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This is the start of a collection of books I wish to create.
A Vampire's Aspirations

Chapter One

My name is Felacio and it is rather an odd name by standards. It has been used to describe oral sex so I guess it is a concidence by nature being what I am. My appearance is quite exquitsite to behold as I was taken in the prim of my age. I have mid-length wavy dirty blond hair. I keep it in relaxed style so I look as though I come from the Victorian era. My clothing is usually comprised an overjacket with frills on the cuff. I prefer my breaches and tall leather boots. My appearance would cause you to stop a take a second look for I have a charming appearance to those who have seen me. I have broad shoulders and weigh about 213 pounds but it is mostly muscle so I don't look as though I'm overweight. My height is a bit tall leaning towards six foot one. I am a millenium plus years old. I forget it has been such a long time I have wandered this large continent. Many cities and great monument to phenomenum I have seen. Europe was wonderful with all of it's great cities like France and Paris. They have many pretty tourist from which to feed. This is not the reason I choose a place anyways. Asia was also a sight to see with it's old traditions and wonderful charm. I enjoyed China and Bangkok since the variety is so different from the Western Hemisphere. The women are small and very petite but I longed for the day the geisha art had past. These were women of extra ordinary talent who could seduce almost any of their choosing. I feasted well there but often did not drain the victim completely for that is not my style.
I hold no embarrassement for what I am since I had no choice in the matter as well. I was not brought over by a Master Vampire but that I don't mind in the least. I have still not reached the Master vampire status but that takes a long long time to acquire. You must make many of your kind to succeed in becoming a Master. Once you have drank from a Master your strength becomes infinately larger. I brought few over because I loathed the thought. Sometimes they followed and begged you for your dark gift. I don't think they truly understand what they are asking for. If I happened to find someone old enough to take the chance I would endulge them given certain grounds. They had to be diagnosed as terminal before I would even consider to take such a measure. I never found the soul mate of my choosing to take as my life long companion. Many of us do take such a liberty but I am waiting for the perfect choice whilst I roam and feed merely to sustain my redundant life.
I have many different homes as I have become quite wealthy by the nature of my life. Being a vampire I can obtain money without any problems. I simply can walk into a bank and approach a cashier. With my art of silent persuasion I have money in no time. The best part about that is the ability to make them forget their transaction. I have had many years to master the art of the new age computer technology to hack into large accounts. I have transferred millions and never been found for I died a long time ago. I have a home in France, a large fancy old castle that brings a light of enchantment. My next favorite home is in Japan, it looks like a pagoda and has it's own quaint charm. All of my homes, to many to list, are wonderful to visit and feast upon the antique collections I do have. Now, you must realize I sleep in a coffin in the darkest part of each home. All my drapes are made from heavy black velvet to keep out any light. My coffin is made for two with a mate kept in mind but it is very well made. It has soft cushioning and mauve satin lining mixed with soft red velvet pillow for my head. You must be able to guess the lenghth given my height. I know when I find my bride she will find it very comfortable in due time.
Right now I am strolling through the streets of London watching the casual horse drawn carriage go by. I've always loved to take such a ride but it is dull without a guest to accompany you. Before they know it they have had a delicious treat for even a small meal it brings the victim true ecstasy. Tonight I will walk for a bit till I find the victim of my choosing then I will find my horse drawn carriage to give romance a perfect illusion. Just as I pass an old stylish pub I see a young blond woman leave on her own. I silently call her to come a little closer so I can begin the game of seduction. I have the ability to be very fast. I can move faster than the wink of an eye. Without a word she turns around and say, "Yes, my name is Victoria if that pleases you. Now tell me yours so it we may aquaint ourselves better?" I hypnotize her into walking my way and slipping her arm through mine. I ask inquisitively, "My name is Felacio and I know it's unique but remember it wasn't mine to choose. Do you like to ride carriages, for I have one waiting just down the lane? It isn't far and I can carry you if you would like but I promise you I hold no ill intentions. It is dangerous for you to be walking alone on such a dark night that it is." Victoria replied cautiously, "Why don't I wait here while you go fetch your ride." I replied politely, "I will do that for you my lady. But be cautious and careful as you await me." It didn't take long and I was back in a flash with a white covered carriage drawn by two beautiful elegant white horses. I opened the door allowing Victoria to make herself comfortable for the vision to come. I paid the squire for his hire and told him to make it a ride that would last at least two hours. I leisurely stepped inside his grand carriage closing the door for our much needed privacy. We were silent for a short while as I combed through her mind to see what she was thinking. After I was sure she held no inhibition I slowly began to caress her sweet neck. Before too long she was lying preciously in my arms leaving her neck exposed. She was dressed in a fine long evening gown with a plunging neckline to show her true cleavage. Her stole kept her warm as it was made of fine fur. My guess would be shiny black mink. I asked her telepathically can I have little nibble and I'll ensure you a sweet passion to drink. She was more than eager but still unaware of my intention to merely feed. I drank in deeply as she arched in my arms feeling the sensual sensations run through her. It is deeper than an orgasm would normally be. It heightens the senses till erotica runs deep leaving the victim mesmorized and fullly satisfied. After our encounter I kindly dropped her off at her home. It was cozy little house with soft victorian features that looked quite homey.
Chapter Two

