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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1252670
By biggest challenge- My life. Wanna know me?
banner for my blog

This is just a flow of words from my fingers. I just jot down the words that come to my mind.
This might have many grammatical, punctuation and other errors, please help me correct those if you find any.*Flower2**Flower3**Flower2*

Thank you kiyasama for the lovely banner!

Please read these two entries if you are new to my blog:"My Song-Who am I?Open in new Window.
"I'm melting!! And no Thunderbolt :(Open in new Window.
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April 15, 2016 at 7:57pm
April 15, 2016 at 7:57pm
A place I pass by everyday, or rather, I go to everyday, would be Janson Elementary School, here in California. I need to go there everyday for a little responsibility I always enjoy.

I have to pick up someone from there, so I have to wait for sometime. I enjoy watching the children play, sometimes even I play with some of the children too.

I've been working hard for my college Math course this semester. Just got to know I might not get an A in math. *Sad* Why? People are celebrating the Bengali New Year's Day back in my country, and here I am, away from parents, sisters, friends, just to get my degree. I miss my people! It's hard being without them around.

I do live with a part of my family here, but I miss my culture, my language, my natural beauty, and most importantly, my friends. Sorry to say, here in America, people are friendly all right, but they can't be "friends." To me, friendship is a long term journey, not just for 2 days. *Cry* sigh! Why?
May 15, 2015 at 2:22pm
May 15, 2015 at 2:22pm
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a very Wodehouse challenge Open in new Window. (E)
Special 24th WDC Anniversary Special Event! Come test your fortitude!
#1280691 by iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon

I never heard of Roman goddess Minerva before. Just found out that she came out of Zeus’s head. She was the goddess of Roman medicine, doctors and military. She has an owl sitting on her arm, as these are considered wise birds.

Though Hercules is a very well known name, I didn’t know that he was the result of Zeus falling in love with a human.

The myth I liked most was the story of Persifone, a Greek who was in charge of bringing Spring to the world. She fell in love with someone called Aedes, which her mother did not approve of. Somehow, Persifone’s mother planned to bring her back, but something happens, and that bounds Persifone to stay with Aedes for 4 months in each year. Those 4 months is the time that people know as winter.

Me being a goddess? Well, I can’t really let my imagination run THAT fast. Yet, if I be, I’ll try to make people look at the bright sides of life, and appreciate the little blessings. And of course, I’d love to be invisible at times.

new year sig purchased from kiya

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B for BROTHER! Open in new Window. (E)
You're one of the sweetest gifts Allah sent my way
#2002076 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

March 5, 2015 at 11:42am
March 5, 2015 at 11:42am
Respect, definitely should be earned. Even love also. For example, suppose someone is the youngest in his/her family.

But if that person is arrogant, or not doesn't follow rules. he or she will lose the amount of love she could get if she behaved otherwise. Respect and love both can be gained through attitude. We are humans, we all have flaws, but it is best to erase negativity from life if someone wants to be respected, or loved. Being positive can also make you happy.
January 17, 2015 at 8:49am
January 17, 2015 at 8:49am
What is your work style like? Do you prefer to do a little bit each day or do you do well in a hurry at the very end?

Thank you Charlie ~ Author IconMail Icon for the prompt.

I prefer having a To do list either in my mind, or written down. Too much hurry or rush at the last minute either makes me sick or tense.

I think it's sometimes good to multitask, and sometimes some works like studying require full concentration. On the other hand, if I do one work for a long time, I get seriously bored. There's nothing more depressing than getting bored of something I usually like doing.

I also have a habit of finding treasures from the trashcan. Sometimes, when I'm beading, painting, or even writing, I sometimes run out of ideas, or maybe have to get busy with other things. Then, I just pile up my half-done, or wrong works in a paper bag or an useless drawer that I call a trashcan. Then when I'm free, I dig up new, creative works from that trashcan.

