Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1247208-Can-You-Hear-Me-Now
Rated: E · Article · Spiritual · #1247208
God does speak, you just have to be in the position to hear him.
How many times have we seen the funny man on the commercial wandering to and fro with a cellphone in his hand asking, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me, now?” When I first started watching the commercials, I thought they were comical. Now, I’m beginning to wonder why the person on the other end is still unable to hear this man. Maybe he should just hang-up.

Have you ever thought about this question differently? Spiritually? Do you think God is asking us the same questions? He’s talking, but we can’t hear what He is saying.

“Lord, I need to hear from you. Please speak to me.” That’s what we say, but He can’t seem to speak loud enough for some of us to hear Him. It’s like He’s speaking to everyone but us. Is He? Or is it that we’re just not listening?

We are expecting God to dial our cellphones and talk to us. God is supposed to have us on speed dial. We should at least be on His contact list. Newsflash! God set his cellphone to the side years ago. He would rather speak with us up close and personal. God desires your time. He wants to speak to your spirit. He wants to uplift and minister to you, but if you’re always busy, when can He get the time He desires?

I know how hectic life can be. I am a working mother and a wife. There never seems to be enough hours in the day. Making time for God is sometimes the hardest thing for me to do. But, as I begin to set aside more time for Him, He begins to show up regularly in my daily life. In my quiet time is when God speaks to me. It can be through reading scriptures, listening to inspirational music or praying. Sometimes, I can sense His presence when I sit and meditate on His goodness. God doesn’t need a reason to grace you with His presence. He just needs an opportunity. Once you’ve opened the door, He will certainly come in and sit awhile.

Get yourself in position to hear from God. The next time He says, “Can you hear me, now?” you can reply, “Yes, Lord. I hear you now.”

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