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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #1253536
Opinions, experiences, and maybe even knowledge! (No, not that!)
This is my blog. It exists currently as a result of someone gifting me for an upgraded membership. It will contain, as most blogs, various opinions, insights, and perhaps, even some knowledge.
I hope... *Bigsmile*

October 7, 2008 at 5:26am
October 7, 2008 at 5:26am
This is (mostly) verbatim what I posted on MySpace. But, I thought it insightful (and hopefully inspiring) enough to share on WDC:

Yeah, yeah, I know...I haven't blogged in months (or, on WDC, um, over a year *Blush*). But, with my birthday approaching, maybe I'll say a few words. (You can pick yourselves up off the floor now!)

The problem is, as Richard Belzer's character said in the last episode of the first season of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, "I'm not good at talking about myself." That is, without question, my number one personal issue. So, thanks in advance for "bearing with me".

So, what to say on one's 47th birthday? I could say I'm not where I thought I'd be at this point in my life, but, that probably fits, oh, 60 to 80 percent of the population over 40 (though that number may be increasing a bit due to recent, um, "events"). I could say I wish I had the kind of insight into "things" I have now when I was much younger, this level of "understanding". But, that probably fits nearly 100 percent of the population over 40.

Okay, here's something: stress. I'll be frank and say I've been dealing with more than my fair share this past year. But just the other evening, I had one of those "over-40" moments of insight, and realized that a lot of my stress is really my own doing. Yes, "things" are weird, both in my life and in the world. But The Light of Insight told me, "And, just what the hell can you do about most of it?"

Alot of my stress has come from the situation with my elderly mother and aunt, whom I love very much, yet have lately felt paralyzed to do anything for. Alot of the problem is that they need so much help now, sometimes "by the hour", yet at the same time I really need to become gainfully employed, yet that means being away from home for eight hours a day, and.... Well, it's the classic "life conundrum" (and stress creator!) you might imagine. But, taking "action" by getting them some real outside help via a program of the Department of Human Services here will take a big load off my mind (and body!). Yet the initial appointment/interview with a DHS worker so stoked me that I came home and did a little something to shore up our living room ceiling (another of my stressors). Wow. Action. Amazing what it does for the brain and digestive system! *Shock* (And, to be honest, it was probably responsible for The Light of Insight paying me a visit a couple of evenings ago!)

But, there are things I have zero control over. For example, what if the DHS nurse who's supposed to visit us tells us to "go blow" (a favorite, and hilarious, phrase of my mother's since my sister, susanL , and I were kids)? Well, The Light of Insight says, "Reapply for the same program, apply for other programs, apply for disability, for Food Stamps, etcetera."

Plus, The Light of Insight informed me that one must cross bridges when one comes to them. Do what you can, but then realize when you've done what you can. And, in those instances, find an "alternative" action, like going for a walk, going to, oh, McDonald's for a bite, visit the public library, etcetera. Bottom line: via The Light of Insight, it's time (way past time) to get my stress under some real control, as, though I may not be old, I ain't no spring chicken, either. Or, to put it another way, time to get a handle on my stress, or I'll have real problems to contend with!

Let me close my annual (just kidding *Bigsmile*) blog entry with something I've always seen and heard, but never quite "got". And it makes sense regardless of whether or not you are a religious person (I'm not that particularly "religious" myself, e.g. "devout" or "fundamentalist"):

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference


(most commonly attributed to the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhold_Niebuhr], though I cannot personally vouch for that, and whom I have no real knowledge of)

July 11, 2007 at 6:19pm
July 11, 2007 at 6:19pm
I'm usually the type to try and avoid controversial issues, as they often revolve around things like personal choice, personal philosophy, faith, and so on. But, on the issue of "global warming" (or, put more accurately, what the issue has become), I just can't remain silent any longer. Especially after RFK Jr.'s rant at the Live Earth concert last weekend, which has left me floored (to make an understatement). *Shock*

Now, I'm definately no member of the "anti-global warming" political crowd, but, especially after Live Earth, it's obvious to me that the "pro" crowd has become just as political and agenda-driven. And, as history has shown, where politics meets anything creative or reason-driven (like the arts, history, science, etc.) the latter invariably suffers. Sometimes immeasurably so, as during the infamous "Dark Ages".

Sure, corporations must take their share of the blame, be held to account, and so forth, but they can also be part of the solution. Unless your primary agenda is to see capitalism as the problem, and thus do away with corporations, of course. Unless you are not so much an environmentalist as a socialist, and are seizing a true, honest, and serious environmental concern and using it to play political football. I wish that wasn't happening, but it is. And on both sides of the political aisle, I'm afraid. And humanity will suffer.

