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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1235069
A Basket Ball loving high school boy willing to do anything for a girl called Amy.
Ignore the numbers at the end of the lines, their just paragraph numbers.......................

For Amy1

For Amy- Chapter One2

Basketball. His life, his heart, his soul, his mind, or just simply everything about him. Bryan Johnson, fifteen year old student of Ridgewell High. He was a simple fifteen year when it came to every aspect of life except one. Basketball. He loved the game. And there was no reason for him not to, he was the golden boy of the Basketball team. He was the basketball star of Ridgewell High. When it came to studies, he was not exactly a zero, but he was quite close to it. He had what his peers of the opposite sex referred to as awesome hair and amazing physique. Everything in his life was perfect. He had the life every teenager would dream of. At least that’s how it looked on the outside. On the inside, Bryan had his own problems. Problems that kept eating away his happiness slowly, little by little. His chemistry with his parents wasn’t exactly the best, his marks and Academic Progress was terrible just to name a few. However, there was one big problem. One big problem he would never discuss with his friends, with his brother, or with anyone. So far this year Ridgewell High had done quite well in the California Basketball League. They had made it to the finals. The finals were just about 3 weeks from now and Bryan had a huge problem troubling him. It was another Monday morning as Bryan raced to the school gym for his morning practice. Practice went on quite well, but Coach Kenny began to realize there was something troubling Bryan. After practice, everyone had left the gym except for Bryan who was still packing up when Coach Kenny sat next to him and began to talk. ‘What is it Bryan? I see there’s something that can take away the California League Trophy from us son, and I don’t want that something to get in our way, open up’, just the way Bryan expected Coach Kenny to put forward the question. ‘Well sir, nothing really, nothing a teenager would like to share’. ‘Ah, I see, well I’m quite into teenagers really, doing a study on how their confused minds work, and the way you played today, I guess it has to be the OSS’. ‘What’s that sir?’ ‘Ah well a disease I quite often identify when a Basketball player plays the way you’ve been playing lately’. ‘No, sir, what does it abbreviate’. ‘The Opposite Sex Syndrome, well, I aren’t gonna interfere son, but just wanted to tell you, you better get it over with before the finals, gotto run, later’. Coach Kenny the lead the way out and locked the gym. He was awesome at it, he could just read Bryan’s mind, Bryan couldn’t get Amy out of his head, and the fact that she was now going steady with his rival cousin from Greenwood High, David Johnson. Even though the same blood ran through their veins, they couldn’t stand each other. If it wasn’t for their hatred for each other, they’d probably have been in the same school. The fact that they had the same blood could be proved in the way they played Basketball. Both could be described very simply as AWESOME. The entire tournament however, Ridgewell High had never come across Greenwood High. IF they had, there most probably would have been bloodshed. Both the teams ended up with equal points in the first stage. They never played each other in the Playoffs however. The school playoffs were different from the NBA ones. They had Group 1 and Group 2 unlike West and East zones. And the teams were drawn into the groups in a lottery picking event held after the first stage. 13

