Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1246175-BIG-PRIDE-HATH-A-BIG-FALL
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1246175
Who had WMD—Saddam or Bush?

I wish that I did not live
In this too selfish world,
Where bombs can be dropped on men
For simply a false word.

I cannot come to terms with
Those words rather hazy:
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The whole thing is crazy.

The one country that has been
Atomically vile,
Continues to amass the
Largest nuclear pile.

It attacks a free nation
Full half a globe away,
Saying WMD it
Secretly stacked away!

But what’s worse, it has no qualms,
Nor any pangs of soul.
It’s out to conquer, it seems,
All of the world, the whole.

I hope wisdom prevails and
It learns this once for all:
Megalomaniacs lose.
Big pride hath a big fall.

• Written in abcb, 7-6-7-6 format
• Written for "Invalid Item, The Poetry Prompt Contest

M C Gupta
11 April 2007

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