Am trying to be active again, here in WDC. So, I've set up a new activity which supports some great groups. Please take a look:

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Springtime Raffle and Auction Open in new Window. (E)
A raffle and Auction to celebrate Spring
#2026237 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

A gift from secret Santa 2013

August 30, 2014 at 10:44am
August 30, 2014 at 10:44am
My role model is Anne Frank. Her diary inspired me to start blogging. She had been through so many hardships, yet she never gave up. And her diary was filled with so many events, anybody would be inspired from her life.
August 28, 2014 at 12:42pm
August 28, 2014 at 12:42pm
Keeping a promise is always important, but sometimes situations are such that the promise cannot be kept. I have done this quite a number of times with a best friend of mine.

I've been friends with a guy for almost ten years now. Every year, he invites me to visit his home. I sometimes make promises that I will, but could never keep that promise till today. Mainly because he lives so far away that the journey would take away all my energy.

I seldom go out of my home, except for going to my music classes. A few of my closest friends come to my home to meet me, as they know I have certain limitations which I can hardly cross. But this guy sometimes sounds sad, and I don't like that. But...Ah well.

My way of communicating with friends is via Facebook and cellphone. I have no other way out. Just yesterday, I was reading in newspaper that Facebook is making us unsocial. I don't agree with this because even for my little business, I do need facebook. So if it's used in a good way, it will be good.

another gift from kiya
August 21, 2014 at 1:40pm
August 21, 2014 at 1:40pm
I got admitted to my kindergarten school and my music school on the same day. When I was just 5 years old. Maybe that's why I'm so in love with both teaching and music.

Just got this lovely anniversary card in the mail today. Writing dot com never sent me snail mail before. I am so happy! It's a lovely card with a nice message at the back, and a calender at the front. Every page of the calender has a writing prompt on it. Wow! Love you, my virtual family *Smile**Heart*

gift from my secret pal

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Birthday Raffle Open in new Window. (E)
A raffle to celebrate my wdc b-day
#1458550 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

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wish granting well Open in new Window. (E)
marking friendship day
#1455679 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

August 6, 2014 at 11:05am
August 6, 2014 at 11:05am
Music is a friend since childhood. It's a therapy, my own painkiller. It's a language I communicate in. Usually I seldom listen to music when I write, because if I do, I get so immersed in it that forget what I was writing and concentrate on the CD instead.

My most favorite music is Tagore songs. It's a very famous branch of Asian music. Rabindranath Tagore was the first Bengali Nobel laureate (he was from West Bengal). He got the prize for his famous book "Geetanjali" (song offerings), back in 1913.

These songs can be of many types : very melodious, rythmic, sad etc. His songs were divided in four parts: Nature, Prayer, Love and Mixture. I like the Nature songs most. The love songs are very sweet and expressive, and both boys and girls can definitely propose using these songs. Some songs can be very inspirational and motivational.

Today is Tagore's 73rd death anniversary, and there are a lot of special programs being aired on TV. I've been watching programs and learning songs since morning. I have a poem about music I had written long ago. "My MusicOpen in new Window.

Please visit youtube if you want to listen to some tagore songs.

I have my WDC anniversary coming soon, please help me celebrate:
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Birthday Raffle Open in new Window. (E)
A raffle to celebrate my wdc b-day
#1458550 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon
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wish granting well Open in new Window. (E)
marking friendship day
#1455679 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

a sig I purchased from shannon

gift from my secret pal

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Birthday Raffle Open in new Window. (E)
A raffle to celebrate my wdc b-day
#1458550 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

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wish granting well Open in new Window. (E)
marking friendship day
#1455679 by Humming Bird Author IconMail Icon

July 30, 2014 at 12:08pm
July 30, 2014 at 12:08pm
Usually I enjoy the time between late January and Early April, because that's springtime here in Bangladesh. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, and plenty of flowers bloom everywhere.
According to the Bengalis, spring happens to be the king of all seasons, and monsoon or the rainy season, is the queen,

Spring is the time where I remain at the peak of my fitness. By Allah's grace, I don't suffer from any type of major illness during this time, and I can be most productive.

