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She forgot everything. He lost everything. Both must rediscover the true meaning of life. |
Are you afraid? You needn't be. I am the alpha, and the omega. The start and the finish. The beginning and the end. Come. Help me paint a new apocalypse. Help me create a new era born from the blood of those who inhabit this pitiful excuse for a world. Give me your power, and I will lend you mine. As long as we walk together, you have nothing to fear. Come to me, child. Let me save you. ********** "I have to admit, this little rebellion is becoming quite a nuisance. I never thought that the boy hid such power in him. It seems that his mother and father's untimely demise acted as a catalyst and triggered something, a strength he had locked deep within." "What will you do, my lord?" "They are the least of my problems. I want you to continue your search for the key. Fan out. Search everywhere. Destroy everything if you have to, but bring me the key." *********** Am I... dead? She floated in the darkness with no sense of direction as disembodied voices drifted around her. "What is a mortal doing here?" "Wait. Look." Gentle hands brushed the tattered cloak from her back and lightly touchedthe healing wound, sending a flash of pain through her body. "These scars… they are where her wings would have been." "Then where her wings… torn... from her body?" "Hard to say what happened, but one thing's for sure." The voices began to overlap as she fell back towards the dark abyss, finding strange comfort in the darkness. "This girl is no mortal." ************ Are you running? Don't. Come back, and we will rule, you and I. Darkness lurks in all beings, mortal or not. You needn't run from it. Accept it. Embrace it. You were born with this power. You cannot deny who you are, nor can you run. Each step you take will only bring you closer to the truth. To me. No one understands you, and no one will. Except me. I know you, just as you know me. Come now. Let me save you. ************ She opened her eyes slowly, blearily. "You're up," a deep voice drawled. She found herself lulled and comforted by the soft and commanding voice. "Just as well." A shadow shifted in the corner of the cave and stepped into the light. He's so young she thought drowsily as her eyes focused. Tall and powerfully built, he was an imposing figure in his dark armor. Beautiful midnight blue wings folded against his back, but it was his eyes that caught her attention. They were an obsidian black that caught and held her gaze, filled with strength, sorrow and purpose. He took a step closer and knelt by her side, his voice gentle. "Now, kiri doma. Who are you?" Kiri doma,she thought. Kiri doma… Lost… child… "I…" she croaked, her voice dry and hoarse. "I don't know." She lay back down. "I…" A tear slipped down her cheek. "Don't worry, kiri doma," he soothed, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "It's alright. You're safe here." "Why…?" she whispered brokenly, her eyes closing as she slipped slowly back into the darkness. "Why can't I remember?" ********** Tongues of flame licked the air around him as he knelt among the debris and blood, cradling his mother's still form. Hot, angry tears burned his eyes as he gazed up at the shadowed figure silhouetted against the full moon. Livid red eyes gazed back dispassionately, dark wings spread. Fear coursed through him, mingling with the hatred that burned in his heart. Dark Angel… ********** Darren Kotai wiped his hand slowly across his face and sighed. In Ceres, one's beauty was not judged by the face, but by the shade of their wings. For men, the darker the wings, the better looking and for women, the whiter the wings, the more beautiful. Though she had no wings, there was an angelic beauty to her that Darren couldn't describe. Long, straight dark hair framed her pale face. Her eyes were a clear blue, large and filled with confusion and innocence. "Who are you?" he murmured, reaching out slowly with his hand. Before he touched her face, he hesitated, then drew his hand away. "Doesn't remember a thing, does she?" He turned to find a tall man with dark hair, eyes and wings lounging against the wall. "Isn't that just great." Darren said nothing as he unclasped his dark cape and draped it over her still, sleeping form. "What's this, Darren? Going soft?" "There's something about her, Garret," Darren said as he rose. "She's young," Garret commented, crossing the enclosed space to stand beside Darren. "A child. I would say… somewhere around… I don't know. 17? 