her skin. "What do you want Little one?" her body moved against my skin as she moved my head there feeling nothing but her. "I know what you want." she moved her hand from the side of my head placing her fingertips and moving them to each side across my slightly opened lips before pushing them in to my mouth.

"That was all you wanted to do that night." she moved the underside of her fingers on my lips, "Show me how good you sucked him." My eyes were closed as I remembered how my tongue moved under the long shaft to the tip, "Yes, he loved that didn't he Little one, especially when your wet lips closed on the tip." I could hear his grunts groans and words in my ears again, "All of that cock in your mouth, swelling when you sucked, throbbing when you stopped, how he wanted more and more, and..." her fingers moving in my mouth back and forth just as he did, in, out, tapping at my throat, in, out, holding my head like he did moving it to the rhyme, the tempo of his lust, pounding lust, want, "then..." her fingers backed out of my mouth, "you stopped, withdrew your favor, denied him." The sound of his voice whiny, plaintively echoing in my mind as she continued, "You had him there didn't you Sara, what, all of 3 minutes?" she laughed harshly, "And it all went away didn't it, just wilted to nothing."

"Baby," his voice wailed, "don't stop now, I haven't..." how did she know? Could she hear his voice too? The nighttime noises around us seemed louder. I could hear her question in my mind as I looked up at her nodding, "I knew."

"Tell me Little one..." her eyes fastened mine with intent as she absently moved her fingers on my lips, "what was better, denying him or the feeling of superiority as you gave him that pitiful little cum he got courtesy of your hand?" I opened my eyes dreamily watching her in the moon glow as she removed her fingers placing them between her legs. I could see them glistening in the subdued light, hear the soft sounds of fingered wet manipulations there, "You won't deny me Little one." Command or request it didn't matter because she placed them on my lips.

I was moving back and down knowing what I was going to do, knowing my lips would be there. "I knew you'd give willingly." Closer and closer that wonderful earthy scent, the sounds of our space, the sisters' singing and wet warm sweet taste of her was presented to me as I laid back. She was so much above me leaning back on her hands. I was looking up seeing her breathe, hearing moans and whispers of encouragement, directions as her hips moved in semicircles across my mouth, face, taking me, making me adore her wet pussy.

"That's right Little one, fuck me with that tongue." her nipples were so hard as she moved her fingertips to one and pinched it moaning then pressed her sex down on my face grinding telling me, "Touch yourself." I was so close. "I'm going to flood your face Little girl.'' Hearing her words while touching myself as she ground down on my face she cried out, "Cum with me..." then groaned as her hips moved in small semicircles on my mouth her breathing causing her to gasp causing me to feel every delicious throb of her cum and see the wonderful hue of passion spread across her skin.

She laid her self down to me then slid down my body to kiss me after murmuring, "Mmmmm, you sweet wonderful Little lover girl you..." She slid her fingers between our bodies to press hard on my clitoris, "Cum for me." she whispered while smearing my mouth her kiss sealing my lips, tongue fucking my mouth making me share her breath as her fingers entered me and fucked me until I screamed out, everything inside me tying and loosening, taken and taken, again and again.

Her sweet voice disappeared as I awakened to the sound of pounding on my bedroom door. Barely managing to cover myself realizing that my panties and pajamas were absolutely soaked trying to subdue my breathing I heard my Mothers' voice, "Time to get up Sara."

Gina's voice chimed in, "Yes c'mon. Get up birthday girl."

I'm eighteen and I like it.

© Copyright 2007 Janelle (rdftheonly at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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