Spring for us, is also the season of colors. We can wear bright, vibrant colors matching with the shades of mother nature. No dandruff, but we have to take proper skin care to prevent dryness.

4th of April is also my birthday, so April calls for celebrations. Moreover, the first day of the Bengali New Year is on the 14th of April, and we have a lot of festivities all around the country to celebrate.

a gift I just found in my inbox. Love it!
July 28, 2014 at 1:46am
July 28, 2014 at 1:46am
I live in a country where it is hot for about 75 percent of the year. So it is always summer here. Still, to me, summer is a huge collection of mouth watering juicy fruits. It's the scorching rays of the sun, and running to the shower twice a day. Cotton, comfortable clothes and lots of liquid intake.
Back in school, summer meant a long holiday and lots of creativity. Oh and summer also means lots of coconut water, and fighting with occasional pimples.

We'll be celebrating Eid -Ul-fitr tomorrow. It's the biggest Muslim festival that comes after a one-month-long religious ritual of fasting from dawn to dusk. For those who celebrate Eid Mubarak!

I'm a keen jewelery designer, and summer also means lots of designs. check my fb page here:


July 25, 2014 at 10:22am
July 25, 2014 at 10:22am
Comments are obviously something any blogger would like, but I don't always write for comments. My blog is my own place to vent, or just to share different ideas and opinions with my WDC family.

In my opinion, a blog should talk about a variety of items. Variety has the power to attract readers of all shapes and sizes (different age groups that is.)

the more I review, the more I'll get reviewed. So, one good idea is to visit different blogs everyday.

I'm never comfortable with any types of erotica, so you'll never find anything 18+ and above in my port.

July 24, 2014 at 9:26am
July 24, 2014 at 9:26am
Aesop's fable, the "Thirsty Crow" was a favorite when I was in elementary school. The crow was really in need of some drinking water, and it dropped pebbles in the pitcher so that it could drink when the water level came up.

That story actually taught me to stick to my goal, no matter what happens. Even a crow, when in need, might be able to do anything to get what he wants. I always liked the direct morals given at the end of the stories.

There are times when situations become extremely difficult to handle. One has to invest even the last drop of energy to get to the finish line. But being a Muslim woman, I always believe that Allah listens even if I whisper something to myself. Allah knows that I'm in a hard situation, but Allah will never put me in a situation I can't handle.

I hate the situation in Gaza. it's really depressing to see people wounded and dead every day. I can't bear to see children in pain. Islam never supports violence, so why are Muslims being targeted all the time?
May 4, 2014 at 9:55am
May 4, 2014 at 9:55am
Hello dear bloggers,
How's your Sunday going on? All well? The little bird came back to her nest from work about two hours ago.

She didn't really understand the meaning of Geek Zodiac symbol, and she doesn't believe in horoscopes either.She liked the symbols to some extent though, especially the Robot.

Sunday is normally not a holiday in her country. She was feeling pretty hot all day long, the scorching rays of the summer sun burnt her skin a little.

She had a little bit of Macaroni for breakfast and some rice for lunch. She never enjoys eating mashed dry fish, but today she had to. She came across a nice blog entry today, hope you like it too.

"Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.

another gift from kiya
May 2, 2014 at 1:10pm
May 2, 2014 at 1:10pm
Challenges of Technology? The topic seems challenging already!
Well, I think one challenge is how to keep yourself active and stop all the various electronic boxes like the TV or the computer from taking over your lives.

The remote makes me lazy, but still, I seldom go up to the TV to change the channel. I usually watch whatever my sister watches, as she knows my choice.

I love to read, and I read 2 to 3 books together, as I like variety. Right now I'm reading Inferno by Dan Brown, one Islamic book (I'm a Muslim), and one Bengali book by Rabindranath Tagore.

Sorry my virtual family, it's 11:07 PM here now, I gotta go to bed. All of you take care, see you tomorrow!

A gift from secret Santa 2013

A gift from secret Santa 2013

May 1, 2014 at 9:50am
May 1, 2014 at 9:50am
So, who is she? She's just a little bird who loves to fly around here. And of course, she's always humming her favorite tunes too. She has a sore throat now though! That's making her real angry!

