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This is the introduction to a longer story i intend to write.
...It is the 41st millenium, the imperium of man, an area consisting of millions of plamets and trillions of peole, is surrounded and attacked by armies of their enemies. From the near human Eldar to the monstrous Orcs the imperium of man is hounded at all corners. Their only defence against these enemies are their armies. Billions of soldiers, the imperial guard, march to war, lead by super-human men and using titanic structures of metal, the imperial guard force the enemies back through sheer force of will. This story tells of a battle fought on Fetroc prime, and arid desert world where the imperium fight against the savage orcs... Jason tensed as he heard the faint sound of a morter shell in the distance. The shell struck the trench with a roar, obliderating a pillar box and hurling white hot shrapnel into the trench. Jason saw a mann near to the explosion flayed alive as the metal sheared into his flesh. Robert, captain of Jasons squad, grabbed an arm and hoisted himself upright. "Come on!" He screamed, motioning to the remains of his group, who dutifuly followed as the sound of another shell began to roar near.This one struck the same spot as the last, but instead of exploding it clanged to the ground and rolled into the trench. Robert swore and grabbed Jason, pulling him into a hole in the trench and yelling to his men.One man was to late and ws ripped apart as bullets roared from the shells ends through the trench. Jasson tried to slow his breathing as Roberty pushed him back out. He was almost calm when the radio on his back began to roar into life. Robert smashed the button for the loudspeaker and the voice of the commander echoed down the silent trenches. "All units are to advance now! This is a direct order from commander Blaton! We will drive the xenos from this planet once and for all!" The unit stood in shocked silence and then Robert nodded, motioning his men to line up. Jason stood at the end, readtin his autogun and praying to the Emporor for His guidence. "Advance, for the Emporor!" Robert roared as group after group of men flowwed from the trenches towards the captured city before them... |