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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1235131
this will be another chapter in the book called the angelina chapter
my life is fun but really fucked up to say the least me and my amica will probably go down in fuckin history along with her fuckin counselor and her and my baby sisters you see tiffany is running her dead husbands borgata or crime family whatever the fuck you want to call it I was born in brooklyn in January of 1955 to a broke ass carpenter and a homemaker and a house full of sisters and brother our papa hated mafioso I figured it was cause he was a sap tiff became my amica when we were real young we practically drunk out the same bottle my parents werent no racists they accepted tiffany and let her come over and spend the night I loved her like my own blood when we got over we started to becomeintrigued by mobsters and gangsters when we turned 16 we got in at ozzy’s play parlor this sleazy joint mobsters and wannabes hung out at tiff was the only black working there and ozzy told her he only hired her cause she was light skinned and really sexy and she showed him her tits but so did I cause he said he didnt usually hire sicilians even though he was italian he only had 1 working there the rest were hunky girls as I call them you know the non italian whites who claid theirselves as americans most had bleached out blonde hair and blue eyes but me tiff and the other italian girl who we became close to named anastasia were still the sexiest in there she wasnt curvy like me and tiff she was skinny but was gorgeus so men forgot she had no body so I asked the broad 1 day how she got in cause me and tiff had to show our tits ana: I fucked him the other dames mostly sucked his dick so you 2 are lucky I needed the job and the money real badley my folks are to poor to take care of me I have 8sisters and brother and they all still live at home im trying to go to law school I met the most greatest guy here he works in the villari organization he’s a accountant his name is dino trajani me: your such a jamook he’s a gangster everyone who deals with the villari’s are gangsters nothing wrong with it but don’t be so stupid about it I eventually started seeing sal the plumber who was the advisor in the villari family I got whatever I wanted and he got me a mercedes and my own place all I had to do was be his young bella comare and be happy with our arrangement I only seen him when he came to ozzy’s and on fridays when he took me out on the town he tried to get me to quit ozzy’s but I wouldnt id always tell him im not your wife blow me then after 3 months he was fuckin whacked in front of his house while he was getting the paper so my gravy train stopped and oz offered to let me and tiff stay with him which fuckin backfired because after a while he wanted expected us to fuck him tiff was raped and beat the fuck out of by him on a daily basis and id go in her room and lay in the bed with her till she fell asleep tiff was the innocent one and he fuckin took advantage of her I on the otherr hand just fucked him to get it over with after a few months of shit he came into my bedroom 1 night while I was fuckin taking my clothes off and unzipped his pants and came up behind me I told him vaffanculo and when I turned around he punched me in my yapper knocked me down to the floor I got up and told him to lay down id fuck him after I cleaned up my face a little my nose and lip were bleeding he said ok when I came out I told him to close his eyes and when he did I got this sharp pointy letter opener off the nightstand and stuck him in the nuts with it and said this is for me and tiff ya dirtbag and when he yelled I stabed him in the chest and in the neck and then I just kept stabbing I wanted to watch him suffer he finally stop yelling and breathing and I heard a bunch of shots I was fuckin covered in blood when I walked out the bedroom tiff was standing there with a piece in her hand said she emptied the clip on guido came up with the fuckin great idea of burning the shit hole down
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