I'm sorry, Robert, but if every home installed compact flourescent light bulbs (CFL's), our nation's power grid would go from ailing to healthy in a matter of weeks - or maybe even mere days. No more grayouts or rolling blackouts, and just maybe, just maybe, the power plants would have to burn less coal. What a concept... *Shock*

I know this because I've installed CFL's throughout our home here. (Not just one or two; that wouldn't have the same impact). And I'm truly amazed at how much our power usage has tumbled - along with our electric bill!

But, of course, something like that doesn't neatly "fit" political agendas. And it's sad, very sad. And it could be truly tragic.

Unfortunately, the dwindling of true science in the area of global warming only fuels the agenda-driven minions; false information, "bad" science (not of global warming itself, but the stuff that cries the earth will more-or-less implode in 10, 15, or 20 years, or that rants that every major storm, tornado, hurricane, heat wave, et al, are all caused by global warming), and constant and growing resistance to anything that could truly make a difference, are all rampant. *Confused*

As with CFL's, we all can make a difference. Governments can fuel (pun very much intended) serious research into alternative fuels and power sources - but, then, these things don't fit political agendas, either, so resistance to them is assured, and, again, from both sides of the "debate". Probably to the point that none of it will ever happen. Unless we can somehow divorce the environment from politics. *Laugh*

I'm sorry, Robert, but you are wrong. It is about CFL's and hydrogen-fueled cars. Unless of course global warming and the environment are not your primary concern. Unless you place sole blame on capitalism and corporations, and not where it belongs - on all of us, individuals and corporations alike. You're as bad as Limbaugh, only from the other side. *Frown*

God help us all...
June 25, 2007 at 4:31pm
June 25, 2007 at 4:31pm
My sister, susanL , just posted a couple of fascinating blog entries dealing with women who constantly chose "sociopathic" men. (If you are a young woman, PLEASE read them, then come back and read the rest of this.) Well, I think that, for these women, there are many issues at work. To get an idea you should watch the Law and Order:SVU episode "Starved", currently scheduled to air this Friday, June 29 on the USA Network at 9 pm Eastern Time (WDC Time!). In that episode, Cora Kennison is more-or-less "cemented" to date-rapist Mike Jergens, to the point that she even marries the loser! She is so starved for affection and love that she doesn't see him for who he is. But when it finally becomes too obvious even for Cora to ignore, she attempts suicide rather than face it. She is thus left a mental vegetable, and as a final act, Mike "The Jerk" Jergens (the date rapist) moves to have Cora's feeding tube removed, even when Cora's mother has said she'll assume full responsiblity for Cora's care. Mike wants Cora dead even though her mother has absolved him of any responsibility for her. Now, how's that for sociopathy.

My whole point is that it is the women who chose such men that we need to work on. No person in their "right" mind could ever hope to understand sociopathic behavior - even criminal profilers struggle. And, because sociopaths don't wear badges, or announce their ultimate intentions, we need to arm women with the self-respect, emotional strength, courage, and, most importantly, the knowledge to know when to haul ass!!

Most women who mess around with married men don't end up as a headline on CNN, but they often still suffer, so that right there could be the ultimate "starting point" - whatever you do, LEAVE THE MARRIED MAN ALONE! If one comes on to you, tell him to come and see you when he has the DIVORCE PAPERS IN HIS HAND!

Number two: If you spent the night with a guy sweating up the sheets, then find out afterwards he's married, shed your tears, take your swipe at the male gender, then LEAVE HIM ALONE! Even if he ultimately gets divorced, he's already deceived you once, and will do so again. And God only knows what else he might be deceiving you about...

Tres: Don't be afraid to "check a guy out" if things are shaping up to be more than just a neat fling. Use whatever resources you have. Of course, be aware that exes can be "tainted" so-to-speak, so what you want to do is look for patterns, both in his behavior with you and with exes.

Again, these are all just starting points...there are other things to look for, things too numerous to mention in this mere blog.

Please don't be a statistic. It's okay to not "have someone" or "have a man". If nothing else, think about any unborn children (or your current children if you already have a kid or two). Take your time, do a bit of homework, and you'll be spending your 10th at a Motel 6 rather than at the county morgue...
June 2, 2007 at 4:19pm
June 2, 2007 at 4:19pm
Yeah, yeah, I know, it's been awhile, but, well, heck, there just isn't much going on (at least here in the big town of Guymon OK) to blog about. Unless, of course, you all in WDC blogland want to hear about my latest programming, and the latest software and hardware upgrades to my PC. *Yawn* Yeah, I thought so...