Well, she has her Casio Keyboard to accompany her, thanks a lot to God for that! She cannot live without music you see.

She's an English Language instructor, and most of her students are non-native English speakers. She enjoys the company of children, and she enjoys being with her students.

Writing was a passion since a very early age. Writing.Com became a partner of her passion since 2005, and she enjoys her huge virtual family.

You wanna surf around her portfolio? Always welcome to do so. You wanna know more about her, you sure will, after a very short time.*Smile*
May 1, 2014 at 5:17am
May 1, 2014 at 5:17am
All negatives today!

Couldn't submit for the WDC Anthology, just missed the deadline!

Also, couldn't register for any of the New Horizons courses, all class limit reached! Did not receive any new review, did not do any either! Bad day!
December 3, 2013 at 5:51am
December 3, 2013 at 5:51am
It really f eels good to be back at my blog. I haven't written for quite a long time! Well, keeping one's heart healthy also means keeping the body in shape. A daily 30 minute walk or a 20 minute ride on your favorite bicycle everyday might be a good choice. Also, it's wise to avoid red meat like beef and mutton. Also, add a lot of greens to your everyday diet. Keep your weight in check!!! That's the most important thing, I now know how bad it feels to be over weight.
August 7, 2013 at 10:14am
August 7, 2013 at 10:14am
Walt Disney was one of my most favorite artists. Even now, I sometimes buy disney cartoon DVD's, just to practice making my own cartoons inspired by those.

My all-time favorite disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I never judge a person on a meter of physical beauty. Yes, looks count, but a good face is not mandatory to impress me. Inner beauty lies within, and that's what I look for. A clean mind which can accept me the way I am, and then try to improve me.

I also like the movie Tangled. Yes, I did not kill my inner child, still I like tales inspired by fairy tales. Moreover, I always had a soft corner for long hair. By Allah's grace, my hair has become longer than before. And I like Rapunzel's excitement as she explores the outside world.
July 25, 2013 at 9:48am
July 25, 2013 at 9:48am
It feels great to be back to my blog. I couldn't blog for quite sometime now, as I had a Basic membership for 3 months. Writing has been a great source of solace because the world of writing is something I can call my own, away from the cruelty of reality.

I'm just 26, and I still have a lot to learn. With every new piece of writing, I get to learn something new. Every single piece has space for editing. My writings are like my children, they need proper nurturing and proper care. Every single review I get teaches me something new. I like to write mainly from experience, tend to avoid erotica. Family, Children's and Experience occupy three top positions of my favorite genre list.

Though I don't have any particular piece of writing that I'm fond of, "Try your luck-Charity Raffle-Hibernate Open in new Window. is something I'll always call special. Not because I started it, mainly because I've got tremendous support from all my friends here, and this is my way of giving back to the wonderful WDC community.

Oh yes, thank you RAOK, for the two-month upgrade. *Smile*
March 21, 2013 at 11:28am
March 21, 2013 at 11:28am
Sacrificing or compromising with my values is something I would never do. Though I never wanted to, I had to do this about a year back:

The one I loved wanted me to surrender before marriage. He wanted us to be involved in a physical relationship before taking the marriage oath.

When I said no, he went: "Ok, I'll marry you. But you'll have to stay with your parents for 4 years till I finish my studies. After 4 years, I'll stand with you in front of my parents. If they accept you, fine, otherwise, we'll get seperated."

I'd never want anyone to leave his family for me, and I can never surrender before marriage. So, despite loving him with all my heart, I couldn't agree to this grotesque condition.

Then he showed me his actual self. He went: "What do you have, except a walking stick?"

Well, I couldn't take that any longer. If you really want my affection in any way, you'll surely get it.My hands will move mountains for you. But if your attitude makes me hate you, then I'm sorry, I'll drop mountains on you.

So, from then on, I had to stop all connections with him. You want hatred? You'll get it for sure!

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