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The universe is created out of the dual forces of light and darkness.
Even today in the age of medical miracles and computers science doesn’t formally acknowledge the universal dual nature of reality. This is truly the power of Dewey Larson’s Reciprocal Field Theory. For the first time a general field theory is based on the principles of duality. The Reciprocal Field Theory postulates a space/time universe and a time/space universe that co-exist in the same space. They are separated by the speed of light.

In his landmark book “Nothing but Motion” he states all that exists is simply vibratory motion. The photon as the building block of all things pulses outward and then collapses back inward toward the center as an electrical pulse.

Magnetic fields are dual as well. North pole magnetic fields combine with south pole magnetic fields to produce the rotation of the earth.

Over and over in nature we find examples of duality. We find the existence of opposites as paradox and then the final resolution of paradox as the dual elements combine perfectly to form something new.

The universe pulses, matter pulses, cells pulsate, the heart beats, the lungs breathe, one muscle pulls one way and it’s opposite allow movement. We have the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Let’s not forget how the brain is divided into two hemispheres or the obvious distinction of male and female. Food passes through the intestines in a pulsating movement.

Landmark books like “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” for the first time explore the possibility that males and females are not the same and don’t experience life the same way. It might not be possible for one sex to understand the other sex. We may always be a mystery to each other and that might be how it should be.

In our world alternating current pulses at 60 cycles per second. Computers use binary bits of data based on “0’s” and “1’s”. The digital age is upon us and it is all based upon the duality of postive and negative forces that are harnessed together in some way to create something useful.

We are coming close to the point of science accepting the dual nature of the universe out of neccessity but religion and psychology stubbornly refuse to examine the data. They don’t understand how paradox and the resolution of paradox go hand in hand with modern chaos theory.

Anything may be described as an energy system. As more energy is applied to that system it will grow or progress in an orderly manner until it reaches a critical point where it goes chaotic. That is the point where the dual forces of the system are going in different directions and it seems as if everything is destroyed. As even more energy is applied the original system makes a quantum leap into a new type of energy system. This is the resolution of the paradox. The dual forces are once more working in harmony in a totally new way.

Isn’t this another way of saying birth, death and rebirth? Isn’t this how we become competent at a skill? Isn’t this how a business venture become successful?

There are two sides to every philosophical point and both of them are valid. Debate can logically prove either view as correct. Essentially that means either view is worthless as well. The only view worth considering is not the paradoxical one but the resolution of the paradox. The OAK material presents the resolution to many of the paradoxical questions we are confronted with on a daily basis. Many are self-evident truths recognised by all when they are pointed out.

The resolution to paradox is always beautiful in its simplicity and its self-evident nature. When we talk about duality it is important to talk about the resolution of duality into a third as well. Rosicrucians call this the “Law of the triangle”. Christianity term this the “Trinity” aspect of God. Pagans and Wiccans use the terms “Father, Mother, Child” and “Maid, Mother, Crone”.

The resolution of duality is always a quantum leap into a new state of being and it is always preceded by a chaotic period or “dark night of the soul”. Any system as it ages will at some point become chaotic. There is not reason to fear this process. It would be better if we understood it and became friends with it.

In life nothing ever stays the same and change is inevitable.
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