Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1246664-Three-Cheers-For-Sweet-Revenge
by stimmy
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1246664
young lover fights to be with his lover after they were seperated after death


“Drive Zachary, drive! Faster, c’mon they’re gaining on us.” Helena looked in the reflection of the car in the sunshade, “Faster.”
“I’m driving as fast as I can. Ahh shit they’re coming.” Zachary put his foot down on the accelerator as hard as he could, causing smoke and the smell of burning rubber to rise on the highway.

Helena and Zachary were famous criminals; they had been running away from the law for some time now. Everyone they knew was after them, either for something as simple as money to keep them alive, or from the cop Zachary had shot in the rush to get away. They knew they were going down, they just wanted to make the most of what time they had left.

“Helena, we’re going to have to pull over and run on foot…” said Zachary with uncertainty in his voice.
“What? You’ve got to be joking? They’ll get us just like that. You’re crazy!”
Zachary swerved the car towards the side of the road and the tires squalled along the highway, causing the dust and sand to unsettle into the air.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Why the hell did you pull over? We’re dead!”
“Get out of the car Helena, and run as fast as you can, I’ll be right behind you.”
“You heard me, get out of the car and run as fast as you can.”
“No, I am not leaving you.”
“Helena, we haven’t got time, I’ll be right behind you.”
She touched Zachary on the face and softly kissed his lips, “I love you Zachary.”
“Go!” he said.
Helena hesitated, coming to her senses she opened the car door and jumped out.
“Run Helena, run.”
A car pulled up behind as Zachary got out.
“Run Helena, I’m right behind you, run.” He screamed.
Zachary grabbed the gun that was wedged in his belt and started shooting at the car that had pulled up behind him.
Went his pistol,

Helena and Zachary both ran down the sandy bank as fast as they could, their feet making imprints in the sand.
“Run Helena, run,” screamed Zachary.
They were shooting at them now.
Zachary slowed down to a stop, catching his breath he spoke, “Helena, wait, lets just end this here. We’re finished.”
“Zachary, are you crazy? We have to keep fighting. No, we can’t just give up.”
Zachary grabbed on to Helena’s arm and pulled her in close. Helena tried to pull away.
“Face it baby, we’re finished.” Zachary held onto Helena’s hand, clutching her long fingers, he looked deep into her eyes.
“Helena, I’ve been trying to tell you how I feel for ages, but I just can’t explain it.”
“Baby…” She looked into his.
“There are no words that can describe what you mean to me Helena, you are everything I have ever wanted. I want to die right now…I’ll die knowing that I spent my last moments with you.”
“Look at it this way, we are not really leaving each other, we will be together, in hell…we will be together.”
“Zachary, I love you.”
“I love you too Helena.”
“Helena, I…”
“Zachary!” She screamed as he fell onto the ground, slowly forming a pool of blood.
“Zachary, I love you!”
That was the final shot, the one last fatal shot, and Helena fell onto the ground beside her lover, blood weeping out of her own wounds.

“I’d end my day in a hail of bullets,” Zachary once said to Helena, “I would drive on to the end with you.”
This is exactly what they did.

Sunday 8th April 2007

Demolition Lovers Die in Gun Fight

Famous criminal lovers, Zachary and Helena, were finally caught yesterday after endless days of running from the law in a fatal gun fight out in the desert, which ended both of their lives.

Sergeant Tony Collins reports that the two lovers were previously in another gunfight where a cop and a number of other people were shot and a large amount of money was taken.

“They were running away from the law,” Sergeant Collins had stated, “They knew they were in trouble, they just wanted to see how long they would last before they got caught.”

The demolition lovers had caused the town a lot of grief with their crimes, and the community was on the verge of dealing with them in their own hands.

“We can finally put an end to all the trouble and grief that these two young lovers had caused the community, settle down and move on with our lives.”

Both of their bodies will be taken to a secret facility where their DNA will be tested for previous crimes. Both of them will be buried at the local cemetery.

Evil Plan

Zachary is staggering around in a cold, dark cave looking for his love Helena. He and Helena had just been shot down in a gunfight out in the desert. His skin and clothing are dripping with blood.

Zachary Helena! Helena! Where are you? I can’t see you anywhere.
I’m sorry I couldn’t say what I wanted to say sooner and now it’s too late. I love you Helena.
Devil She’s not here Zachary… (Devil appears from the darkness)
Zachary Then where is she? She should be here. We left each other at the same time, we were criminals together, and we died together. She should be here by now, where is she?
Devil As I said Zachary, she’s not here.
Zachary (staggering around he approached the devil and begs) please, tell me where she is. Once we were dead I was sure we would be together.
Devil I’ve been watching you Zachary, for the past few years, and I’ve decided to have some fun. I know how much you love Helena and I also know that you will be willing to do anything to be with her.
Zachary What are you saying?
Devil I’m saying that if you want to be with Helena, alive, you will have to do something for me.
Zachary What? What is it?
Devil How far are you willing to go to be with your love Zachary?
Zachary I will do anything to be with her, just say it, I’ll do anything.
Devil I want you to bring me 1000 souls, but not just any souls, they have to be the souls of evil men, murderers, criminals, rapists, just as long as they’re souls of evil men. Are you willing to do it?
Zachary Yes I am, I am willing to do what ever it takes to get Helena back.
Devil Good. You have exactly 6 months. If you don’t do what I ask you will never see Helena again. Do we have a deal?
Zachary We have a deal.