Both the teams had now made it into the finals, Ridgewell from Group 1, and Greenwood from Group 2 and the final showdown was to be held on the third Saturday from now, June the 30th. It was the same old boring school that day and at the end of the day, Bryan got that unique look from his Math teacher that signified that he still remained the same old failure. He got back home and saw to his displeasure David speaking to his mother. He didn’t feel like walking into his house after that irritating sight. As soon as he got in, his mom called him over to speak to David, and as he always did, looked at his mother with that disgusted look and came over and shook David’s hand with every bit of hatred in his body. ‘So what you been upto cousin’, David smiled at Bryan. ‘Well, not that much really, just learnt some more moves to kick your **** on the 30th’, said Bryan now looking eye to eye with David. ‘Really? I see your working hard, forget it man, it aren’t gonna happen, people are gonna realize that I’m the perfect teen, not you’. ‘Naa, I don’t think so cousin’. ‘Well, aunt Lisa, I gotto leave, it’s getting dark, mom told me to get back by seven, and Bryan, pray I never see you again, later people’, David started walking towards the door. ‘If only you two could get along’, Bryan mother sighed. ‘Ya mom, whatever’, something outside caught Bryan’s eyes and he ran out. It was Amy Carter. The figure that had resided in his mind for the last month was standing outside. He not acted as if he had come out to collect the mail, when he looked at her and they both exchanged smiles. ‘So how thing between you two going, any improvement between the Johnson cousins’, she laughed. ‘Ah, not really, and I’m quite happy if it remains that way’, said Bryan with a short laugh. ‘Dude you talking to my girl’, Bryan now saw David standing next to Amy. He was so taken aback with Amy’s presence that he failed to even notice his cousin. ‘Ya, isn’t that answer obvious, she was just enquiring about our relationship’, Bryan shot back. ‘Watch it man, don’t get too close, keep your distance’. ‘Why, afraid of a little competition cousin’. ‘Afraid, well, mistaken cousin, I don’t have to be afraid, three weeks from now, I don’t think you’d be alive to give me competition.’ ‘Whatever, hit the road, your on my territory’, Bryan was getting a little tough now. The words increased the fury in David and made him charge, fortunately Amy was there to stop both of them. ‘Ok, getting stupid and crossing the limit now guys, let’s disperse’, said Amy. Bryan started walking back towards his door now, and just before he entered, he turned back, and smiled at Amy, and to increase his happiness some more, she smiled back, David would have charged again if it wasn’t for Amy again. It was early morning next day when Bryan got up to leave for his Basketball practice. He decided to take a walk. When he walked out, he started kicking stones and walking when he found a stone next to one of the pots outside his house which was tied to a note. He opened it and to his disbelief, he found a number there, and below it, was text which read, ‘Call me, Amy’. He ran back to his room, opened his chest which he kept his precious Air Jordan Basketball boots and kept the stone with the note there. It was just another normal day at school. When he came back home, he brought his best buddy Nicky Hendrix with him to roll on the Playstation 2 together. Also Bryan needed help in making his first call to Amy, perhaps just some company in case he screws up. It was about seven and still Bryan hadn’t called her. Then Nicky decided to sleepover after calling his mom. The clock struck eight when Bryan’s phone rang. He ran and picked it up excited about something he knew was impossible. But when he picked up the phone, the voice he heard made him jump. Nicky ran over and heard Bryan, ‘Hey Amy, uh, uh, well, uh, how’d you get my number’. Bryan was dumbstruck, he couldn’t believe it. ‘Well, remember last week you got a prank call, well, that was David, I read the number when he was dialing it and memorized it’. ‘Well, why, why’d u do that?’ ‘I don’t know, I just wanted to, well, you’re a nice guy, and I just wanted to, you know, talk’. ‘Does David know?’ ‘No no, don’t tell him’. ‘K, surely, I wont, so, what’s up, what you doing’. ‘Well nothing, jus trying to study, I cant, I got this thing in my head, I cant do any thing really, it’s just, I’m obsessed with it. Hey, well, since we’re in the same school, and David isn’t, you’d mind if we’d you know, get a coffee or something tomorrow, he wouldn’t know’. ‘Of course, the words came out even before Amy could finish the sentence, so, well, done’. ‘Anyway, I gotta get back to something, so, later’. ‘Bye Amy, thanks for calling’, Bryan was so amazed he couldn’t keep the receiver down till he was helped by Nicky. ‘Well, that’s mission one accomplished, I still got a lot of them to go’, said Bryan. ‘Well bro, you’ve just started, this, is gonna be a long three weeks’, Nicky knew that if David came to know about what was going on, it was gonna end up in only one incident, two relatives in a blood match.4