18?" "A lost child," Darren murmured, then turned and exited the cave. "What are you going to do, Darren?" Garret pressed as he followed. "If you take her with us, it will only endanger her." "If I leave her, who knows what would happen now that the Karai's have attacked Valin," Darren answered, looking out at the forest bathed in moonlight. "I can't believe they would want to destroy something so beautiful," Garret said softly. "Our race is corrupted," Darren answered, his voice seething. "Corrupted and blinded by their lust for power." "And to think," Garret added dryly. "We were once hailed as Angels by the Valins." "It was nothing like this when Lord Rayon reigned," Darren said. "Before, our race had pride, and honor. Now…" "Rumors have it that Lord Raiden was the one who ordered the assassination." "I wouldn't put it past him," Darren answered. "With his ascension, our race is not as it was, but there's something I don't understand. What is it he seeks on Valin that drives him to lay siege to the land?" "One never knows. By the way, Darren, reports show that a legion of Angels are headed towards the Village of Val. "Where is Serra?" "Coming. She's heading this way on Spirit as we speak." "I see." "Darren… about that girl…" "We're taking her with us," Darren replied, turning back towards the cave. "Angels and humans are at war now, and this land has become a battlefront. Monsters roam the land freely, Garret. It is no place for a girl to walk alone. For now… she'll be safer with us." ********** "My Lord Raiden. Preparations are complete." "The Village of Val," he murmured, lounging on his throne. "The place where the last of the Valin resistance have gathered." "Will you have us attack?" "Darren's band has left, leaving the base vulnerable. An opportune moment for us." Raiden smiled, tilting his head up to look at the statue behind the throne, depicting a cloaked figure with one wing of a devil and another of an angel. "The Royal Guard have fallen low to ally themselves with humans. Very well. Let the blood of man and Angel mingle on the Sacred Ground, and we may very well draw the Dark Angel out of hiding." "Yes, sir." ********** "Hey. Hey. Wake up." Someone shook her shoulder gently and she opened her eyes. A young girl with short auburn hair and sea green eyes stood above her, smiling. "Come on," she said, helping her sit up. "We're leaving." "Who are you?" she whispered, rubbing her head and looking around the cave. "My name is Serra. Serra Hokai," the girl answered, throwing her a dark cloak. "Here. Put this on. It gets cold outside at night." "Where are we going?" she asked as Serra pulled her gently towards the entrance of the cave. Stars winked at her in the night sky and she shivered against the cold air, drawing the folds of her cloak tightly around herself. Around them, men with dark wings were moving about silently and quickly. "Why's everyone in a hurry?" "Get her ready, Serra," a deep voice called and she turned to find the man standing behind her. He was larger than she thought, and she had to crane her head up to stare into his eyes. "We're leaving in five." "Yes, Commander." He leaned down towards her. "I am sorry, kiri doma," the man murmured softly. "But I'm afraid that, for the time being, you will have to come with us." "That's Darren," Serra said as the man strode away. "He leads the Resistance against the Karai Lords." "Karai?" she whispered, putting a hand to her head. "They rule the kingdom of Ceres," Serra answered, then put a gentle hand on her arm. "Come on. We have to get moving." Serra drew something within the folds of her cloak and blew into the whistle gently, creating a soft trilling sound. Seconds later, a shadow fell over them and she looked up to find a large white horse descending towards them. "This is Spirit," Serra introduced, stroking the Pegasus' nose. "Come on. Get on." "But-" "Not now," Serra said, then pushed her firmly towards the Pegasus. She climbed on hesitantly, clinging to the reins with a death grip. "Relax," Serra murmured as she swung up behind her and grasped the reins. "Don't worry. I won't let you fall." "Move out!" Darren called, his wings snapping open. There was a rustle as they rose into the night sky, winging their way over the forest. After the initial fear subsided, she found it strangely relaxing to feel Spirit's powerful muscles moving beneath her and the wind in her hair. "Where are we going?" "The Angels are attacking Val," Serra answered. "Angels?" "Yeah. Ironic, isn’t it?" Serra said with a grin. "They're Angels too, you know. Darren and them." "But… their wings are black." "Yeah, common mistake," Serra commented. "Truth is, males have black wings, and females have white ones. They're still what we call Angels." Serra paused slightly. "Are you… an Angel as well?" "I don't know," she said. "I can't even remember… who I am…" "Hey, don't worry about it," Serra said quickly. "You'll find out eventually." In front of them, there was a large village alight with flames. "No, we're too late!" There was a whistle in the air and a ball of fire arced over their heads towards the village. "Stars, they brought Elementalists," Serra muttered. "Man, they're serious this time." "Ele….mentalists?" "Angels