Helena’s Funeral

Alone in dark gothic church
I sit beside you
You look so beautiful.

Your face so pale
Your body dressed in black
With hair covering your face.
Your hands crossing your heart
Clutching a single red rose.
Even in hell
We’ll never be apart.

We ended our days in a hair of bullets
Out on the desert sand.
I looked in your eyes,
And we held each other close.
We’ll be together soon,
Hand in hand

So long Helena
Goodnight Helena
I will see you soon
Trust me Helena
Do you trust me?
I am in love with you.

Whatever it takes.
Whatever I must do.
I am determined
To be with you
A pact with the devil,
1000 evil souls
Will bring us together, forever.

So long Helena
Goodnight Helena
I will see you soon
Trust me Helena
Do you trust me?
I am in love
And want to be with you.

Part Two

The bride stood in her long white dress, looking into her groom’s eyes. She had been waiting for this day ever since she was a little girl and the day had finally come. She tightened her grip on her husband to be hands and smiled.
“Do you Rachael take Tom to be your wedded husband?”
“I do.”
“Will you love him, honour him and obey him, in sickness and in health till death do you part?”
“I do.”
“Rachael, Tom, will you both take a ring as a symbol for your love to one other and present it to your partner.” The celebrant handed the couple a ring each.
“Tom, will you take this ring as a symbol of my love to you and keep it safe?”
Tom reached out his hand and she gently put the ring on his finger.
“Rachael, will you take this ring as a symbol of my love to you and keep it close to your heart?”
Rachael also reached her hand out and Tom put the ring on her finger.
“I now pronounce, Rachael and Tom, as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride?”
Tom lifted his wife’s vale and softly kissed her on the lips. Their guests sitting in their suits and dresses all clapped and cheered.
“I love you so much Tom,” whispered Rachael into his ear.
“I love you too.”
“This has been the most perfect day ever.”
Tom took Rachael by the hand and led her down the isle. Their guests still clapping and cheering.
“This really has been the best day ever.”

Rachael got up from the hotel bed in shock and anger, “What the hell? Everything was just a lie? You played me Tom, you made me a fool!” screamed Rachael.
“No, no, I didn’t play you, I love you…”
“You mean you love that man, the man you just told me about. I’ve seen you looking at him Tom.”
“I’m not gay! It was just a one off thing.”
“Tom don’t lie to me, although it wouldn’t make much difference, you’ve been lying to me ever since we met.”
“I haven’t lied to you, I love you Rachael. You’re everything to me.”
Rachael grabbed her things, lifted her long dress of the floor and headed for the door.
“Rachael, don’t walk out on me, lets talk this over.”
“There’s nothing to talk about. We’re finished; this was a mistake, a total mistake, its over.”
Tom ran over to the door as Rachael started to walk out. He grabbed her by the arm with force.
“Don’t leave me Rachael.”
“Let go of me!” She struggled to get her arm free but he wouldn’t let go, “Tom let go of me!”
Tom hesitated for a bit then he let go of her arm, she walked out of the door and slammed it behind her. Rachael stood there for a few seconds realizing what had just happened and collapsed in a heap on the floor crying.
“I loved him,” she said to herself, “I really loved him, then he tells me he likes men. I thought we had something. I really did. Why the hell would he do something like that? Why didn’t he tell me sooner so we didn’t waste all this happiness?”
A maid walked around the corner and saw her on the floor crying.
“Are you alright?”
Rachael stood and whipped her tears.
“Yes, I’m fine, everything’s okay. Really, everything is okay.”

“Excuse me? What’s going on? What’s happened?”
A cop stood in front of her directing her back the way she came, “I’m sorry miss, you’re not allowed in this area. This area has been marked off strictly for forensic investigators only. I have to ask you to leave.”
“What? I’m not leaving. What the hell has happened here? I have a right to know”
“I’m sorry, you have to leave.”
“I’m not leaving. My husband had this room. What the hell is going on?”
“Oh, why didn’t you say so?” the policeman turned her around and put handcuffs around her wrists, “You are under arrest for the murder of Tom Randle.”
“What? Are you crazy?”
“You have the right to remain silent, but what ever you do say may be used as evidence against you.”
“Get these handcuffs off of me! I didn’t do a thing. I’m innocent. I wasn’t here last night.”
“We have proof that you were Mrs. Randle. You were seen leaving Mr. Randle’s room last night very upset and angry.”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Save it for the jury lady.”
The policeman directed her down the hallway.
“I am an innocent!” she screamed.