For Amy- Chapter 25

‘Two weeks left for the big game son’, Coach Kenny was talking to Bryan after practice on yet another Monday morning. After the phone call last week Bryan hadn’t talked to Amy even once. She seemed to be very busy in school and they couldn’t meet. That Monday evening, as soon as Bryan got home, he dialed her number and it was Amy who picked up the phone. ‘Hey Amy, I’m sorry I had to cancel the coffee that day, well, we had that extra session of basketball practice, can I make up this week anytime’. ‘Yeah sure, right now, I live just about two blocks from your place, meet me at Joe’s Coffee House half hour from now’. ‘I’ll be right there’. The half hour passed quickly and Bryan found himself standing in front of the figure that appeared in his dreams every night. Amy Carter. ‘Hey, I’m really sorry about last week Amy’. ‘Chill, don’t sweat it man, so well, what you wanna have’, Amy asked. ‘Uh, I dunno, a Frappe’. ‘Yeah I’ll have the same’. ‘Yea so Bryan, this thing between you and David, is it gonna last forever’. ‘Ya I guess so, we’ve never got along, used to, but ever since we started playing ball, everything's gone all wrong, forget it’. ‘Ya ok, well, you going out with somebody else’. ‘Uh, not right now’. ‘Ohok , hey about this little date, don’t tell your cousin ok’. ‘I won’t tell him’. ‘So, well, you like gaming a lot right, tell me more’. ‘Well ya, gaming freak, ever since I was four, you game a lot too?’ ‘Not really, why?’ ‘Wanna come home and roll on ma PS2, it’ll be fun’. ‘Yeah sure, why not’? ‘K cool, fifteen minutes in the coffee house and both of them were now in Bryan’s house. Amy was very amused with all the electronic instruments Bryan had and Bryan also played a song on the guitar for her which he had composed himself. They played on the PS2 and eventually Amy got quite bored. It was about seven when Amy decided to leave. ‘Well I got to go, it’s getting quite dark, I’ll leave then Mrs. Johnson’, she left leaving Bryan in another world totally dazzled. ‘You like her don’t you’, Bryan’s mother asked him. ‘I dunno mom’. ‘Well, good choice son, I really like that girl’. ‘Thanks mom’.6

The next day Bryan ended up late for practice and Coach Kenny made sure he paid for it. He had to do three hundred suicides and hundred and fifty pushups. The day started of badly for him there. In school for the first time he really ended up in a good sensible conversation with Amy Carter. School went on as normal and at the end of the day again Bryan found himself talking to Amy. This time it went on for quite a while. After they finished and Bryan turned to leave, the person he saw almost made him lose balance. It was Cousin David, Waiting to fist him to the ground. He received a blow on his right eye. His retaliation had a much greater effect than he expected. He punched back Bryan on his left eye and David was on the ground. Bryan offered his hand to bring him back up, but then David pulled him down and they started exchanging blows one after the other. Amy didn’t interfere as she didn’t want to be killed. In the end Nicky ended up there and got between the two and stopped it. Amy was furious with David. ‘Dude, I told you, stay away from my girl’. ‘Well, I aren’t gonna do that homy, and there aren’t anything you can do about it either’. ‘Fine, well, I’m gonna kill you then’. ‘Wait’, Amy’s voice seemed to calm the both of them. ‘How about a challenge, like, a bet, I’m gonna spice things up boys, you’ve gotta work, to earn’. ‘What are you talking about?’ both Bryan and David this time with the same question. ‘Well, let’s make the Championship finals a game to remember for life, you two have got to sign a contract, to confirm the challenge, and whatever happens, you cant go against the contract. It’s quite simple. The winner of the finals, gets me. If Ridgewell win, Bryan, I’m yours, if Greenwood win, David gets me, here, I already got it printed out, just waiting for an opportunity to break the news, here’s the pen, now both of you boys, be nice, and sign’. David and Bryan couldn’t believe it, but it was somehow satisfying and fair. ‘K deal’, again both David and Bryan’s voices rang together. ‘You're gonna regret this Johnson’. ‘Are you talking to me, because if you haven’t forgotten, you share the same name cuz’. ‘C’mon Amy, don’t hang around too much with this kind of trash’. ‘Sorry Dave, but, in case you haven’t read the contract properly, which I’m sure of, it says no one is to talk to or come anywhere near me till the match is over’. ‘Damn you, I’m gonna win that match and your gonna stay where you belong, now people, c ya’ll later’, Dave stamped his foot and left. ‘Well, what are you waiting for?’ Amy gave her disperse look to Bryan. ‘I’m going, later girl’. 7