that have affinities with certain elements." She muttered a soft curse as the fire descended. "Hang on!" "Move!" Darren roared, folding his dark wings and plummeting after the ball of flames. His body glowed with blue light, then water appeared, enveloping and extinguishing the flames. "Don't let them destroy the village!" He rose into the sky, his army hovering behind him as they watched the dark shapes approach. "Cast your barriers!" he shouted. "The rest of you, draw your swords! Serra, stay to the back. Protect the village!" "Yes, sir," she called, then Spirit wheeled in the air and flapped towards the back of the group. "Stand down, Darren of Vane!" a voice hailed from the group. "We have orders to crush the Valin resistance. This is not your fight!" "When have we fallen so low as to fight those who mean us no harm?" Darren shouted. "For millennia, we have allied ourselves with the Valins, living together in peace. Why do you follow a Lord who attacks those who are innocent?" "You are the one who has fallen. Why would an Angel of the Royal Guard ally themselves with humans? Your father-" "Would have done the same," Darren finished, his voice deadly calm. "If you mean to destroy the village, then you will have to face us." "We have our orders," the Angel answered. There was a metallic ring as the Angels drew their swords as one. "If you will not move, then we will not hesitate to destroy you. Resistance against the kingdom of Ceres and Lord Raiden is treason." "He is no lord to me," Darren answered, drawing his sword slowly. "I promised my father I would return our race to its former glory. I swore upon the Celestial Sword." Light shone from the blade. " And one day, I will return that sword to the hands of its rightful ruler." "It is already in his hands," the Angel answered grimly. "I will give you one more chance to move." "Then we will," Darren answered softly, raising his gleaming blade. "Attack!" ********** She turned away from the carnage and bodies, biting back the tears the stung her eyes. "It's awful," she whispered hoarsely. "Why is there so much death?" Her hands rose, trembling, in front of her face as her eyes widened. "Why is there so much… blood?" "Hey, snap out of it," Serra said. "This is war, alright?" "Why do we have to fight?" "We fight to protect what it is we cherish," Darren replied, coming up behind her. His dark eyes softened slightly. "I'm sorry if blood makes you uncomfortable, but we are at war. People die for what they believe in and they…" His eye scanned the field of corpses. "They died to protect their lord." "Honorable," Garret commented. "But foolish. Who would die for that power hungry tyrant?" He snapped a jaunty salute to Darren. "We lost no one." "Good." He turned to her. "I am sorry I got you involved in this... Why don't you tell us your name, kiri doma?" Darren asked softly, kneeling down to look at her. She shook her head slowly. "I… I don't have a name." "How can anyone not have a name? Ouch!" Garret yelped when Serra dug her elbow into his side. Darren continued to stare up into her eyes until she shifted uncomfortably. "Then I will give you one," he said finally. "We will call you… Kiri." ********** "Have you found Liana?" Raiden asked sharply. "Not yet," Volk answered grimly while Caleb looked away. Volk's dark eyes flared as his black wings snapped open in frustration. "I can't sense her at all. She did something to cloak her power." "Resourceful girl," Raiden murmured. "Fiora!" The air shimmered, then a slender girl with short black hair and unemotional red eyes appeared and curtsied. Her wings, an almost pure shade of white, were folded respectfully against her back. "You called, my lord?" she asked in a soft, calm voice. "Where is my daughter?" he asked, his voice seething. Fiora said nothing, her eyes closing briefly. "I charged you with the task of protecting and monitoring the whereabouts of my daughter." "And even so, you sent me on numerous missions," Fiora answered, her voice never wavering as he stalked closer towards her. "Even one such as I cannot do two things at once." His hand cracked across her face and she was flung sideways to land on the floor. "Father, I don't think-" "Silence, Caleb," Raiden hissed, his dark eyes narrowed as he watched Fiora rise slowly and stand before him again. "She must be taught that failure is not an option." "You're too soft, brother," Volk sneered. "A warrior must not show any weakness." "Do not fail me again, Fiora." "Forgive me, my lord," she said, bowing her head. "I will not." "Volk, find her," Raiden said., turning away from Fiora. "We need Liana to crush the last of the resistance." "Darren isn't half bad as a warrior," Volk mused. "I admit, for one as young as he, he will make a worthy opponent." His eyes gleamed. "Let me be the one to kill him, father." "Do not underestimate him," Raiden warned, the smiled. "But very