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Rated: E · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1242132
this is when the two main characters meet.

         I had a dream last night…it was short and bewildering, but it felt more real then any other dream I have ever had.
         I was running down a dark brick, wet, cold hallway. Not being able to see anything besides a girl who looked almost my age, stunningly beautiful with long flowing blonde hair that went halfway down her back. She had piercing green eyes, almost unnaturally green. And there was just something about her that you really couldn’t put your finger on it…but she was memorizing. She was running beside me as I was running towards a light at the end of the hallway. I knew that I was running towards something very important because I could feel the anxiety running threw my veins; I was praying I would make it there in enough time. Then when I finally got there every ounce of fear and worry faded from my body as I set eyes on the most perfect looking man I have ever seen. His piercing green eyes burn threw my soul as I tried to hold back my tears in relief that he was alive. He showed off his wonderful little half smile, shook away his dirty blonde curly locks from his eyes; scooped in a kissed me.
         BEEP…BEEP…BEEP!!!!!! The annoying sound of my alarm clock ringed threw my ears as I was wishing I could finish off my dream. I quickly slammed my fist on my alarm hoping to hit the button I wanted and rolled over to try and get more sleep.
         An hour later I rolled over to realize that maybe I had hit the wrong button. I looked at the neon green numbers across the way from me and as my eyes started to adjust I realized…I was late!
         I quickly jumped out of bed ran to the shower and got ready as fast as I possibly could. But the whole time I was distracted by that dream. By that dream boy. I couldn’t seem to get my mind off it. This eventually led to me burning my fingers on my straightener, getting toothpaste all over my clothes, and falling down the stairs. Officially this was one of the worse mornings of my life. I swiftly ran out the door and into my car to make it to school by second period.
“Where have you been,” my friend Kim said as I pulled out my seat right next to her.
I just gave her a smile and she giggled a little bit, “Let me guess you broke your alarm again?”
         We both laughed, she knew I was and never will be a morning person! I pulled out my notebook and leaned in very close to Kim so I could tell her about my dream with out Mr. Johnson yelling at us. We were always getting in trouble for talking in math. Kim was one of my best friends; I called her my roommate because she practically lives at my house. We’ve shared a lot of good memories together, and we like to frequently talk about them in class.
“I had the weirdest dream last night,” I said to her once I found an opening between Mr. Johnson’s constant babbling about calculus that I couldn’t care less about, “I was running threw a hallway and at the end I ran to a guy I was in love with and kissed him.” I loved telling Kim my dreams; she took a semester of psychology last semester and now she thinks she is a shrink, so she will always willingly analyze my dreams.
“I think it means that you are longing for something, in this case you are longing for someone to love,” she giggled a little bit at the fact that I could actually love someone like that.
“I don’t think that’s what it means Kim,” I said with a smile on my face and one eyebrow up.
“Oh Wish, you just wait and see; one day that dream boy of yours is going to randomly walk into your life and change the way you see everything.” Kim said staring off into space thinking about her boyfriend Neil, her and Neil have been together for over a year now, and they are still completely obsessed with each other as if it was still the very first week they were dating.
“But what if I like the way I see everything,” I said very smugly.
“Wish Olivia Wallishd you just wait and see, one day…” before she could finish her sentence we looked up to see Mr. Johnson standing over our desk looking like he was about to go on a homicidal rampage. Me and Kim giggled a little bit and then went back to taking notes. The rest of the period went by faster then I expected, but still I felt so much relief when I heard that bell ring.
         I put my notebook back into my binder, grabbed my purse, caught up with Kim who was already over by the door and we walked down stairs to our English class. At the end of the stairs stood Nicole, my best friend of seven years! She looked extremely happy today but that was probably because it was her and Travis’s six month anniversary.
“Hey Wish, where were yah this morning? Have another war with your alarm clock?” she said already knowing the answer.
“Yah and I lost again.”
         The three of us started laughing and walking towards our class, and one by one as we drew closer to the classroom her and Kim left to see they’re boyfriends. I went into the classroom by my self and sat down. I started writing down the opener on the board when I saw him. There was a new student at Whiteriver high school; a thing that only happens once every four blue moons. I lived in a small town where most of us all grew up together, so when a new student moved into Buckely…everyone new about it. I probably would have been informed if I weren’t late to school, but I was surprised still that Kim didn’t tell me earlier because she was the school gossip I couldn’t imagine her holding in something a juicy as a new student.