‘Man, what was all that about bro’, Nicky couldn’t believe it either. ‘Well, I’ll tell you what it’s all about, it’s about me getting Amy the easier way, this is my game, this is my area of brilliance, no one’s better than me in all west Los Angeles, when you get it on to the court, the entire game revolves around me, I control it, Mr. David Johnson just used his ink in the wrong place!’ 8

For Amy- Chapter 39

He couldn’t believe it, his dreams were all gone, everything over, how did this happen, Bryan kept asking himself. He had lost, it was over, and Amy was now a possession of David. Ridgewell had lost, Greenwood won the championship. He had been defeated in two ways, he had lost the Championship and his golden opportunity to get Amy. He was sitting near the door which lead into the dressing rooms when he heard a voice from behind, ‘I told you cousin, you’ll never be better than me’, and before anymore words could come out of David’s mouth, Bryan felt a chill rise up his body and the next sight was the sight of his room ceiling. A relief, it was just a dream. Bryan’s mother was calling him for breakfast. It was about six in the morning and Bryan got another problem to deal with. Practice was at six-thirty and he was going to get late, yet again. He raced into his bathroom and got all dressed up, had some toast, got onto his bike, and ripped to the gym. Just the thought of having to do three hundred suicides and hundred and fifty pushups made him go so fast that he could kill himself. However, he made it, just on time. ‘Coach, you owe me breakfast, I made it on time’. ‘No probs Bryan, you got the free breakfast’. ‘Thanks sir’. ‘Well, so how’s it going with the OSS, you get over it’. ‘Well sir, still twelve days to go for the game sir, I’ve got time, I’ll get over it’. ‘Well, you improving at least?’ ‘Not exactly, but, I just signed something which makes me feel a lot better’. ‘Well ok, go warm up son’. ‘Hey waddup Nicky, managed to get in that half line basket’, Nicky had been practicing to score from the half for the last week. ‘Well I’m working on it bro, still aren’t able to do it as well as you’. ‘Well ok, let me teach you how it’s done, the right way’. Practice went on fine for the next two hours. Nicky finally managed to get in the half line baskets and was very excited about it and promised to buy Bryan lunch. School was the same, however, Bryan still wasn’t happy with the fact he couldn’t talk to Amy. It felt like he was being ignored. ‘Yo bro, it’s ok if I hang out in your place, I wanna finish that Tekken 5 game you got’, Nicky just managed to catch up with Bryan before he left. ‘No problem, come home with me, I’m leaving now’. Just before Bryan went through the school gate, a boy approached him, it was the new kid in school. ‘Hey Bryan, well, I heard you’re the Basketball talisman around this territory, well, you want a game tomorrow at West LA Basketball Gym. I got a team, so if your good, maybe you can, play for our team’. ‘Well, I don’t know man, I don’t think I can play for school and for your team homy’. ‘It’s ok man, I just want to see how you play, tomorrow after school ok, you come alone’. ‘Wait, what about Nicky’. ‘Well, there’s room only for one’. ‘Ok fine, see you later’. Nicky and Bryan left towards home, both on their bikes. ‘Man, be on his team, I think I’ll just go there and finish man, I don’t wanna play for his team’, said Bryan as they got of their bikes in the garage. ‘Ya ok bro, guess it’ll become too hectic anyway, these guys who got local teams have a lot of practice’. ‘They went in and the first thing Nicky did was sit on Bryan’s Playstation 2 chair and start playing. The evening went on quite normally and Nicky left at seven.10