well. I will send you to deal with him later if the need arises." Volk's dark eyes shone with blood lust. "I can't wait." ********** She stood alone in a field of golden flowers, a gentle breeze tugging playfully at her long strands of hair. There was a soft sound, a whisper, carried through the breeze and she moved in a daze towards it. In front of her, a temple loomed. Carvings depicting angels adorned its sides, and she felt something in the temple, waiting. She sensed a presence behind her and spun to face a woman with long dark hair and gentle blue eyes wearing a flowing white robe. They stood, gazing into the other's eyes, and the woman smiled slowly and raised her hand. Her mouth moved, but no words came out as she reached towards her. Wings of the purest white unfolded from her back and her smile softened. Then she was gone in a shower of feathers. ********** She woke with a start and bolted upright in the bed. After a few calming breaths, she stood and padded silently out of the room. She stood bathed in the moonlight, savoring the peace of the night. It's been months since I came here, she thought, tilting her head and closing her eyes. And I still can't remember… "Couldn't sleep?" She jumped and spun, staring up in alarm at Darren, who looked at her from where he sat on the roof. He leaped down lightly and studied her intently. "Bad dream?" She gave a nervous smile. "How could you tell?" "Have you remembered anything, Kiri?" Darren asked softly. "Anything at all?" "No," she sighed sadly. "Nothing." She flinched when he laid a hand on her back. "Sorry," he said, taking his hand away. "I've been meaning to ask you about this… you have wounds on your back. Do you remember what they were from?" Red eyes. A gleaming blade. Teeth bared in a feral grin. White-hot pain. Then darkness. She shivered and folded her arms around her body. "N-no." "Then I will not press, kiri doma," Darren said softly and she gave him a shaky smile. "I am not that much younger than you, my lord," she said shyly, then looked away. "The only thing I am certain of is my age… 16." "Young," Darren said with a small bow. "Younger if you are indeed an Angel." "And you, my lord?" "18." "And you're already Commander of an army. Impressive," Kiri said with faint smile. "But why are you out so late?" "Couldn't sleep," Darren replied. "And there's something about the night sky that's calming. Soothing." "Like what?" "The stars," Darren murmured. "My father used to tell me all the time that the souls of the dead rest in a field of golden flowers and a part of them issent to the sky as stars to watch over those who are still alive." "Really? I never thought of stars that way," Kiri mused. "You father must be wise." "He was," Darren said softly, then smiled bitterly. "At least, until he was killed." "I'm sorry." "It wasn't your fault," Darren said, shaking his head. "It was the Dark Angel." "The Dark Angel?" "An elite assassin who is said to only serve the Karai Lords," Darren whispered, his hands fisting. His eyes had turned cold and hard. "No one has ever seen the Dark Angel's face, and those who survive remember only glowing red eyes. The Dark Angel killed both my parents, and I vowed that I will not die until the Dark Angel is dead." "Red eyes…" Kiri murmured, then closed her eyes. She shook slightly before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. Darren watched her intently and she sighed. "It's nothing." "Remember something?" "Red eyes," Kiri said, then shook her head. "Kind of, but not really." "Well, don't push it. Why don't you try to get some sleep?" "Yeah… I think I will," Kiri whispered, trudging back into the room. "Red eyes…" "Smooth," Serra commented, coming out from behind the door. "So what do you think?" Darren asked. "Is she a spy?" "I don't think so," Serra said, folding her arm. "I'm sure she's telling the truth." "I thought as much," Darren said, giving her a sideways glance. "Women's intuition?" Serra giggled softly, her eyes twinkling. "Call it whatever you want." ********** "Come in," Volk snapped and the door opened softly as Fiora entered. He rose slowly from where he sat on the bed as she closed the door. "What is it?" "My lord Volk," she said, curtsying respectfully. "Lord Raiden has asked me to inform you that an unmistakable power surge has been located in the northeast region of Valin near the village of Bane. He believes it is Lady Liana." "I see," Volk said with a smile. "Is that all?" "Yes, my lord," Fiora said and turned towards the door. Before she could open the door, he moved with amazing agility and placed both hands on the wood, trapping her. She turned slowly, calmly. "I have other duties to attend to, my lord." "There's always something about you," Volk mused, towering over her. "You're so aloof. Cold. And yet, that's what draws the attention of many of the Knights." "Please, my lord," she said softly, her