         I couldn’t get a good look at him; every time I tried he had his head down as he was writing the prompt on the board. All I could see was his long thin arms stretched across the table, as he elegantly wrote across the single white sheet of paper placed on his desk. And his sandy blonde hair styled in the shaggy look that so many boys have done before with random little sets of curls everywhere. I couldn’t see his face at all but I got the vibe from across the room that he was gorgeous.
         It was about thirty seconds before the bell rang when Nicole and Kim nonchalantly walked into the classroom with big love struck smiles on their faces. Nicole sat down first right next to me, and Kim sat down in front of us. I leaned over the table and poked Kim in the back.
“Kim…pssst!” I said as I poked her with the eraser of my pencil.
“What Wish? I have to do the opener.” She said as she so swiftly turned her body around in her chair. Nicole leaned in closer to us to hear what I was about to ask.
“Who’s the new kid?” I said with my wide mood changing eyes.
         A look of shock came over both Kim and Nicole. Kim quickly switched her body around in her chair scanning the room for something out of the norm. And with a big smile on her face as if I had given her an exciting challenge she looked straight ahead at the mysterious boy, his head still facing down, and said, “I don’t know, but I can bet you by the time lunch is over I will find out.”
         The three of us laughed.
“Now you’ve done it Wish; that poor boy will have every secret stolen from him by the end of third period!” we all laughed, for it was true, there was no way to come to a town as small as this and not tell everyone about yourself. If you didn’t do that then it would lead to rumors…and in this town, trust me the truth is ALWAYS a better choice.
         The teacher started talking about a new creative writing assignment, you were to talk five minutes with another student then using the information that they have given you, you need to come up with a fictional story about them. But as she was explaining all this I was distracted by the mystery man in the corner, no one seemed to know anything about him, it just seemed like he appeared here out of know where. He still didn’t raise his head so I just sat there starring at his hair, when it hit me.
I turned to Nicole, “I had a dream about a boy with hair like that last night.”
“Really? Do tell.” Nicole always loved hearing my dreams; they were normally very outrageous and funny dreams.
I looked up at him again as I leaned in closer to Nicole so I could whisper in her ear, “I think I was in love with him.” I said in the quietest whisper possible.
“REALLY!!” Nicole said much louder then I had spoken eyes wide and in total shock!
“Ssshhh Nicole, someone might hear you.” I said as I put my hand over her mouth.
“Wish that’s great, if this guy is the guy from your dream, then you two can date…then we can double! Oh doesn’t that sound fun?” I could see that I had completely lost her in her own little fantasy thoughts about me falling in love.
         I mumbled under my breath and went back to pretending to pay attention to Ms. Bitman. But, my attention was already stolen by the anonymous stunning creature in the corner. Then Ms. Bitman started assigning people.
“Nicole Polly and Jason Smith,” Nicole moved towards Jason’s table, “Alex Fullen and John Arms,” I glanced over at those two best friends give each other high fives as they moved to the same table, “Jennifer Matu and Kimber Marqate,” Jennifer had moved in front of me to be next to Kim, “Wish Wallishd I’m going to put you with the new student Korey, is that okay?” I looked wide-eyed up at Ms. Bitman and nodded my head.
         Ms. Bitman continued to list off names as I grabbed my binder and purse and started to walk across the room. Then he looked up at me. I quickly let out a small shriek, caught one foot on the other and fell forward, flinging my binder and papers into the air and smacking my head onto the multi colored carpet. And all I could think about for the brief seconds I laid there on the ground was…there in the corner of the room was my dream boy.
“Are you okay?” a soft angel like voice spoke into my ears. I slowly got up; opened my eyes and they were met by the most perfect face I had ever seen in my whole life. His smooth pale skin glistened from the light shinning threw the window. His green eyes burned into my heart. For a second there I forgot how to breathe. He was so stunning it was unnatural.
A little freaked out by my long pause he asked again, a little more concerned this time. Still looking at his abnormally green eyes I nodded my head and started picking up my stuff. He grabbed my binder and most of my papers and put out his hand to help me up. I took it. A shock shot threw my body as his cold smooth skin tightened around mine. He smiled at me as he helped me up…we sat down; my heart still beating exceedingly fast from the electric shock he just sent threw my body.
He sat there slouching in his chair looking at me with a puzzled face, his brilliant green eyes relaxed and scanning me up and down.
“I’m Korey Ellison,” he reached his long arm out towards me. I was hesitant at first but then I grabbed his hand and shook it…the same shock ran threw my veins.