Bryan just started to think about how things would be if he lost the game and just then David appeared at his doorstep. ‘Aunt Lisa, can I have a word with Bryan’. ‘Sure Dave, come on in’. ‘No outside’. ‘Outside, well sure’. Bryan came out with a look on his face which meant he wasn’t feeling very comfortable. ‘Listen here cousin, you aren’t gonna win this ok, why don we both have an understanding and tear this contract and tell Amy that it’s anyway gonna have only one result’. ‘You think I’m crazy don’t you, or is it that you’re a stupid idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about and someone who lacks common sense, are you mad?’ ‘Ah, those harsh words from you again, I’m telling you man, your gonna face a lot of trouble, your messing with the wrong guy’. ‘Well, I know who I’m messing with, I’m messing with my loser cousin who signs contracts without reading them, now leave’. ‘Ok, you’ve crossed the limit Bryan, later’, and David left giving fierce looks to Bryan as he walked away. As soon as Bryan walked into his door he knew what was coming and immediately made a statement, ‘Don’t mom, don’t, it’ll be the same forever’, and then Bryan ran back into his room. The next day after school Bryan went to the West LA gym and had a game along with Andy Rodrigue’s boys. ‘*bunny* dude Bryan, your awesome man, I think some teams gonna draft you in the NBA, your brilliant’, Bryan expected everyone to be amazed with his game play, he knew he was the best, he tried his best not to boast however. ‘Ok Andy, man, I’m sorry man, but I don’t think I can play for your team, cause well, it’ll get too hectic, maybe after the finals I’d try to help you’. ‘It’s ok man, I understand, well, so, I got six tickets to a Lakers Nicks game on Friday, wanna *bunny*, bring your friends along too’. ‘Ya sure man, Nicky’ll love to come’, Bryan left and started regretting that he had signed the contract. He desperately wanted to go out with Amy somewhere and an opportunity had just sprung up, he could’ve taken Amy to the game, but unfortunately he had to stay away from her till the finals. The week passed quite quickly and it was already Friday evening. The game was at seven. Bryan and Nicky went along with Andy and his friends really excited about the game. The game went terribly for the Lakers. Nicky and Bryan both being ardent Lakers fans, had a terrible time. They managed to fight back in the third quarter however but eventually lost the game a hundred and twelve to a hundred and five. ‘Well, not a bad game eh guys’, Andy asked on the way out. ‘Dude, what’s the matter with you’, both Nicky and Bryan replied. Andy wasn’t really aware of the fact that the both of them were hardcore Lakers. ‘Well, anyway, gotta break guys, c ya’ll in school tomorrow’, Nicky and his gang of friends left leaving Bryan and Nicky alone. ‘Well, see you later bro’, Nicky left and so did Bryan. The next day was Saturday and Bryan had only half day school and three hours of practice after that. Practice was quite tiring that day as Bryan got back home quite late the last night. Time was going really quickly and the finals were approaching. 11

The next whole week was quite boring. Bryan was starting to get a bit frustrated about his prohibition to speak to Amy. The day finally came. It was Saturday, June the 30th. The day Bryan could achieve two of his lifelong dreams. Win the California School Championship and go out with Amy. It was about four and Bryan was just about to leave for school on his bike. It was about a twenty minute ride from his house to school. He was half way through when he saw two well built guys standing next to a Ford Elise car. Just as Bryan was about to cross them, the two hunks got into his way, stopped his bike, got him off his bike and dumped him into the car. Another two hunks came from the truck behind, took his bike, put it into the truck and left the place. One of the two hunks then punched him on his head and knocked him out. The next sight he saw was a large room inside some house. He was tied and his mouth was also sealed. What was going on, why are these guys holding me back, I have a game to go to? Bryan started thinking to himself. Then he saw another guy walk into the room, judging from the way he looked, his age would’ve been something like seventeen. What the hell is going on, what’s gonna happen next, am I gonna get hurt, am I gonna get to the game on time’, there was a clock on his left, it showed six, one hour to go. God help me.12

