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Part three, the final portion of the events in Groton, Rhode Island. Please comment |
*Note* Please see: http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1227133 (part 1) http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1227136 (part 2) INT. HOUSE – HALLWAY – NIGHT Paul looks through the doorway he gazes down both ways of the hall. A dark shadow is seen on the wall at the top of the stairs. Paul steps out from the doorway. Mandy follows. MANDY Paul, be careful. The dark shadow on the wall comes closer towards Paul and Jaclyn who are standing away from the both walls. MANDY What is it? Paul steps forward slightly Mandy cautiously walks behind him. The dark shadows move closer. Mandy SCREAMS. INT. HOUSE – BASEMENT – NIGHT The SCREAMS continue. Elisa and Jaclyn search for Jessica. ELISA What was that? JACLYN I think that was Mandy. Elisa and Jaclyn look at each other as another SCREAM is heard. They run up the stairs. INT. HOUSE – HALLWAY – NIGHT Jaclyn and Elisa run up the staircase. Paul comforts Mandy as Jaclyn and Elisa rush towards them. ELISA Everything okay? MANDY The killer he’s here! JACLYN What? MANDY Look around the room. Jaclyn and Mandy turn around as notice the dark shadow on the wall. A DARK FIGURE slowly approaches the group. Mandy turns to run, Paul stops her. PAUL Jason! Mandy stops struggling and looks at Paul. JACLYN (To PAUL) Jason? He’s dead! PAUL Is he? Mandy looks at Jaclyn. MANDY What’s he talking about? JACLYN I have no idea! Elisa stares at the DARK FIGURE. ELISA Jason? JACLYN It’s not Jason…he’s dead. JASON Am I! The girls stare into the darkness at the DARK FIGURE. JACLYN (To PAUL) What’s going on? The DARK FIGURE’s hand goes to its head. The hand removes a dark shadowy hood Jason’s face is clearly seen. JACLYN Jason? I thought you died. JASON Did I? MANDY Jason what are you doing? JASON I’m trying to get what I want MANDY Which is? JASON Jackie you remember our deal? JACLYN Oh fuck you. JASON We were – JACLYN Is that what this is all about? Mandy looks up at Paul MANDY You both are in this together? PAUL I’m sorry Mandy. JACLYN (To Paul) Why did you do this? You never wanted me dead. PAUL Yea but I needed to follow Jason to complete his goal. JACLYN And what was that? PAUL To scare you JACLYN Well you went way to far…wait a minute… (Looking at JASON) …I saw your body hanging from a tree. JASON That wasn’t my body. JACLYN Well why did you kill our friends. BRITTANY And my cameraman The group looks up to see Brittany Raymond. ELISA When did you get here? BRITTANY Just now. JACLYN I didn’t even here you coming. Brittany stares at Jaclyn. ELISA You get help…where’s Steve? BRITTANY He went to get help. I came back to see that you guys were all right. ELISA That’s very thoughtful of you. Brittany has an awkward expression on her face. PAUL Well you’re to late. BRITTANY Am I? ‘Cause the way I see it I just came back here on time. JASON Well now prepare to die. BRITTANY I’m not preparing for anything. Jason looks PUZZLED BRITTANY Because I’m not going to die PAUL What makes you so dam sure? BRITTANY Because I said so Brittany holds out a gun aiming it at Jason then to Paul…then to Jason. PAUL Oh shit JASON She’s only a girl PAUL She has a gun. Mandy breaks free from Paul’s grip. MANDY Shoot him. Brittany points the gun at Paul and then points it at Jason. Steve runs up the steps. POLICE SIRENS are heard. JACLYN Steve! STEVE Hi! Steve goes to Jaclyn and kisses her. Steve breaks off and eyes the gun. STEVE What’s going on here? BRITTANY What does it look like? STEVE I know what your doing but why are you aiming at Paul and Jason… Steve stops quickly. He turns to Jaclyn. STEVE I thought you said he was dead. JACLYN Well I saw his body. Jaclyn and Steve look at Jason. STEVE He’s the killer? Brittany backs up into the wall, the gun hits the floor. Steve and Jaclyn look at Paul. The gun CLICKS. Jaclyn and Steve turn around to find Jason holding a gun. STEVE You two