“Hi Korey; I’m Wish Wallishd.” I said as I pulled my hand away from his remembering to breathe in and breathe out. He did a half little smile just like the one in my dream…and because I am so much like my mother in the fact that I don’t seem to know how to think before I speak I blurted out, “That’s the same smile you gave my in my dream last night.” After I realized what I said my jaw dropped and my eyes got wide; I was praying that he didn’t hear any of that…but he did.
         He did a little cough laugh, widened his eyes, and raised one beautiful eyebrow…I was still taken away from his beauty, “What?” he said with the biggest smile on his face.
“Oh wow, I said that out loud didn’t I?” I said holding my hand over my face…I felt my eyes changing gray from embarrassment.
I could feel him smiling even though I couldn’t see it, “So…would that make me your dream guy?”
         I dropped my hand and kind of glared at him, I could tell by his facial expression that he noticed my eye’s had changed colors, “No your just and exceedingly handsome man who shockingly enough happen to be in my dream last night.”
         He ignored everything I just said looking at me with wonder, “Are you aware that your eyes just changed color?”
I smiled smugly, “yah they turn grey when I’m embarrassed.”
He laughed, “You truly are one of a kind Wish; in more ways then you even know.”
         The bell rang for lunch. As I started packing up my stuff, I was trying to figure out what he meant. He just met me how could he know how unique I am? That didn’t make any sense at all. I grabbed my binder and looked up to where he was standing about two seconds to go ask him how he knew that, but he was gone. I looked over at the door and saw Nicole, Kim, and Jennifer waiting for me to go to lunch. I shook the puzzled look off my face and prepared myself for the bombardment of questions coming from the three nosey girls waiting by the door.
“So was he the guy from your dream?” Nicole said as she opened the door for the four of us to walk out.
“Yes actually her was,” I could see all three of their eyes stare me down, “That doesn’t mean anything though, it was just a weird coincidence.” I said trying to cover up my shock of the weird twist of fate.
“Wish when ever you have dreams like this they always end up coming true!” Jennifer said as we gathered in line.
“Yah but this time Jen; Wish saw her self falling in love with this boy.” Kim added like as if it was the biggest shock known to mankind…and the way Jennifer reacted you would have thought that it was.
“WHAT?! Did she really? Like love…love?” all of us laughed at the idea.
         As I was waiting for Jennifer to move up in line I couldn’t help but to look for him. I scanned the whole lunchroom but he was nowhere to be found.
Then softly whispered in my ear was, “He’s staring at you Wish.” Nicole whispered in my ear as she grabbed her plate and left towards our table. I looked over at our table and sure enough he was there. Mingling and laughing as if he had known us for years now. He seemed to win over my friends very fast. So that just means it was only a matter of time before he started dating one of them. I knew he would never fall for me…he was too perfect, and I was too plain. The only unique thing about me was my eyes…but you can’t find someone to fall in love with you on your eyes alone.
“Hey Wish come sit here!” Chris said as I started my way for the table. I sat down, sitting exactly across from Korey; just staring into his green eyes, trying so hard to understand my dream last night. I heard voices flutter around, the rhythmic music of high school chatter…but I wasn’t listening…I was just staring at his faultlessness. And he stared back. We both never touched our plate…and nobody seemed to notice how quiet we were because we went a half hour just staring.
         Then the bell rang. Korey graceful jumped up; dumped his completely full plate in the trash and very charmingly walked away. I let out a small sigh, satisfied with myself that I remembered how to breathe.
“Hey Wish will you be able to give me a ride home after school?” I came out of the little trance that Korey had me under and turned to see Nicole talking to me.
“Oh yah of course! Just meet me at my fourth period after school.” I said as I shook away his image from my head.
“Okay I love you…see you in 90 minutes!” she walked away blowing a kiss behind her, “Bye bestie.” Then she grabbed Travis’s hand and they walked to fourth together. I did a little turn on my heel and headed towards the other way to History. I entered into class late…as usual; I have never been known to be very punctual.
“Nice of you to join us Wish,” Mr. Nickel, said as I shut the door loudly behind me.
“I do my best.” I said with a self-satisfied grin on my face.
“Take a seat Wish.” He caught my humor because under his breath you could hear a light chuckle.
         I looked over at my table witch was normally empty; the student there at the beginning of the year had moved and Mr. Nickel never filled it…till now. Korey sat there in the seat right next to mine, with that cute little half grin I loved so much on, his face. I sat down trying to ignore his beauty. I liked history and I didn’t want my grade to go down because I can’t stop staring at the new kid. I took out my notebook and turned to the page where I left off in my notes last. Turned to the page in my book that was written on the board…and prepared myself for 90 minutes of Mr. Nickel’s rampages about “If he were President”.
