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what/where/ is wonderland? here it is...
wonderland...a place to wonder and for wondering...for those who lost in the middle of the ocean...you might find your way here...since i am looking for a way out too...
June 14, 2007 at 12:11am
June 14, 2007 at 12:11am
Life is actually a wonderland. You never know what will happen next and what you have planned might change in no time. Sometimes, you'll think that life is beautiful, wonderful but sometimes you'll think that life is empty and it is nothing after all. It is all because life is like wonderland. A place for people like us, wanderers, to explore it and to accept what it has to take to continue with the next exploration. We are just like the prince in the fairytale 'Sleeping Beauty' which need to get pass the poison ivy and finally reach the princess. Most of the fairytale have happy ending and so will our life. Though some are with sad ending, it might happen in our life too. It is all because our life is wonderland and we'll never know what is at the end of that place and what will come next...what we have to do is cope with whatever that comes up...
June 13, 2007 at 11:59pm
June 13, 2007 at 11:59pm
I know you hate to cook...because you dunno how to cook and where to get started. But I'm evil you know that's why I always force you to prepare dinner with me. Another reason that I always ask you to prepare dinner is that I want you to learn. The last but not least is that I like watching you doing some stupid action and I won't stop laughing. You always bright up my dinner time.

You say you hate cooking because you think the steps are complicated and actually it was the first time I heard people saying cooking is complicated and involving many steps. Frankly, just some simple theories and some steps are needed to remember and that's all.

No matter what I still enjoying watching you doing nothing and just stand there and watch me cook. Moreover, it is real funny when you give lame excuses like you injured your foot or you suffer from stomachache and don't feel like having dinner...and I won't believe whatever you tell. So, no matter what happened, when I'm preparing dinner you must be with me...*smirk*

June 13, 2007 at 11:44pm
June 13, 2007 at 11:44pm
I'm thinking of you when you are not around even for one night...I feel empty. I dunno what to do and where to go. I started to feel worry. Should I feel anxious if you are only my best friend cum house mate? Without doubt, I like all my friends but the feeling for you is no the same as others. So, wondering maybe I get too far or too serious about our friendship? I'm sinking...maybe I care too much of you...maybe I should stop thinking of you and think of other friends...

After your intervention, my whole normal daily life has distorted and I like the transformation very much and hope this will never end...will last for eternity...

So, am I loving you or liking you? I wonder but now I just hope our engagement will last...

June 13, 2007 at 11:15pm
June 13, 2007 at 11:15pm
Today, reached Penang early in the morning...Actually, it's not that early...around 8.30am, but still earlier than usual...So, it's still early...Yawned all the way to Penang...Desperately want to have a long nice sleep...until a prince comes to wake me up with a kiss (Imagining)...haha...

After that, went to laboratory...Here, I started my daily routine...Melting different kind of agar, culturing bacteria and fungi and blah,blah,blah...After finishing my work, me and my friend went to Tesco to buy the ingredients for our dinner...Shopped for around an hour, besides buying dinner ingredients, we bought also junk foods and other THINGS which are actually not necessary...

Then, when everything was finally and nicely done...which when I was going to have a nice nap...before that, went into my friend room and thinking to have a comfortable chat before sleep...then, she suggested that to watch Japanese animation...How can I resist?!!!...So, I agreed...Here gone my nap...T_T...Half way through the watching, she needed to get to her lab to get the experiment result...So, we stopped and I went to take my nap...Oh, nap sweet nap...

After an hour nap, which I think it is...I woke up and prepared dinner straight away...and I was still blur at that moment actually...But still have to force my eyelids to open as wide as they can...to have clear view...Everything was doing fine...Until, when I was washing my brand new knife, which I just took it from my home this morning...I cut my finger...and the cut was quite deep...Luckily, I didn't cut my whole finger...It hurts...and making me temporary fingercap (originate from handicap)...I think this will last for a few days...I would call it a day if I didn't cut my finger...Now, what should I call it?...Maybe what a day!!!!
May 7, 2007 at 11:49pm
May 7, 2007 at 11:49pm
I'm thinking of the words to say,
I'd like to think that this was fate,
Reference to a song you love,
Spell confusion with a ''K''
Like a star without its strings,
I'm hanging here on this two wings.
For that smile and those eyes
I'm falling

If time could stop, how could I make this more poetic?
When there is nothing more pathetic to be said

You bring me out, show me light,
I'm sorry if i hide, I'm too afraid to look inside.
You carry truth, and make me smile.
If it were you and me tonight,
I would tame the stars and save the brightest one for you,
For you...

If you ever had the chance,
Would you make your life seem right?
Or would you only hold it back,
The good times, the hard and the bad.
Whatever you said is alright,
Just as long as there's no doubt.
Could you look me in the eye
and say hopes died?
May 7, 2007 at 11:20pm
May 7, 2007 at 11:20pm
I saw this at somewhere and I love it so much...Highly recommended for everyone who is in love...

Just say to me,

i'm gonna love you until the end of time
somehow two hearts have made a friend of time

I knew that we belonged together
Long before I knew your name
And the only thing I longed for
Was a sign to prove you felt the same
Somehow I knew your every secret
Just from looking in your eyes
Form the very moment I met you
I was thinking of the rest of our lives

You find it hard to show affection
But I can see beyond your haze
Our love shines through the darkness
And will carry on long pass our days
I am not afraid to say forever
You have made me feel so sure
Because I know it's everlasting
And I've never had this feeling before

Eternity is on our side

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