are in this together? JASON Of course STEVE Why? Mandy RUNS she CHARGES into Jason. A gunshot is fired. It ricochets off of the corner of the wall and hits into Paul in the chest. PAUL What the fuck is wrong with you? JASON Well you got in the way Paul’s bloody hands hold his head. He looks up at Jason; his big eyes STARE at him. PAUL I thought we were friends JASON Not anymore. PAUL What happened to you? JASON Just trying to pursue my goals in life. PAUL Of being known as a psychopathic killer? JASON That’s what it’s all about. Mandy stares at Jason MANDY You sick bastard. JASON Am I? A GUN SHOT is heard. Jason CLUTCHES his arm. JASON What the fuck Brittany BLOWS on the gun. BRITTANY That’s done with. Brittany throws the gun at Steve. He catches the gun and points it at Paul. Paul holds up his hands in surrender. PAUL Shoot Jason. JASON (Shouting) I thought we were friends PAUL I guess we aren’t anymore. A GUN SHOT is heard Jason CLUTCHES his shoulder blade. JASON What the fuck is wrong with you STEVE I’m not the one who went on a murderous rampage. JASON Fuck you Steve THROWS the gun back to Brittany she catches it. JACLYN What happened to you Jason? JASON What? JACLYN What is the meaning of killing my friends? JASON I have no friends. JACLYN You think I was faking our relationship? JASON You still love me. JACLYN Not anymore. JASON Why not? JACLYN Are you fucking kidding me? PAUL Jackie didn’t you just say you weren’t faking the relationship. JACLYN That was before Jason started killing people. JASON Fuck you JACLYN Fuck you back. ELISA This isn’t getting us anywhere. MANDY You don’t care what Paul was doing? ELISA I care and you better believe it. MANDY Don’t get mad at me ELISA I’m not mad at you. It’s Paul. MANDY Just get over it. ELISA Just leave me alone. Elisa walks down the stairs her eyes watery. MANDY Elisa wait. Elisa keeps walking, not hearing Mandy’s CALLS. MANDY Aw that went well. JACLYN Should she be going alone? MANDY The killers are up here she’ll be fine. Jaclyn looks at Mandy. MANDY This whole party was a blow. If you even call it a party. JACLYN Oh Mandy. MANDY I just wanted a fun party weekend and it blows up in my face. Mandy turns towards the stairs and runs down the staircase her eyes tear. Jaclyn runs down after her. BRITTANY You little shits PAUL He made me do it. The gun slips from Steve’s hand. Brittany DIVES for the gun. Brittany holds the gun at Jason. JASON You don’t understand what this was all about— BRITTANY Fuck you The gun slips from Brittany’s hand, it SLIDES across the floor. BRITTANY Shit Paul and Jason both DIVE for the gun on the floor. Jason and Paul fight over the gun. Thr gun slips out of their hands and flies through the air. The gun CRASHES on the floor. INSERT – GUN It lies on the floor chipped. Blood DRIPS from it. BACK TO SCENE PAUL Crap! JASON Don’t just look at the gun, grab it you fucken moron. PAUL Don’t you think I would of done that already? JASON Well, why don’t you? PAUL It’s broken you sick bastard. JASON Watch it! PAUL Well that’s for calling me a fucken moron. JASON You deserved it. PAUL You know what, don’t make me shoot you. Paul picks up the gun. PAUL I’ll do it. You know I will. An awkward PAUSE JASON With what gun Paul looks at the gun in pieces he THROWS it to the side. PAUL Fuck that’s no help. JASON Of course it isn’t Paul SIGHES. PAUL What the fuck are you going to do about it then? JASON Just shut the fuck up and do something about it then. PAUL What is there to do? JASON I don’t know. Just do something. STEVE Something wrong. Jason and Paul PANIC. JASON Just fuck off. STEVE You little assholes need to shut up. JASON Paul do something PAUL Like what JASON Anything. Brittany runs down the stairs. A GUN SHOT is fired. Brittany stops and looks behind her to see Paul collapsed leaning against the wall his shirt bleeding. PAUL What the fuck was that for? STEVE You killed my girlfriend. PAUL I didn’t kill her it was Jason STEVE Get out of my sight you little shit. Steve drops the