For Amy-Final Chapter13

Bryan felt totally sick now. He knew he would never make it out on time. Then he knew he had no other choice. For the first time in his life, he sat there and prayed. Prayed he could make it out on time to do it for his beloved Ridgewell high and to achieve his Golden dream of life. It was about six thirty when he decided to just close his eyes and fall asleep. There was no one around to watch over him. His kidnappers also were no where to be seen. He had maid many tries to get himself out but all in vain. Then it happened. He heard a familiar voice, a very familiar one, one he had known only for about a week, but one that was easily recognizable. ‘You like my brother’s room Bryan’, it was Andy, he was standing at the door of the room and he continued to speak. ‘Well, how’s my house, I hope you like it, this is my bro’s room’. Bryan tried to speak but he knew he couldn’t due to the tape tight on his mouth. Was it Andy, is he trying to take revenge on me for not agreeing to play on his team, could it be? Bryan thought to himself but the next moment he got a relief which felt better than anything else. ‘It’s good I’m here to save the day Bryan, I’ll make sure you get Amy’, in the next five minutes Bryan found himself free. ‘Sorry about all this, it’s my brother, he’s a very good friend of David, I overheard their plan to keep you here till the match gets over so that Ridgewell lose and David gets Amy. Unfortunately, big bro never knew I was on your side, now, here are the keys to my brother’s Ford Elise, it’s the only way you can get to the LA Basketball Gym on time, you cant go to school now, you have to go straight to the court, I’ll drive, come on’, after finishing his brief talk Andy lead Bryan down to the garage. It had to be done the illegal way. Andy was just a fifteen year old with no license, but the risk would be worth it. After all, at the end of the day, everything was being done FOR AMY. ‘Dude your crazy, I think you can slow down a bit’, yet another regret in Bryan’s book of regrets. He was crazy, his driving was mental, Bryan was sure he wouldn’t make it alive. 14