“What are you thinking about right now?” Korey had scooted in closer to me.
“I really don’t know.” I said…I couldn’t tell him that I was thinking about how I was going to ignore him that way I had a fighting chance to pass history.
“How do you not know what you’re thinking about?” He said scooting even closer.
“Once again I don’t know.” I said as I was writing down random facts that I knew I would never use in the future; I just needed to do something to keep my eyes off of his.
“I know your thinking about something, and I can reassure you that I will get it out of you sooner or later.” He said as he leaned back in his chair a little bit.
I caved, “I’m thinking about how hard it’s going to be to pass history this year.” I turned my body towards his, getting a cool sensation just looking at the smile that came across his face when I finally told him. “What are you thinking about?” I said trying to avoid him asking me why I might fail history.
“I’m thinking about your eyes,” he said leaning back in towards me.
“My eyes?” I said raising one eyebrow.
“Yah, I’ve only met one other person whose eyes do that. That’s such a gift. I think it’s amazing.”
“Amazing?! HA! Hardly it’s more like a curse; just imagine never being able to hide anything from people. If you’re sad and you don’t want people to know…you can’t lie to them, they just look at your eyes. It’s like I’m wearing a permanent mood ring!” I said raising my voice just a little so he could understand how annoying my eyes really are.
“Its amazing how close curses and gifts really are, I guess it’s just all how you view it.” He said with almost a hurt look on his face.
“I like your eyes,” I said trying to get him to smile again, “they’re the color of mine when I’m mad…it’s my favorite color of eyes.” It worked and he smiled.
         We spent the rest of class not really talking; just taking occasional glances at each other. And of course the awkward I’m looking at you when you’re not looking; then you catch me looking at you thing. He was sure everything and more then I had dreamed the night before. I couldn’t help but think about that dream. Think about that kiss. I knew that it would never happen…I knew someone like him would never love someone like me, but still it was nice to think about. It was five minutes before class was over before we spoke again.
“How old are you Wish?” Korey had scooted closer to me again just like before.
“I’m 16…I’ll be 17 in April. How old are you?” I said cheerfully, I was excited that we got to talk again.
“I’m 17, I’ve been 17 for a little while now.” His smile reached his eyes as he stared at me waiting to pounce with another question.
“How many brothers and sisters do you have?”
“What’s with all the questions?” I said with a little laugh, I really didn’t mind them at all…I just didn’t want to seem too eager to randomly talk about my life.
“English, remember…I have to write a story about you.” He said like as if I should have known that answer.
         The bell rang. I looked at the clock…then back at Korey…then back at the clock. I wanted to stay and talk with him. But I had to give Nicole a ride home. I took a deep sigh and started packing up my things. Korey was already done but he just stood there by the side of the table waiting for me. I grabbed my purse off the floor and we both started walking towards the door. He held the door open for me and as I slowly walked past him he whispered in my ear. “I’ll finish interrogating you tomorrow.” His sweet voice tingled my eardrum as we both let out a quiet but very powerful laugh. He walked away looking back occasionally to see if I was still there. I stood there smiling; not even noticing that Nicole was standing right beside me.
“You are so smitten by him!” she said, bringing me back down to reality.
“What; no I’m not!” I said knowing it was true…and also knowing I would never admit it.
“Oh Wish yes you are! You want to pull him into a corner somewhere and kiss him oh so passionately.” She said as we started walking out towards the parking lot.
“Nicole I do not! I don’t even know the guy. He’s pretty much a complete stranger…and as much fun as it sounds to make out in dark corners at school with a total stranger, I think I’m gonna pass.”
“Nah you would do it! Ha, I’ve never seen you look at a boy like you do him.” She said with a giggle, but her voice had a hint of sincerity in it that I very rarely heard with Nicole.
         I just brushed it off my shoulder. Quickly changing the subject to her and Travis’s six months. That set her off on a whole exciting story. Witch eventually led to many other exciting stories. I went over to her house for about an hour or so listening to her and forgetting everything about Korey. We just talked and ate brownie mix. Then I went home and started my history homework. I opened my book to the first page we had to read, and there folded perfectly into the crease was a white sheet of notebook paper. I unfolded it slowly trying to think of what was on it; trying to think back to if I wrote myself a note to remember something. When I got it open it had the most elegant handwriting scribbled a crossed. And there written in a deep green pen wrote “I love your eyes”.