red eyes unchanged. She didn't flinch when his hand caressed her cheek softly. "This is inappropriate for one in your position." "I will decide what is inappropriate and what is not," Volk murmured, leaning forward. "Forgive me, my lord," Fiora whispered softly, then she was gone, leaving him alone in the room. He stood still for a second, the smiled slowly. "I see," Volk said, leaning back. He grabbed his sword and headed out, his dark wings snapping open. "So that's your game. Very well, Fiora. I'll play along." ********** She stood amidst the bodies strewn on the ground and took a deep breath, staring out at the moon. "This has to end," she murmured, her red eyes glowing in the darkness. "This will end." There was movement and she turned slightly, red eyes dispassionately watching as one Angel rose, staggering, to his feet. "He's looking for you, you know," the Angel rasped, clutching his broken arm as blood coated his body. His wings were hanging at odd angles but he limped forward purposefully. "He'll find you." "I couldn't care less," she answered, watching as he approached. "This will end." "No. Glory to our kingdom," he said. "Glory to a new era of Angels!" "An era you will never see." "He will reward those who have served him well." "Fool," she said, raising a hand. "Die then, clinging on to your sweet lies." ********** "What happened here?" Darren whispered, looking at the bodies strewn across the floor. Wings were torn and blood seeped into the ground. "It's horrible," Serra said, kneeling beside a body. The Angel's mouth was open in an agonized scream. "I know they're the enemy, but still…. this is wrong." "Who would do this?" Kiri whispered, her eyes wide as she backed away trembling. "Who would…" She turned and ran into the forest with her hands over her eyes. "Kiri, wait!" Serra shouted, then sighed and turned to Darren. "I'll go calm her down, then meet you back at Val, alright?" "Be careful," Darren cautioned. "Whoever did this could still be around." Serra nodded then whistled for Spirit and ran into the woods with the Pegasus following closely behind her. "Gruesome," Garret commented. "But whoever did this deserves our thanks. That's another battalion we don't have to worry about. Sooner or later, they're bound to run out of Knights, Elementalists and Soldiers." "So to save a race of humans, we end up destroying our own," Darren murmured bitterly. "Where is the logic in that?" "Hey, nothing's for sure," Garret said. "Besides, what is logical? Don't doubt, Darren. Don't hesitate. You chose the right thing to do. Would you rather slaughter an innocent race, or would you rather defend it against tyrants?" "When you put it that way…" Darren's head rose slowly and his nostrils flared as if scenting the air. "Something's coming." There was a swirl of air, then a tall handsome man appeared in the center of the corpses, surveying the surroundings dispassionately. "My, my," he murmured. "This is a mess." "Prince Volk," Garret said in astonishment and Volk turned slowly to face them. His face broke into a slow grin. "You must be Darren of Vane," Volk drawled, his dark wings folded leisurely against his back. "I have heard a great many things about you. Your courage, your valor, but above all, you skill with the sword. I would love dearly to test your skills with my own." "I'm in no hurry," Darren answered. "Neither am I," Volk said. "But I have a question. Have you any knowledge about the whereabouts of the one who did this?" "I have no knowledge of who would do this," Darren replied, his eyes narrowing slightly. A cold breeze blew through the field, carrying the stench of blood. "I see," Volk said, then drew his sword slowly as his eyes glinted. "Ever since I heard of your little resistance movement, I was very curious as to who led the band. Both my blade and I have longed to meet a worthy adversary." "Careful," Garret muttered. "He's supposedly the best swordsman in Ceres. You'll have to use magic if you hope to beat him." "My opponent is a swordsman," Darren said softly, drawing his own blade. "So I will use a sword." Volk's mocking laugh rang harshly through the clearing. "So honorable," he sneered. "And yet, so utterly foolish. If you wish to die, then you need only say so, and I will grant your wish." He moved forward quickly, his sword poised over his shoulder to strike. "Careful, Darren," Garret warned. "I always am." He moved to meet the attack and their blades locked. They pushed back and forth, vying for ground. "Not bad, Prince Volk." "Not bad yourself, Darren of Vane," Volk replied with a smirk. "But you'll have to do better to defeat me." "I was thinking the same thing." He moved in a blur, delivering a forceful kick to Volk's middle and wrenching Volk's sword out of his hands with a deft flick of his own sword. "I believe you lose." Volk landed heavily on his back and stared up at Darren's hard black