So, here I am, with actually something to write about. In this case, how 'bout a tornado? It happened Thursday evening, May 31. Yes, May went out like a beast! (wait, isn't that supposed to be March?..)

Well, alright it was a funnel cloud (a tornado not reaching the ground), but it happened just as the "wrong" part of a tornado-producing thunderstorm moved directly overhead, and after this storm had in fact been producing tornadoes on the ground, one north of the big town of Eva, to the northwest of here. Then, just as the wall cloud (the dark, low hanging cloud from which 90 percent of all tornadoes, small and large, germinate) approached, a funnel cloud suddenly began snaking down. I said some choice word, my aunt jumped up and went into the middle bedroom, and I watched as it never seemed to touch the ground, moved behind an oak tree across the street and disappeared.

The tornado sirens blew about 10 minutes before that happened, so, thank gawd someone was on the ball somewhere. *Rolleyes* I say that because that has not always been the case around here for some reason - maybe the last scare in April where a wall cloud (no funnel cloud, but...) passed overhead, and no sirens sounded or anything, and couple that with the Greensburg, Kansas disaster, got someone 'round here on the ball. We'll see if it lasts...

Yes, I am a "trained spotter" but not part of the local emergency management - only police and fire department personnel are authorized to report things like funnel clouds, etc, to local emergency officials. My reports must go to the National Weather Service in Amarillo, Texas. But, that's not entirely bad - I reported golf ball size hail last April via a "quick" email message to the NWS, and in less than 10 minutes, it was being reported via an official update.

And, in our county we now have "Weather Radio" (knock me over with a feather...). Grant it, we're one of the last counties in the region, and we still aren't "Storm Ready", but, maybe when "that" tornado finally hits town, fewer people will die.

And, on that up note, I'll end this blog. Until next month!!! (Jus' kiddin'...)

P.S. Why, in the local paper the next day, was there no mention of any storm, funnel, tornado, nothing... ?? Well, I'm certainly sleeping better... *Worry*

P.S.S Ah...found it...off to the side...no pictures...small headline...and the headline is almost verbatim the title of this blog entry. If I were the editor, I'd splash it across the top in big bold headlines, if only to keep folks vigilant, but that's just me...

P.ssssssssss And, there are pics in the Weekend Edition, and a bigger headline, though second from the top. Therefore, at least partially, my bad... But, I guess I was the only one to see the actual unmistakable funnel cloud, just like I guess I was the only one to see the wall cloud in April...
May 10, 2007 at 8:44pm
May 10, 2007 at 8:44pm
Well, yet another "childhood landmark" has gone the way of the wrecking ball; the Sonic Drive-In that occupied the space next door to my grandmother's house is now a dusty memory. *Cry*

Oh, the Sonic itself is still around, just in a newer, and bigger, location. But, I remember watching the old one going up, and my sister, susanL , and I got leftover cinder blocks and particle board with which we built a "clubhouse" *Laugh* with the next door neighbor boy, Shaun Wilcox.

And, if that's not all, the corner building that once housed the "Toot 'n' Tell" convenience store (I remember when that "went in" when I was either in kindergarten or first grade, and they had a big balloon advertising "Icees", the late '60's version of "Slushees"), and then "The Aqua Beauty Salon", which my mom frequented when my sister and I were kids, and which we spent more than a little time at waiting for her, has also been brought down! *Shock*. Now, with the rather large open space from the house all the way to the side street, the whole thing is more reminiscent of when my mom was young!! *Laugh*

Boy, the memories. Well, that's the great thing. Things come and go, and always will, but the memories will last a lifetime - and well beyond if you're a writer and are careful to document them. Consider this my documentation! *Smile*
May 8, 2007 at 5:01am
May 8, 2007 at 5:01am

But, as I mentioned in my last blog's comments, here, in Guymon, America, that's the way it is. But, given what this particular round of storms has been bringing (major twisters, flooding) I'm not complaining too loudly. Plus, we've had plenty of moisture, so that's no issue. But, there's still the whole rest of May to go, traditionally our "bad" month here. Yay...

On that note, if anyone from Greensburg, Kansas, or anyone who might have relatives or friends there (or in that part of Kansas) is reading this, I want you to know right up front that my heart goes out to you, and I'm sure that is echoed by the rest of the WDC community. *Heart* If any of you needs a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent at, here we all are!

May 6, 2007 at 1:02am
May 6, 2007 at 1:02am
I'll get off my lazy rear end and blog! Shee!!