         I had an uncontrollable smile on my face. I forgot to breathe. Images of Korey busted threw my mind. I never had a boy do something so sweet and so simple in my entire life. I kept replaying that kiss over and over again in my head. Just wishing for it to come true. I kept rereading “I love your eyes”.
          I pushed my book off my lap held my note to my chest and laid back on my bed, sinking into the comfort of it. I leaned over and turned off my lamp. Pulled my covers over my body. Read my note one more time; folded it back up, placing it into the palm of my hand. Rolled over still holding on to it…and swiftly drifted off into my dreams…still smiling.
         I woke up the next morning still holding onto the note. I looked at my clock; it was 5:00 AM I had a whole other hour to sleep…but I couldn’t. I was blissful, completely in a trance of happiness. In my whole life I have never had a boy do something so simple and so perfect. I hopped into the shower and got ready for school an hour early. Then after I was finished I sat on the couch, reread my note a couple of times…then started watching some TV.
         With out knowing I must have drifted off into sleep because I had a dream. Me and my close friend John Arms were walking in very dark woods together. I couldn’t see a moon but I could see the stars in between the heavy branches above us.
“Wish come on we have to get out of here before I hurt you!” john screamed as he took two more paces ahead of me. We were already nearly running, but now our pace had picked up. Then we stopped…or I did. I couldn’t see John anywhere. I heard a low painful growl come from the right of me. I swiftly turned my body to see a wolf nearly the size of a small grizzly bear; his silver fur glistened every time the twinkle of one of the stares touched it. His eyes a deep brown, with specks of gold all across them. It would have been one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen, if it weren’t so close to killing me.
         The overly sized wolf stood on his back legs standing almost upright. He bared his teeth and let out a very mournful growl. Then at the moment he was about to pounce my doorbell rang.
         I quickly jumped off my couch to look at the clock in the kitchen. It was only 7:00. My doorbell rang again…I walked slowly to the door still a little freaked out by my dream. And there standing on the other side of the door was John.
“Hey Wish!” he said with a smile as he started his way into my house.
I shut the door behind us as I fallowed him, “Hey John, what are you doing here?” I said hoping that a giant wolf wouldn’t pop up behind him.
“Wish, its Friday…we always go to school together on Fridays.” He said wondering why I didn’t remember that.
“Oh my gosh…yah it’s Friday isn’t it!” I slapped my hand to my forehead and smiled, “thank God…the week is over.”
         John just gave me a weird look as he grabbed my bag for me and headed for the door. I quickly gathered my thoughts and walked behind him. John was almost a good foot taller then I, so it was hard to keep up with his long strides, but normally once he noticed I was nearly jogging he would always slow down to my pace. We both piled into my car and headed off to school…leaving Johns red Volvo in my driveway.
         On our way to school I completely forgot about my dream. John was such an easy person to talk to. He was one of those very rare guys who actually listened when you talked…and then actually talked back. In fact I didn’t even remember the dream at all until the very end of first period. I walked out into the hall to meet up with all my friends and John was standing by my door waiting for me so we both can meet up with everyone. And the first thing I saw when I looked up at him…was his eyes. They were so different then any other time I had looked at them. This time instead of being the grayish blue color that they normally were, they were brown. They were a very caring shade of brown with a few gold specks scattered around in them, just like in my dream. I took a step back.
“John your eyes!” I said in a kind of panicked voice.
“What about them.” He just said ever so coolly.
“They are a completely different color.” I said stating the obvious.
“No there not.” He got a little defensive in his voice.
“Yes they are John…normally they are a grayish blue. Now they’re…” and before I could finish my sentence john said in a much freaked out voice.
“Brown.” He took a deep sigh and continued, “I normally wear contacts…but I couldn’t find them today.”
“Oh…okay.” I said rudely, I knew he was lying.
         John and I walked over to our friends in silence. Once we found our little group I went and I stood next to Nicole. Talking to her more about Travis and telling her about the note I got last night. Taking occasional glances at John just to see that he was doing the same thing to me.
         Then our eight-minute passing time was up and Kim, John, and I walked to our second period. It was awkward. Kim would try to start conversations, but the only thing she would get out of John and me was the occasional uh huh and ok. John and I would just take occasional glances at each other…I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking.
         Kim walked into the classroom a little annoyed at our silence. Then I went to go in right after her, but John’s warm hand grabbed my arm.
“Wish hold on a second.” John said as he pulled me away from the door. I tried to walk in…but he was much stronger then he looked, much, MUCH stronger.