eyes. "Now die." Darren surged forward and swung his sword. There was a ring of steel against steel and he found his blade locked with another as he stared down at emotionless red eyes. "Fiora," Volk whispered. "Lord Volk," she answered softly, her sword held in an easy one-handed grip. "You must not drop your guard." She swung her sword and Darren was pushed back ten feet, staring in shock at the small girl with short black hair and almost pure white wings. Behind her, Volk rose slowly. "Lord Raiden insists you return, Lord Volk." "No. I will finish this now," Volk hissed, picking up his sword. "Get out of the way, Fiora." He towered over her, but her red eyes showed no fear as her head turned slightly to face him. "You mustn't, Lord Volk," she answered calmly. "I have my orders from Lord Raiden." Volk stood still for a second, then expelled an angry breath. "Very well," he growled, thrusting his sword back into its sheath. He looked at Darren. "This is not finished." "You were lucky," Darren said, then turned to the girl. "Who are you, my lady?" "I am no lady, Lord Darren," she replied, her voice emotionless. "My name is Fiora." "Next time, Lord Volk, Lady Fiora will not be here to save you," Darren said. "I do not need her to save me," Volk hissed angrily, then flapped his wings once and rose, hovering, into the sky. "Darren of Vane. Next time we meet, I will have your head!" "Idle threats," Darren answered. "Why don't you come down and prove that you're better than me?" Volk growled angrily, but turned and flew away. Darren spread his wings and rose in pursuit but found himself blocked by Fiora. "I mean you no harm," she said softly, her sword held loosely by her side. "So I will warn you now. Do not think lightly of my power, and do not follow." "Move," Darren said, slashing the air with his sword. "I have no wish to fight a girl. My quarrel is with Volk." "I have my orders," Fiora said, raising her sword diagonally in front of her body. "Please understand. I have no wish to fight you." "Then move." "That is something I cannot do," she answered, then her voice lowered slightly. "Please, Darren of Vane. Do not make the same mistake your father made." "What?" he whispered, his thoughts of Volk gone. "What do you mean?" For the first time, something flickered in her eyes but was gone as quickly as it came. "Do not make the same mistake," she repeated, and then she was gone. "How'd she do that?" Garret whispered when Darren descended slowly and folded his wings against his back. "And how did she-" "I don't know," Darren said slowly, then his eyes hardened. "What's wrong?" Garret asked nervously. "What did she say to you? Darren?" "She told me not to make the same mistake as my father," Darren said. "What mistake? What does she know?" "Whoa, wait a second," Garret said. "Calm down and think rationally, Darren. So what if she knows something? What are you going to do about it? I mean, she beat you one handed and she can appear and disappear at will. Who knows what else she can do?" "I'll find my answers." He looked away. "I hope Kiri and Serra are alright." ********** "Kiri! Kiri, wait!" Serra shouted, then slowed to a walk and turned to the winged horse behind her. "Spirit, do you sense her?" Spirit cocked his white head slightly. She has no aura I can sense, he replied. "What do you mean no aura?" No presence. It is not whole. Not complete. "But can you find her?" She has left a trail, dear heart, Spirit answered, nudging Serra's hand. Look harder. Serra looked down and sighed before taking off, following the broken twigs and leaves scattered along the forest floor. "Where are we heading?" she asked as she ran. I believe it is an unknown place, the Pegasus mused softly as he trotted beside her. "So there are places that haven't been found or explored?" There's bound to be, dear heart. "You're probably right," Serra said, then paused and slowed slightly. "Do you… hear that? The sound of… water?" I do. But water… here? Serra picked up her pace again and emerged in a clearing. A small pool of crystal clear water was surrounded by flowers of every kind, and above, a small waterfall splashed into the lake. "This place is beautiful," Serra whispered in awe as she looked around. She saw Kiri sitting on a large rock by the pool and walked slowly forward. "Kiri?" "Serra?" Kiri asked, sniffling. She looked up with watery eyes and gave a small smile. "I'm sorry I ran off. I just…" "Sh," Serra murmured, placing her hands on Kiri's shoulders. "Don't worry about it." "It's just that… all that violence… the blood…" Kiri's shoulders shook. "And that aura… of death and darkness… it was overwhelming." "You're pale," Serra observed, sitting down beside Kiri. Serra took Kiri's hands and was startled to find them ice cold. "And you're freezing. Was it that bad?" "You don't understand," Kiri whispered, looking at her hands. "That aura… there was no