gun JASON I thought that was broken. Wasn’t it Paul? PAUL I just got shot so don’t fucken talk to me! JASON Just die, see what I care. BRITTANY You’re just going to watch him die like that. JASON What’s it to me? BRITTANY He is your friend isn’t he? JASON Well I don’t give a shit STEVE And why is that? JASON He was just being fucken gay for the entire thing. BRITTANY Did he want to kill his friends? PAUL Of course not Steve runs towards PAUL BRITTANY (To STEVE) He just killed someone and you are being all nice about it PAUL I didn’t kill anyone it was all Jason. BRITTANY And why should we believe you. An object lies above Brittany’s head it lowers slowly down to her skull. BANG Brittany collapses onto the ground. Jason drops the object. Steve gets up. STEVE What the fuck was that for? JASON She was just getting on my nerves. Jason collapses onto the ground. Brittany holds the object above Jason’s head. BRITTANY Don’t fucken mess with me. PAUL Is he okay? BRITTANY Who fucken cares? PAUL I do STEVE Did you hear what he said right after you were shot PAUL Yea I heard it BRITTANY And you don’t care. PAUL Well I shouldn’t care BRITTANY And why is that PAUL Because I almost turned him into the police BRITTANY Why didn’t you? PAUL He threatened to kill me BRITTANY So better one loss than many innocent people PAUL I didn’t kill anyone. A loud BANG is heard as the front door is kicked open. POLICE OFFICER Get down The POLICE OFFICER holds a gun. CLICK The Police Officer reloads it. Brittany CHARGES down the stairs. BRITTANY Oh officer you are here. POLICE OFFICER That’s my duty. BRITTANY We need paramedics. POLICE OFFICER Where is this sick bastard? The Police Officer hits the gun. CLICK The Police Officer searches the room. He approaches a door and kicks it open. The closet is completely empty. BRITTANY He’s upstairs. The Police Officer closes the door and makes his way up the steps. PAUL Oh officer I need help. POLICE OFFICER What happened? STEVE Gun shot. POLICE OFFICER What is this guy doing here? The Police Officerkicks his boots into Jason who lies on the floor. The Police Officer turns his body over with his feet. Brittany runs up the stairs. BRITTANY He collapsed after I hit him with the baseball bat. Brittany points to the baseball bat that lies in the corner. POLICE OFFICER How did he get shot? BRITTANY He wasn’t POLICE OFFICER Then why is he bleeding BRITTANY What? Brittany looks up from the floor and realizes the Police Officer is referring to Paul. POLICE OFFICER How did he get shot? BRITTANY He was shot with a gun what else. POLICE OFFICER Who shot him? Steve walks closer to the POLICE OFFICER STEVE I did POLICE OFFICER And why was that son STEVE He killed my girlfriend The Police Officer walks closer to Steve POLICE OFFICER And why would he kill her STEVE I don’t know POLICE OFFICER Then what makes you so dam sure that he killed her The Police Officer continues to harass Steve. STEVE Look I don’t know. All I know is that she was found dead. POLICE OFFICER Then why shoot him STEVE Because he was in on it also with this guy Steve looks at Jason’s body making it clear to the Police Officer that is who he is talking about. POLICE OFFICER You need to calm down son STEVE Don’t tell me to calm down Steve approaches the Police Officer in a harsh manner. The Police Officer backs off Steve. POLICE OFFICER Just calm down STEVE Fine. BRITTANY Will both of you knock it off. A loud BANG is heard. Paul holds a gun. Elisa and Jaclyn RUN up the stairs. There is a second BANG. Mandy RUSHES up the steps. ELISA What’s going on here? STEVE I’m being harassed that’s what’s going on. JACLYN Steve you all right. Mandy runs towards Paul she KNEELS beside him MANDY You all right Paul, what happened? STEVE Paul is a killer. Mandy turns to look at Steve MANDY What? STEVE He killed Sarah. PAUL That was Jason. The group confused looks at Paul. PAUL It was Jason The Group look at Jason he lies on the floor. Jaclyn RUNS towards his body. JACLYN Is he all right? STEVE