Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1240461-Fallen-Angel
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1240461
A test of your faith. A story that is fiction.....or is it?
Let me start the story by introducing myself I am Noveus,General of the legions of Heaven,and forever servant to thy Lord. [I can already feel the doubt consume you]. My mortal name is Chris...yes just plain Chris. I am what theologists would call a Fallen Angel......or am I? The stories of some mortal's are almost true but then some are far from it. Let me clear up some things for you, that might be confusing. There are angels people, just not what you think we are. We don't grant miracles or watch over you....well we do in a since.......but anyways. Angels are created for one purpose to defeat evil..........do you honestly think that a war is coming between good and evil? Well truth be told it happens everyday where I'm from......there isn't just Lucifer down in Hell with his minions. There is different demon pacts scattered throughout Hell and even Heaven. Yes I know demons in Heaven unbelievable..........Well believe it. See when you die you do go to Heaven's Gate but its not all with elevator music and bright lights.......its mainly just like waiting in any other line. See thats where it gets dangerous cause we have whats called soul slavery....thats when new souls are kidnapped right from the gates of heaven.....Sir Peter has been under attack many times......So much we had to beef up security at the main gate. They use the slaves to build up there armies for an eventual attack on the Kingdom. See we angels are the protectors of new souls and the Gates of Heaven......but we need vacations like any other. So thats when mortality comes in we get to live three mortal lives during are service with thy Lord. Haha and you think your mortal life is Hell. Try my immortal life for a day it is Hell....literally. People also get the feeling we are shiny and bright with halo's and smell like chocolate or camel's depending on what part of the world your in I guess. Well we don't. We do have wings but they are black like a raven's, we have different parts of the animal kingdom,[he did create animals you know] like being a General I had claws of a tiger,and when I rallied my troops it was like a lion's roar being heard from one land to another......But the biggest misconception about an angel is are purity. We are hybrid's formed from the Angelic presence of God and the Demonic presence of Evil. I can't say its Lucifer because God formed him its just Evil that transformed him. But the presence of evil is what causes are eyes to glow red. And grants the ability to kill without question. Angel's do SIN people......but don't we all. Heaven is not the place you read about in the Bible......its just fairy tales. I will grant you some knowledge of the great book [so you call it] before I go. God didn't send someone down as a messenger like Christ.[Why would he?] Heaven is just like modern day society its just run with less of life's drama. If God wanted to be known he would send me and my entire battalion to show proof or he would just appear on Jay Leno. He doesn't want you to follow his orders on your everyday mortal lives.....in his opinion enjoy it......cause Heaven doesn't allow some of the things you can get away with on Earth. The Ten Commandments which is one of the only true parts of the Bible are the laws of Heaven......God granted Moses this wisdom but not to be turned into a religion. Remember people God gave us one HUGE gift and that was FREE WILL. There should be no religion just peace and coming together to save what was giving. God didn't create Earth he just planted some seeds is all. Well I have to go for now and if you find yourself disbelieving just remember who you heard it from. And if you cant trust me then who else can you trust.....a priest? Hahahahahaha
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