regret. This… this person… they enjoyed it." ********** "Why did you order me to retreat?" Volk demanded angrily. Raiden sat on the throne, watching Volk pace the room while Caleb stood off to the side. "Idiot," Raiden said finally. "You would have died." "Do you think so less of me, father?" Volk asked, whirling angrily. "Do you think my skills are so weak?" "I have no doubt that your skills surpass that of many," Raiden answered. "But there are those who are stronger." "Who?" Volk hissed in challenge. "Fiora," Raiden called and she appeared in front of him. Raiden turned his eyes to Volk and raised one brow slowly. "Can you best her, Volk?" Volk eyed Fiora warily, then his eyes hardened. "No," he admitted grudgingly. "Fiora, tell me," Raiden said softly. "What do you think of Darren?" "He is strong," Fiora said, blinking slowly. "A worthy opponent. He puts his heart in his strokes. If I had not infused my blade with a protective spell, it would have shattered." "There you have it," Raiden said. "Darren of Vale is indeed a worthy opponent, Volk, if even Fiora needs to cast a spell." "Then I will grow stronger," Volk said, raising his head. "I will be the one who will take his head." ********** "Are you alright, kiri doma?" Darren asked when they entered the hut. Kiri blinked in surprise because Darren had had his back to them. "You heard us coming?" "My senses need to be sharp if I want to survive," Darren answered, turning slowly. "Is there something troubling you?" She offered a weak smile. "Not anymore." "Are you sure?" "Yes," she said, then started into the room. He laid a hand lightly on her shoulder when she passed beside him and she looked up questioningly. "You are not alone in this world," he said softly, and watched her eyes go blank. ********** Soft giggling. "What?" she shouted, whirling around. "Who's there?" The temple loomed behind her and she shaded her eyes against the bright sun behind it. Squinting, she could make out a shape sitting at the top of the temple, long hair tossed by the breeze. "Soon," the voice whispered. "I want to meet you soon." "Why?" "I want to play with you," she answered, then giggled again. "I was born for you, Liana, and you alone." "What?" "I was born for you, Liana," she repeated in a childlike voice, then the sky darkened. "I was born for you alone." ********** Serra woke with a gasp and clutched the damp sheet to her body as she sat up quickly. After her breathing evened out, she closed her eyes again. A dream, she thought, then sighed and looked out the window and sighed. Throwing off the covers, she grabbed her coat and headed out. She gave a sharp whistle and Spirit galloped through the skies towards her. What troubles you? "Dreams," she answered, swinging onto Spirit's back. "It's nothing to worry about." Are you sure? "I know what I know," she answered, patting Spirit's flowing white mane. "Don't you believe me?" Your heart. I know it. It beats with my own. "I know." I am a part of you, Serra. Because you wished it, I came into being. As long as you believe, I will be there for you. I will never leave your side. "I know," Serra whispered, laying her head on the silky mane. "I know that, Spirit." I know you, dear heart. I know your heart because it is my own. "Why are you telling me this now?" There is much doubt in you, Serra. Why? ********** Fiora closed her eyes briefly then slid out of bed and padded towards the window. Pushing it open, she stepped out onto the balcony and leaned against the banister, savoring the gentle breeze that teased her hair and gown. She didn't flinch when she felt the cold steel against her throat. Fiora closed her eyes slowly. "You should not have come back, my lady. You know they are searching." "Why are you still here?" "I am bound to serve the Karai's, my lady," she answered softly. She opened her eyes slowly and touched the pendant around her neck. "This is what binds me, the contract I made. I cannot go against them." "Break your ties," she whispered into Fiora's ears. "You do not belong here." "I cannot." Fiora felt the blade quiver slightly and raised her head to expose her neck as she closed her eyes again. "If you must, then do it, but I cannot leave." "You will not fight?" "Not against you, my lady," Fiora whispered softly. "Never… against you." There was a long pause, then the blade slowly withdrew and Fiora opened her eyes again with a small, bitter smile as she felt the presence recede. Raising her head to the full moon that hung alone in the sky, she sighed. "You would have done me a favor if you had slit my throat, Liana." ********** "I will find you, and when I do, you will not escape me." Soft laughter drifted around him as red eyes opened against the darkness. "Will you kill me?" the soft voice breathed. "Is that your wish?" "Yes." The laughter echoed around him. "Be careful of what you wish for, Darren of Vane." To be continued... |