Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1227030-Things-I-Hate
Rated: 13+ · Column · Comedy · #1227030
A short list of 10 things I hate.
This morning this came to mind. Maybe you'll find a thing or two on the list that you hate too.

1. I hate when I think I washed all of the dishes, turn my back to clean a counter, then find more dishes in the sink - where did they come from?

2. Clowns - I just dislike them, and avoid them whenever I find myself in close proximity to them. To me, clowns always appear evil.

3. When I'm the only driver on a stretch of highway and all of a sudden another driver cuts me off, then turns off the road

4. When I'm sitting at a red light and check my rear view mirror only to find the driver behind me picking his nose. I want to yell, "Pick a winner!"

5. Lima Beans - I can't even look at them in the store without saying "YUCK" out loud.

6. Unsuccessful shopping - When I go to the mall to buy something for myself, but can't find anything I like. I have the money, want to spend it, but can't.

7. Cleaning the house - I have to mentally prepare myself for this every weekend.

8. Getting a run in a new pair of pantyhose, while putting them on. I hate pantyhose in general - who invented these things anyway?

9. Math - since sixth grade I hated math. If it requires more thought than adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - I'm sunk.

10. Map-reading - I put map-reading in the same category as math. No matter how good the directions are, I always get lost. I actually allow for 'get lost' time whenever I venture out into the unknown.

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