He may be unconscious. JACLYN And you are just standing there STEVE There’s nothing we can do…and why do you want to help him he killed your friends. JACLYN Killing someone is one thing but I am not going to just stand here and not help him. The Police Officer picks up the baseball bat in the corner and walks down the stairs. JACLYN What is going to happen to him? Mandy turns to Jaclyn. MANDY Why do you fucken care JACLYN I am not going to be known as a murderer. There is a loud BANG. The door is kicked open as PARAMEDICS rush up the stairs. PAUL (To PARAMEDICS) Please help me. The Paramedics look at Paul and then to Jason’s body. The Paramedics KNEEL down to Jason. Paul bangs his head against the wall. PAUL You fuckers going to help me or not PARAMEDIC Well get to you. This guy is unconscious. PAUL (Calmly) Okay I can wait… (Shouting) I’m just dying here. A paramedic jumps to his feet and walks over to Paul he KNEELS down next to him. PAREMEDIC You’ll be okay. The Paramedic next to Jason picks his body up to a stretcher. PARAMEDIC 2 ditches Paul and helps the Paramedic bring the stretcher down the stairs. PAUL Fuck! Paul BANGS his head onto the wall his shirt is covered with bloodstains. MANDY You’ll be okay. STEVE Just hang in there. Steve KNEELS down next to Mandy. STEVE I’m sorry I shot you Mandy gives Steve an evil look. PAUL I don’t blame you JACLYN Don’t say that PAUL Well his girlfriend’s dead and I’m still alive BRITTANY You didn’t kill her. PAUL I could have stopped Jason BRITTANY It isn’t your fault PAUL Well I helped kill the others. JACLYN What! PAUL I helped Jason kill the others. STEVE I thought you said you didn’t kill anybody. BRITTANY So why are we helping him live? STEVE Because he’s a jackass JACLYN No, we are helping him because… I don’t know but we’ve got to. Jaclyn SIGHS BRITTANY He helped kill your friends. JACLYN He didn’t kill all of them though. STEVE Jackie, Nick and Jessica are dead. JACLYN Well killing him won’t bring them back. STEVE But you’ll get revenge on him. Jaclyn sits down against the wall. She OUTSRECTCHES her hand. Steve walks over and pulls her up. JACLYN I don’t want revenge STEVE Look, let’s try to put this behind us. Steve and Jaclyn walk down the stairs holding hands. Mandy gets up and walks to Elisa. MANDY I guess we just need to put these matters behind us. ELISA Yea. Elisa puts her hands in her pockets. Mandy comforts her. MANDY I’m so sorry about Nick ELISA Yea I know but what can I do. Elisa and Mandy walk down the stars. Brittany follows. PAUL A little help The Group continues to walk down the steps not looking back at Paul. A nearby door slowly opens. A DARK FIGURE appears holding a bloody knife. EXT. MANDY’S HOUSE – DAY Paramedics walk through the doorway they carry Paul on a stretcher. Elisa runs towards them. ELISA Paul! PAUL Elisa! EXT. MANDY’S HOUSE – YARD – DAY Brittany walks across the lawn holding a microphone up to her mouth. A CAMERAMAN walks in front of her. BRITTANY (To CAMERAMAN) Just last night several teens were innocently partying here at this home in Groton, Rhode Island… Brittany continues to walk. BRITTANY This is a chilling tale about the events that shocked the state of Rhode Island… The country home sits calmly in the background with no neighbors in sight. BRITTANY It is believed the killer attacked at this party for only one reason… Brittany continues to walk across the lawn filled with REPORTERS and POLICE OFFICERS. An ambulance rests on the lawn. The Paramedics carry Paul into the back on the ambulance. The trees BLOW through the breeze. INT. HOUSE – KITCHEN – NIGHT Jaclyn sits at the table her head lowered she TAPS the table nervously. The phone RINGS. Jaclyn slowly walks to the phone she picks up the phone from the receiver. JACLYN Hello? The Man’s Voice responds. MAN’S VOICE It looks like you fingered the wrong guy AGAIN. I’ll see you tonight. The phone DIES. An object is THROWN through the window the glass SHATTERS across the room. Jaclyn SCREAMS. FADE OUT THE END |