Right now I am strolling through the cobbled lanes of London watching the casual horse drawn carriage go by. I've always loved to take such a ride but it is dull without a guest by your side. Before they know it they have had a delicious treat; for even a small meal brings the victim true ecstasy. Tonight I'll walk for a bit till I find the vicim of my choosin to entertain. Then I will find my horse drawn carriage to give romance a perfect illusion. I am quite picky on the style and color of my horses and carriage for they portray the image of style and elegance. As you might be able to guess, my ability to move looks like a blurr in motion from the speed of my timing from one destination to another. It happens in one simple flash as I speed through the air on wings to be had. I know my chance to catch a suitable guest is nearly there so I watch for the carriages with careful critique. After a few horse drawn carriages pass on by I select a double seater with an elegant canopy to boast. The horse are exquisite with deep flowing silver manes and well arched necks. They where as white as the snow to match thier carriage. The picture portrayed was so beautiful I had to flag down the squire. I asked, "Dear sir, is your carriage for hire? I will pay you well, accept this as your payment. I ask for two hours of service with complete privacy." I winked as I made my last remark since we both knew what I had in mind. I said quietly, "I'll be back very soon so I expect you to wait." With an elegant bow the squire and said, "Of course, my well paying friend." Sooning than ever I am back to where I just left looking for the cozy, quaint, little pub.
Just as I pass the old stylish pub, The Bard's Gentle Swill, I see a young blond, gorgeous woman leave on her own. This is the opportunity I must not let go to waste because I was enraptured with her looks and liked them at first taste. I silently called her to come closer so I could begin the game of seduction. She fluttered her eyelashes to acknowledge my admission. I can move like lightening when circumstances require. I was within distance in a matter of seconds. Without a word she turns around and softly replies, "My name is Rebecca if that pleases you sir? If you indulge with your name perhaps we'll be better acquainted if that's all the same." I hypnotize her into walking my way and slipping her ivory arm through mine to stay. I delicately speak with gentle overtures, "My name is Felacio. It is rather unique but remember it wasn't mine to choose. Would you like to take a ride on an exquisite and fine carriage waiting on demand down the lane? It isn't far but I can carry you if you mind the walk. I promise dear lady carry no ill intentions but I will also understand if you prefer the wait. It is dangerous for you to be walking alone on such a dark nigh that it is." Rebecca replied cautiously' "Why don't I wait here whilst you go fetch your carriage but I promise I will stay within the confines of light." I replied, "Whatever you wish Rebbeca you shall have it honoured. But do be cautious whilst you await my arrival since there are many rapists and robbers looking to fall upon one such as you."

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