Back at the court, all the players on the Ridgewell team were getting quite tensed now, their Talisman was missing, and no where to be found with five minutes for the game. ‘Sir, we have to play the sub sir, I think Bryan’s ditched us’, Nicky was looking quite angry now talking to Coach Kenny. ‘Calm down son, we can still do this, fine, play Allan Alexander at Power Forward, we can do this without Bryan, but, I think there’s some foul play here, I need to talk with the referee’, Coach Kenny knew it had to be foul play, Bryan would never ditch his team in the biggest game of his life, especially when Amy was on the line. ‘Sorry boys, but the referee aren’t gonna post pone this game by a single minute, guess Allan has to do the job for us, best of luck boys’, and just before the coach could get into his pep talk, the most wonderful thing happened. ‘Well brothers, you missed me’, it was him, he made it, Bryan Johnson was in the house. ‘What too you so long bro’, Nicky had a long smile on his face now. Then he saw Bryan looking towards David, both of them were eye to eye now, but the two of them were on opposite sides of the court. David had a different kind of look on his face but, a surprised look. But Bryan, he had a look which signified victory, the match was finally here, and Bryan had got out of David’s trap, could he now win the game and take Amy along. All the players were on the court now. The whistle blew, Nicky was the centre and he won the jump ball. It was Ridgewell High with possession, Bryan started off well with an easy finger roll for two points. The game was going on quite smoothly totally in an unexpected fashion, very few fouls were committed and the players were quite easy on each other. The first quarter ended with the score of thirty to twenty-seven Ridgewell leading. The second quarter was much more interesting. More fouls were committed and better baskets scored. Bryan had a field goal percentage of hundred. He was doing awesome. The score was about forty eight to forty two Ridgewell leading when it happened. Bryan was going to execute his shot from downtown when David jumped in front of him and instead of going for the ball punched his groin. Unfortunately for Bryan, the referee didn’t see it and he fell to the ground in terrible pain. He had to be substituted. Allan Alexander came on for him. The quarter ended with a score of fifty eight to fifty seven with Ridgewell still in the lead. The key players at the half named were just as expected, even though one injured, the Johnson cousins. The second half started off terribly for the Ridgewell Raptors, Greenwood Bulls started literally bullying their opposition. Ridgewell were really missing Bryan now. They just couldn’t handle it. Baskets were flying in from all over the court and quite a lot of jumpers were being executed. The third quarter ended, with a score of eighty four to seventy, Greenwood now in the lead. The fourth quarter started, and with just 2 minutes into it, Coach Kenny called for a Timeout. ‘K listen here boys, I am so proud of you, your doing your best, don’t give up, you’ll can do this, without Bryan, Nicky, you make sure David’s marked, Allan, get in baskets as often as possible, everybody else, just play your normal game, we’re gonna win this, without Bryan’, just as the team was about to go back in, Bryan opened his mouth. ‘No sir, we cant win, without me, I aren’t trying to boast, I aren’t trying anything here, I’m putting forward the truth sir, we aren’t winning without me, I’m going back in, this is my game, I have a lot at stake here, you’re letting me go in sir, I need to this, myself, I need to do it FOR AMY sir’. ‘You’ve got spirit son, you’ve got the spirit I like, Allen, take a seat, Mr. Johnson needs to show our opposition, what brilliant basketball is all about’, Coach Kenny finished and substituted Allan for Bryan. Bryan was back on court. As Bryan walked into the court, he came across David, ‘You can never beat me Bryan, forget it, you’ll always be-below me’, he crossed the limit David did. And he was going to pay for it. The quarter started and Bryan took a jumper immediately and scored. He maintained his hundred percent of successful three pointers. The quarter progressed with the score line improving little by little for the Ridgewell Raptors. It was halfway through and the score a ninety eight to eighty six Greenwood in the lead. Bryan was starting to get more tensed now. He started to think about the fact of seeing Amy with David and that fact would haunt him forever if he didn’t win this game. It was just about four minutes to go and the score was a hundred and eight to a hundred. Bryan looked at the crowd, and saw Amy, she was looking straight at him, she seemed to be very tensed too, but before Bryan could get distracted some more, he turned away. It was about three minutes left when Nicky was going to finish a two pointer. Just as he stalled in the air David came running for the block and banged straight into Nicky, as Nicky was going to land, he fell straight on his heel and his back hit the ground quite hard. Bryan raced towards him quickly, Nicky was now almost in tears, ‘I cant go on coach, get me off, get me off, no coach, oh no, I cant take this’. This had gone too far, Bryan couldn’t stand this any more, David had gone too far, he was standing just beside Bryan, watching all the drama after having played his part in it. Bryan immediately got up, ‘You can take anything from me man, you can have Amy, you can have this championship, you can hit me, anything, but when you hit Nicky, you’ve crossed the last line of tolerance that I have homy, trust me, you’re gonna regret this’, Bryan’s words didn’t seem to have any kind of impact on David. Nicky was now being taken off on a stretcher as the spectators gave him a loud round of applause. Bryan raced to give a hand to Nicky, the words Nicky used this time however had a huge impact on Bryan, ‘I want just one last thing from you bro, win this game for me and KICK HIS *bunny*’. Nicky was off the court now. The game resumed, Bryan was all out for the ball now. He scored a lot of baskets after Nicky went off and made the score line extremely tight. There was about thirty