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by Duncan Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1244942
Here are some rants from my life. Enjoy, and if you don't...I didn't ask you to read it :)
I created this blog thing at 1:50am, April 9, 2007. Yes, I was tired at the time.
I may not use it a lot, but I will occasionally, so there ;)
November 5, 2007 at 9:22pm
November 5, 2007 at 9:22pm
if anyone using windows v*sta is reading this, could you help?
I'm currently not able to access chat, is there something I have to do (e.g. disable firewall) to use it?
If you think you can suggest anything, feel free to email, or even just add a comment on this entry.
Thanks in advance :D

p.s. everythings going hunky-dory just now, I currently have two weeks off classes, cos Uni is auditioning people who wanna come next year ^^
October 28, 2007 at 8:26pm
October 28, 2007 at 8:26pm
yo! yeah, I know it's been a while, but hey, I've been in university!
Birmingham Conservatoire is going great. I've done lotsa practice, but in the last 3 days I have done none at all! *gasps* ooh and I have a piano lesson tomorrow. ah well, that just means getting up at 8am to practice in the morning >.<
a link for y'all: http://bookcrossing.com/home
this is a great idea, we should all try and do this sometimes.

update: just found this other site: http://freerice.com/index.php
had to add it, it's such a cool idea!!

September 25, 2007 at 9:02am
September 25, 2007 at 9:02am
woohoo! so... yeah, I'm at uni :D
i had my first piano lesson with my new teacher yesterday, he's cool.
I'm annoyed, cos I can't sign into my digital banking account, it says I'm getting my information wrong! when i'm definitely not! argh. i therefore can't see whether my loan has come through yet...

i think that if i don't get my laptop from uni soon (having dyslexia means I think I get a free one) I'm gonna go out and buy a pc myself. oh well.
I just had my first macdonalds meal in about 5 months... haven't been missing much, I can tell you >.<
Yay! I'm now now singing in Birmingham cathedral choir! I've got a service tonight ^^

okay.. running out of interesting stuff now so...
September 7, 2007 at 9:18am
September 7, 2007 at 9:18am
wow... long time no blog

well, not much today. one thing in particular:

please go to this site and sign the petition to stop Norway hunting whales


Iceland has decided not to issue whale quotas for 2008, which is great!
If you sign this petition, you could help to influence Norway to do the same.

Anyways, not much going on... except maybe leaving for Birmingham conservatoire one week today! I'm looking forward to it, but also slightly nervous ;)
June 23, 2007 at 7:43am
June 23, 2007 at 7:43am
Ooh my goodness.. quite a bit has happened recently!

Today was the 'midwinter dinner' which was mostly people somehow connected to the cathedral, I think. I made two cakes yesterday for it, a chocolate cake, and a sponge cake, both of which worked well. I also sang a few small songs with a small group from the choir.

This morning, my hired road bike (that I arranged for yesterday) arrived, and I went up into the Port Hills to have a ride on the road that goes along (or sometimes beside) the ridge. F*** but that was a hard ride. I've buggered my left knee, and near the end of the ride, I couldn't straighten my legs without them cramping :( However, I got absolutely stunning views of the Alps, now covered in snow, and got to go really fast (probably faster than 50 km/h, but by that point my odometer conked out lol ).

Other stuff: I'm planning to spend several nights in a Youth Hostel in the Alps, actually in the pass between the west and east coast. I worked out that the bus fares, and four night's stay, would amount to only $150!! pretty good... however, I will also be buying foodstuffs and maybe other miscellaneous bits and pieces, but still, pretty good deal, eh?

I should go to bed, I'm flippin' knackered.
Night, all
June 11, 2007 at 3:59am
June 11, 2007 at 3:59am
sorry to everyone who actually reads this, that I haven't managed to update that recently, but my flatmate is away (with his laptop... grrrr) for two weeks, so I'm currently paying for my time... lucky people, lol

well, I've done quite a bit more cooking, I've now done cream puffs (haven't put them together yet though), 'caramel chocolate slice', which is really tasty, however the suggested oven temp. was too high, so its quite hard to bite into :D
I also did ANZAC biscuits, which are special to NZ, they are to do with soldiers and World War two or something like that. I also made a wonderfully moist chocolate cake, which was absolutely scrumptious!!

I need to go and do all the rest of the (many) things I usually do online ;) seeyall later
May 28, 2007 at 5:48am
May 28, 2007 at 5:48am
ooh I'm all stiff, I went on a bike ride today. 6 hours or thereabouts on a bike, takes its toll on the body lol

This time, it wasn't mountain bike tracks, but the road! I think that I must have done 70 kilmetres, maybe even 80! I want to try and cycle a bit every day, cos then I'll be in better shape when I get back to hilly old Scotland.

My new bike shorts are awesome. However, they don't mean that it's not still uncomfortable being in the saddle that long though...

I feel like eating some 'bao ze' - chinese rolls that my chinese tutor gave me in Edinburgh

I also feel like making cookies, but all the recipes i've found so far require a large mixing bowl to make a large amount of dough, and we don't have a large mixing bowl at the moment.