Actually, I've been busy with my geeky programming stuff, an' it's just so hard to pull away sometimes, ya know??? (Shut up, Susan!)

As per my last blog entry eons ago *Bigsmile* I've decided to put my programming skills to work and am creating my own word processor! So there! *Pthb*

Okay, okay, I'll stop boring you all to tears *Yawn*. Today was "Pioneer Day" in the big town of Guymon, America. Hey, due to Oklahoma's Centennial Celebration, there was actually some really cool stuff, like the Annheuser-Busch Clydesdales. Yes, sister (and others), the very ones from St. Louis! Yes, all the way from there to here! Pur-dee cool...

No, there are no pics *Frown*. Mein mutter ('my mother' for those of you not up on your deutsch [German]) only had three of four snapshots left on her little disposable camera. And, of course, I never thought of jumping into the 21st century and picking up a digital camera. Had I, some of you might be enjoying some of the pics right this very minute. But, nooooo, that never crossed smart boy's brain, now, did it?? *Idea* - NOT!

Anyways, the parade was actually halfway decent - but the car clubs' rides weren't as "tricked out" as they usually are. Hmmm. Unusual.

Except for one: it was made to look like a "miniature semi" and was painted up with a "Dallas Cowboys" scheme! COOOOOLLL..... (I want that car..er, truck!!!) *Bigsmile*
April 27, 2007 at 12:54pm
April 27, 2007 at 12:54pm
I hate word processors. Really I do. So much so, that I've gone to using WordPad (the simpleton WP that comes with Microsoft Windows) for virtually all of my writing writing (how's that for great grammar!). But even then, I find I must [Paste Special -> Unformatted Text] else I get formatting (spacing, etc.) I can't undo or reformat. Grrrsh!! *Frown*.

I especially hate 'styles'. (Whoever invented 'styles' should be shot!! *Angry*. ) I create one, apply it, and get text that's all over the place with 14,000 different fonts and font sizes. (I kiss the person who invented undo! *Heart* ). And, once you finally get the 'style' right, you must save it within a template to use it again, which means you have to create a new document, load the styles from the previous document within which you created the style, apply it, then save it as a template. Now, be careful! Save your carefully-crafted template to a place you'll remember where the hell you save it, but, then, your word processor may not be able to find it..... *Confused*

AND I'M A "COMPUTER PERSON"! *Shock* I can doll out a media player (audio and video) in 15 different computer languages and using 17 different "software technologies" (don't ask...), and modify the Window Registry (definitely don't ask...!) for everything from Automatic Logon to moving the default 'My Music' folder to creating a new file type complete with 'Program associations'. And, hey, I "get" spreadsheets, and databases as complex as SQL Server. But, give me a word processor, and I descend to the level of the average blathering computer user!!! *Shock* Me! How uncouth.... *nose-in-air*

Ah, well, what is life without irony hear and there... I mean, how many auto designers can't drive a "stick"??? (shut up, Susan!)

April 26, 2007 at 2:43am
April 26, 2007 at 2:43am
This blog, for the time being, exists as a result of a gifted upgraded membership. Wow. I guess that means I'd better get busy and put a couple o' things on my port, eh? Do some reviewin'? To whoever gifted me, thank you bery much!*Bigsmile*

Okay, what topic to start with? Well, how about a li'l 'bout li'l ol' me... *Cool* First, writing (in English-language words) is not the only thing I do, or find interesting. I do alot of typing...of computer programs! *Shock*. Relax, I've got another blog that I've reserved for tech and computer stuff, so I won't bore you all in WDC blogland with (too much) of that stuff *Yawn*; but, for those so interested, you can find it at: http://fewiii.spaces.live.com/blog/.

Anything else? Well, as my sissy, susanL may have already told some of ye, I also fancy myself an amateur meteorologist (not just a 'weather watcher', but that's another story!).

Les' you think I'm all geek *Laugh*, I do also like football and watching the tube - and not just the 'geeky' stuff (though I do like that, too!). I'm a big fan of the Law & Order trilogy (all 3 episodes), and I also enjoy watching CSI and CSI:Miami. CSI:New York is okay, but it's not up there with the other two.

Well, enough about me. I'm really not so good at talking about myself...I'm interested in too many other things. (Guess I wouldn't make a very good celeb!)

And, for those wondering, yes, yes, I am susanL ' s "big brother". I've commented in her blogs from time-to-time, the "small print" guy. Hmmm, I wonder...maybe someone just got tired of seeing 'Freddie E' in small print on susanL 's blog comments page!! *Laugh*

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