“Yah John?” I said in a very sweet innocent voice.
“I can’t lie to you, but I can’t tell the truth to you either; at least not yet. Just give it time okay. You just need to wait for it.” He looked straight into my eyes as he said that…the gold flecks danced around the solid brown in his.
“Wait for what John? I mean why can’t you just tell me now?” I said my eyes still locked to his.
“Wish, just because. Please just trust me.” His voiced deepened in sorrow.
“Okay John.” I said finally finding a way to move my eyes to the floor.
John smiled, and opened the door for me, “When I do tell you…I think you’ll be more shocked with what you find out about your self, then what you’ll find out about me.” He took a deep breath and sounded like he was going to say more, but didn’t. We walked into math very casually. He went to go sit in his seat at the back of the room and I joined Kim at our table.
         I ripped out a piece of paper from my binder…and started writing John a note.
“What did you mean?” I wrote, then folded it up and wrote John on the front. I handed it to Kim who passed it back to Kelly, then so on until it reached John. About a minute or less later the same note plopped in front of me.
Right below my writing was, “I tell you later…I promise Wish, and I would never break a promise to you.”
         I turned around and smiled at John; he smiled back. I turned back around to see Kim looking at us conspicuously.
“What was that about?” Kim asked with a cute little smile and very big wondering eyes.
“Nothing…I just needed to ask him a question.” I said finally pulling out my notebook for math.
“Hmmmmm…” Kim said looking away from us now. I could tell Kim was thinking; which normally isn’t the best thing ever.
“What are you thinking about Kim?” I said dropping my pen and turning my body towards her.
“I don’t know, it just seems like you and John are very close lately.” She said still not lifting her head up.
I turned my head to look at John from the corner of my eye; he just sat there looking at Mr. Johnson…with a happy smile that touched each corner of his newly brown eyes.
“If you mean close as in we like each other, then you would be wrong!” I said looking back at her.
“O PLEASE WISH!” she lifted her head and turned towards me, “I see the way you two smile at each other, and today…I mean you guys couldn’t just wait to get rid of me to talk alone out in the hall.” She gave me a smile as if to say…I caught you two.
“Seriously Kim, it’s not like that at all.” I kind of laughed under my breath at the thought of me and John, “just trust me, ok” I raised one eyebrow and looked at her for a cold hard second so that she could see the I was sincere.
She just smiled and shook her head back down to her paper, “Ok Wish, I trust you.”
         I could tell that she still thought that we liked each other, but I knew that until she had hard evidence she wasn’t going to press it anymore. I started writing all the stuff on the board down. It seems like with me that every time I start to concentrate on something, that a distraction appears out of nowhere.
         In the middle of me coping the pointless math that I know I will never use out side…and probably inside this class, the door opened.
         And in walked the man of my dreams.
         Korey moved so gracefully as he walked towards Mr. Johnson. He handed him a piece of paper, and with the same grace and elegance walked out of the room leaving it as still and as silent, as if he had never come in, in the first place. As I sat there completely in a trance, watching the door, just hoping for him to walk back in…just hoping to see him again, Mr. Johnson came over to me.
“Wish.” He said roughly, noticing that I wasn’t going to notice him other wise.
I looked up, “Yes?” I said in almost a whisper
“They want you in the front office.” He crumpled the blue piece of paper in his hand and walked back to the front of the room.
“What do you think they want?” Kim said as she helped me pack up my stuff.
“I honestly don’t know…do you think its bad?” I said almost worried.
Kim did one of her reassuring smiles that always seem to make everything better and said, “No.” I smiled back.
         We both knew that she was most likely wrong. For I was known to always find myself in a bad situation. Normally something only mildly life threatening. For instance for a normal person they would walk into a department store and come out with the things they needed and be fine. I would walk into a department store, be locked up in there lying on the ground for about 2 hours because it was getting held up, and then at the end of all that madness would walk over to the thing I needed, and find that it was sold out. Only me.
         I grabbed my last notebook and shoved it into my binder grabbed my purse off the ground and headed for the door. As I was pushing the door open I took one more look at John. I was expecting him to still be smiling and listening to Mr. Johnson. But he wasn’t, instead he was looking straight at me. His mouth was barely open, and as he took a deep breath; his eyes finally caught mine. And instead of the happiness that normally filled them, there was worry. As I started backing up and entering the hallway I could see him mouth the words to me, “Be safe.”
© Copyright 2007 my haRt (hartsmadness at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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