My flatmate needs to use the laptop, so I'll go now
byby ;)
May 21, 2007 at 8:16am
May 21, 2007 at 8:16am
I'm happy... since last Friday, I have tried two new things: muffins, and bread pudding. I'm trying new things, and am loving the easy recipes that you can find on the web!
And I said I might bring in some muffins tomorrow to choir, but I'm having second thoughts... like, well, I've done muffins now... sure, it'd be fun to make some more interesting ones, and I could improve my bread pudding, but I wanna do something different again!
My flatmate just suggested cookies, so cookies it is ;)

My last entry said I was going on a bike ride... I did it, and what a ride! It was a hell of a ride, even getting there was hard! the road goes steeply uphill before you get to any mountainbike tracks. I was on a mountainbike track for most of the time on the hills, which followed a road. It took longer than I realised though, and I was 5 minutes late to choir rehearsal... not much, I know; but the choirmaster was quite annoyed about it, I think he was a little worried about a concert he was conducting that night.

Right, I'm off to look up some cookie recipes.
May 17, 2007 at 4:44am
May 17, 2007 at 4:44am
Now that my flatmate's bike is (almost) ready to go, I'm going on a ride tomorrow, around the Port Hills, which is gonna be (hard work) fun :)
I'm happy, cos its been really good weather recently.

Argh! went to the pub after the evening service today. PLayed some pool, there were four of us, each of us played 3 games, one against each of the others. I lost all ****ing three, not fair... I was doing pretty well at some points... ah well.

I'm also annoyed, cos i contacted the RSPCA here in Chrch, they sent me some info, i sent back my details, but i haven't heard from them since, this is a week ago now... ah well, maybe I'll cycle to the shelter on Saturday, since that was when they said they needed volunteers anyways

i'm happy, cos i found some cool piano music in the library, i really should start doing regular practice, seeing as I'm going to study piano PERFORMANCE in September lol

i think thats all for now...
April 23, 2007 at 2:01am
April 23, 2007 at 2:01am
i'm tired... I've been walking around all day looking for somewhere to buy a cellphone, and as I near where I'm staying, I find one there! ggrrrrr. they're quite expensive as well, cheapest was NZD$89
i've got some things to do in the near future, one of which is buy a bike (second-hand, probably). Christchurch is a very flat city, so i'll be zooming all over the place in no time! I'm thinking of going rock-climbing tonight, but it involves walking, so i'll have to decide about that ;)
im proud of myself; yesterday, having discovered that evening meal tickets in the YMCA where i am staying cost NZD$13 i bought some fruit, bread, and jam with which to suplement my daily food :) the supermarket had reasonably good prices too, so I'm happy :D

sorry to all who've commented and not received a reply, I have yet to find out how to reply to comments on blogs! still, i could always just use the email...
tata for now.
April 21, 2007 at 1:54am
April 21, 2007 at 1:54am
Well, I''m finally here, in New Zealand!
It was hard work getting here (no major mishaps, but you know how sitting down takes it out of you ;) )
a 3 hour flight from Edinburgh to Londond, 10 hours to Bangkok, 8 hours to Sydney, 3/4 hours (can't remember for sure) to Christchurch. But it was worth it, coming from the west over New Zealand, because I could see the amazing southern alps, a stunning view! Unfortunately, the rest of NZ was under cloud cover, but at least it wasn't raining. I'm staying in this YMCA for a week, then moving into a flat with someone else. This will be good, because I can't get WDC chat at this internet kiosk!
I'm going to see how late I can stay up tonight, but I may collapse into bed around 8 or 9 lol
Well, I have to go and email the parents, as my half hour is running out :D
Update as soon as possible, or when I have something interesting to say again :)
April 17, 2007 at 8:54pm
April 17, 2007 at 8:54pm
Only 1 full day in UK left... then i'm off!
i've packed my stuff, actually didn't take as long as i thought it would lol
i'm sure that at least some people's luggage for a 4 month stay would be plenty of different city clothes, you know, 2 pairs of jeans, several shirts etc... my stuff mostly consists of hiking equipment, with various sundry other stuff... oh, i've also packed a suit, but be fair, I am going to be singing in a cathedral choir...

anyways, byefornow
April 10, 2007 at 5:09pm
April 10, 2007 at 5:09pm
Wow... didn't expect that many comments on my first blog entry! o.O ah well, 'tis good ;)
Anyways, as the title suggests, I went hiking today (I know, 'tramping' in NZ!) Stuchd an Gah, can't remember the name of the mountain though...somewhere North of Edinburgh, that help?
It was a bit cloudy, but we (me and my parents) got plenty of sun. After a (not too) steep start, it leveled out onto a good ridge, with a slightly steeper section near the top. Had lunch-part-1 on the top, overlooking a steep drop to a small lake (lochan being the Scottish term) and patchy sunshine, which was great!
unfortunately, our route for our two mountains today involved going back to our starting point, which wasn't good for morale. after starting up our second hill, I decided to go back down (wasn't even particularly exciting) and wait in the car ;) spent time reading a book called 'Living with the Himalayan Masters' by Sri Swami Rama, it's really interesting, and quite funny sometimes.
on the way back, the sun and clouds made for a very dramatic sky, I love those awesome sunsets lol
running out of things to say now...
byby for now
April 8, 2007 at 8:57pm
April 8, 2007 at 8:57pm
Hmm... *thinks* what should I write?
Well, I know that I'm going to New Zealand soon.
I am going to be singing in Christchurch cathedral choir for a term (May to beg. of July) then staying another month (to do my own thing and suchlike).
After that, will be back in Edinburgh, singing throughout August in the Edinburgh festival, then on 11 september, starting my four year course playing piano in Birmingham conservatoire!
meanwhile, I have to think of what I'm going to pack, and in which container I can pack it in ;)
and i'm still volunteering... I volunteer at a riding centre for the disabled, and also at a shop called One World Shop, which sells Fairtrade products, and also crafts.
OK, i'm done, i think... except... I'm tired, and hungry, so getting of WDC now lol

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