seconds left and the score was a hundred and sixteen to a hundred and thirteen. The clock was ticking. Bryan had the ball, he started dribbling through the entire Greenwood defense. Not long to go now. Ten, nine, eight, seven. Bryan didn’t have a clear shot still, he couldn’t risk it. Three, two. And then he did it. Straight from downtown. The clock ticked, 0.90 seconds when Bryan released the ball and then the honk went off and the ball bounced of the board and started rolling on the rim of the basket. Bryan covered his face and then heard Andy’s voice loud and clear from the closest stand. ‘You did it’. Bryan took his hands off his face. He had done it. As it stood, the score was a hundred and sixteen each and it was time for overtime. ‘You have made me so proud today Bryan, we can do this now, since Nicky is of, John, you’ve got to do the job of marking David. Bryan, I want you to take many more jumpers. Everyone else, as you’ve done, play your normal game. Ridgewell, come on’, Coach Kenny had done with his pep talk and the team was ready. Bryan’s legs were hurting a lot. He was very tired as Extra Time started. Bryan scored a jumper immediately on his coach’s orders. He heard his coach scream, ‘Get forward Bryan, get forward’. Overtime was halfway through and the score hundred and twenty four to a hundred and twenty, Greenwood in the lead. Time was going by very quickly. The score now was hundred and thirty one to a hundred and twenty nine with forty seconds on the clock. It was Bryan again with the ball this time, he raced forward dribbling through the defense and finishing with a handsome lay up. David immediately got the ball and took a jumper and scored. With twenty seconds on the clock, it was Hundred and thirty one to a hundred and thirty four, Greenwood in the lead. Then Bryan got the ball and walked across the half line. He took a jumper as well and scored. It was now hundred and thirty four each. David was gonna throw the ball back into play. His throw in was intercepted by John Parker, Nicky’s replacement who immediately through the ball across perfectly over the basket. And to the delight of all the Ridgewell fans Bryan Johnson was there to finish a perfect Alley Oop. SLAM DUNK! The honk went off. But the entire court was silent. Waiting for the referee’s decision to make sure if the ball went in on time. Both David and Bryan covered their faces. Amy also looked like she was praying. Then the referee lifted his hand and signified the basket counted. RIDGEWELL HIGH were the champions. Bryan Johnson was the hero. The California Championship was the prize. But the most important prize of all, was Amy Carter. She came running down towards Bryan onto the court. She couldn’t get to him however. He was surrounded by a lot other Ridgewell fans. He then got down and approached her. ‘You wanted me to win all along didn’t you’, Bryan asked her. ‘Well, it may not have been fair, but yes, I really like you’, she replied. ‘I knew you’d do it Bryan, it’s the reason I made up the contract, just to make it look fair, I knew you’d win all along’, after finishing that line, Amy held Bryan’s shirt just near his collar. She then pulled him closer, and it happened. Bryan received his First Kiss. And he was the happiest ever to know that his First Kiss was Amy Carter. His dream girl. His prize. His earning, whatever it was, Amy Carter was now officially, Bryan Johnson’s girlfriend. It was the happiest day of Bryan’s life. He got a weird kind of feeling in his inside however. A feeling that urged him to go talk to David. To do something that would look totally weird. He went up to David who was sitting on the stairs to the dressing room and sat next to him. ‘I’m sorry David, let’s end this here ok, I won the deal and all, but whether we like it or not, we’re always gonna be cousins, I’ll put the kidnapping thing behind me man, let’s just, be real cousins from now on’, Bryan was now looking eye to eye with his cousin. ‘You rule Bryan, you’re the perfect teen, just because of what you’re doing now bro, ya your right, let’s put this behind us brother, I’ve had enough of it’. ‘Well, so, good hug’. ‘Ya, good hug’. Both of them hugged hard. It had been quite a while since that happened. A whole ten years or so maybe. But it felt good. Bryan started walking back towards his dressing room when he came across Coach Kenny. ‘I am so proud of you Bryan, what you did now, that’s exactly what makes you great, I can find thousand other teens who play basketball as good as you in this country, but I can find only one or maybe a few more who would do what you just did. I am privileged to be your coach’, Coach Carter was holding Bryan’s shoulder now, the look on his face signified the ultimate joy of Coach Kenny. ‘Thanks sir, I guess it’s time for the presentation’, Bryan left towards the center of the court. The full team was there, waiting. The presentation started, the silvers were given away and Bryan was awarded best player of the tournament. Then the announcer got louder and change his tone to one of excitement, ‘And now ladies and gentlemen, the Champions of California 2006, the Ridgewell Raptors from Ridgewell High’, the entire team went up at once and collected their medals. The wonderful trophy was then handed over and Bryan lifted it up, he had a rare feeling, something that felt so good he would sacrifice even Amy for it. The presentation then concluded and he came down and kissed Amy again. ‘I am so happy you won Bryan, and also that you’ve fixed things up with cousin David’. Then Bryan poured out his mind, ‘Ya well, it’s been a long three weeks, and I’m happy it’s ended all good for me, I dunno how to describe these three weeks, well, maybe just one phrase, one that explains it all. Everything, absolutely everything I’ve done these three weeks, was for one person, For you Amy, just for you, and for nobody else’, he finished off his talking and then took Amy’s hand and walked out of the court, the entire Ridgewell gang followed him.15

‘This is to certify that everything from the above piece is original and has not been taken from any other place’.16

Akash Justin Ovian copyright 2006.17
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