“I completed my first murder,” said Zachary to the devil, “I brought you your first evil soul.”
“Thank you Zachary, you did a very good job, committing the murder than framing his wife. Well done! Only 999 souls to go, you can do it. It will get easier, you’ll see.”
“I don’t think I can kill off people just like that. That man had no reason to die.”
“He cheated on his fiancé with a man Zachary, he lied to her, he was gay. He deserved to die. Zachary, it will get easier. Remember if you don’t complete these tasks you’ll never see Helena again, remember Zachary.”
“I know, and I will do it. I have no choice. I will bring you your souls.”

Painful Doubt

Monologue by Zachary

“It’s been days, weeks months since I saw your beautiful face, your deep brown eyes, your long brown hair.
I’m just wondering if I’ll ever get to see your smile again.
My devil promised me some time ago that I will meet you again if I complete these series of tasks, but I’m beginning to doubt his word.
What if I never see you again Helena?
What if I stay in this lonely hell forever?
That would be the end of me. That would be torture.
If I don’t see you again Helena, I want you to remember the good times we had, and remember all the fun we had together. I want you to forget all the pain and heartache I have ever caused you.
I’m so sorry Helena.
I never meant to hurt you.

What the hell? Even if I don’t see you again I’m going to try anyway. I’m going to do my tasks and hope for a perfect outcome.
I’m going to bring you home. I am going to see you again.
Just you wait Helena. Just you wait.”

I’m Not Okay

There voices in my head are making me sad.
They’re telling me things I don’t wanna hear,
Telling me things that cannot be true.
They’re making me crazy
Oh baby please save me
This gun is beginning to look good.

Yes I’m confused.
Yes I’m a freak
Yes I’m a teenager
Yes I am weak.
These voices in my head are making me sad
They’re making me crazy
Baby please save me
As I said, this gun is beginning to look good.

These voices in my head
Must be telling me lies.
I listen during the day
And I cry at night
They’re telling me things that just cannot be true
They’re making me crazy
This gun is beginning to look good.

Lets go on a rampage.
Lets go on a killing spree.
Killing all the kids who were mean to me.
I hate you all
I hate you so much
Leave me alone
Please go get f***ed.

I point this gun towards your face
Then slowly pull the trigger.
With a loud bang
You fall the ground
In one heap on the floor.
I take a step back
Raise the gun to my head.
What’s the point of living?
It has no meaning,
When we only live to die anyway.
Pulling the trigger.
I, too, fall on the ground
In another heap on the floor.
Blood weeping from my wounds

Part Three

Zachary staggered toward the devil.
“Back so soon? Have you completed your tasks Zachary?” The devil looked surprised to see him.
He coughed and spluttered, “I’ve done it. I’ve done what you’ve wanted me to do. Where’s Helena? You promised.”
“Oh I know, I know I promised, and you will see Helena in good time,” the devil smiled, “but I just wanna find out a few things first.”
Zachary continued coughing and nodded at the devil.
“Did you like it Zachary?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I think you do. Did you like killing all those people?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, I did what I had to do. I only wanted Helena back.”
The devil let out a laugh.
“What are you laughing at? I gave you your evil souls and now I want Helena!” Zachary raised his voice, “You promised.”
“I’m just thinking about all those helpless people you killed when you were alive, the cop you shot just before you died, and you say you didn’t enjoy it when you were dead. You make me laugh Zachary, you make me laugh.”
“I didn’t enjoy it –“
“Don’t give me that Zachary. I saw the look of pleasure in your eye every time you murdered some poor human being. I know you loved it. I know you loved pulling that trigger and the sound it would make every time you let it go.”
“What are you saying? I brought you your souls and now I want to see Helena again. Please.”
“Begging I see.”
“I just want to be with Helena again.”
The devil walked off to the other side of the cave.
The devil paused, “You know what Zachary?”
“I just realized. I have one soul missing.”
“What do you mean?” Zachary stared.
“Well, it’s yours, your soul is missing.”
There was silence, and then Zachary finally spoke, “It wasn’t a promise was it? You were joking. You were joking all along. Why did I trust you?” The devil started to approach Zachary.
“It was love. You were blinded by the power of love that you learned to trust anybody, even the one person you shouldn’t. This is where it ends Zachary.”
“Can I just see her one last..”
There was a muffled sound, like metal hitting something soft, and Zachary started clutching his stomach.
“What’s the point? I’m already dead.”
Zachary fell into a heap on the floor, his soul rising above his mangled body, his body then began to disintegrate turning into dust.

Zachary soul was part of the devil’s evil scam to take over all of heaven and hell. He never saw his lover again. And to this day, Helena still sits in her corner, hands in her lap, with tears in her eyes waiting for her Zachary to come for her from the darkness.
© Copyright 2007 stimmy (stimmy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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