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Marcus had a perfect life.Until one night,changes it all. |
7:08 AM-Friday Marcus was still asleep.He was tossing and turning in his sleep suffering from a nightmare,he did not want to relive,not now or ever.He was always dreaming of the night,his parents had died. . . He saw dad lying on the floor,his eyes wide-open looking straight at Marcus.Blood on the floor dripping from his nose and mouth.And his mother,lying on the floor right next to him.How horrible a sight it was.His mother was a different story.His mother's head covered by a black sort of bag and her hands bound together.He had looked at her body and saw that she had been tortured.The demons had tortured her.They had used some kind of object that had cut her in many places.Some limbs hung.How horrible a scene.Then as Marcus turned he almost saw the demon's face,but it went away disappearing into the thickness of the dark night.Marcus ran at it before it could vanish,but ended up falling down a flight of stairs and tumbling and tumbling down. . . Marcus had fallen out of bed.He was twisting his body in his sheets and then finally,he sat up looking around him and filling pricks of sweat on his forehead.He then looked at the clock squinting his eyes.Unable to make out the time,he blinked his eyes a couple of times and rubbed them."Goddamn clock.Piece of crap."He said getting up quickly and dressing up at rapid-fire speed.It was 7:12 and his class started at 7:20 and he knew that he was going to be late.He grabbed all of his stuff and ran out the door.But remembered he had forgotten his English paper and ran back into the house.And there was his mom handing him his stuff that he had forgotten. "Thanks,mom."He said quickly giving a small kiss on her cheek and ran quickly to his car.He opened and slammed the door behind him as he got in.He put the key into the ignition and turned it starting his car.He then went into drive and stepped on his pedal speeding off.He looked back at the clock and saw he had only 5 minutes left to get to school. He sped up even more and then stopped abruptly seeing that he had almost ran a red light.He watched the light anxiously looking back at the clock every second to get a glimpse of the time."Damn light.Come on.Come on.I'm going to be late."He mumbled to himself tapping lightly on the steering wheel.Then he looked back at the light and saw that it had just turned green.He stepped on his pedal again and was off.He was close to school,now,but he had only 1 minute left."Come on.Come on."He said to himself and sped up and was almost at his school.He turned to the right sharply and went around the parking lot looking for a spot.He found one and parked in it,taking out his key and locking his doors,he ran as fast as he could.Just as he made it into the school,the bell rang.He was late."Damn.I'm late.Oh,who gives a crap,anyway."He mumbled and just stopped running and started walking. When he finally made it to his class,he took a deep breath,and put his hand on the door knob and turned it slowly.He opened the door and saw the class all focus on one of his classmates and all suddenly turned to see him.He entered quickly,closing the door slowly and silently behind him and walked right to his desk.He then looked at the teacher and saw that he didn't care that Marcus had entered late to his class.He gave a sigh of relief and sank into his desk.He listened to his classmate talk about his life and then started to doze off.He looked around and looked out the window.Then as soon as his classmate had finished,applause filled the room and then Marcus's name was called.He let out a small breath and got up from his desk and walked toward the front of class and turned around.He held his paper in his right hand and his left hand,free,tapped lightly against his thigh.He looked at the teacher and back at his classmates,took a deep breath,and started: "Impeccable life.Ever heard of it?It's supposedly called a prefect life.Does anyone in this world have one?In my case,I would say once,I had such a life.But,now,no,I don't.No such thing exist in my life,anymore.My life is a disaster.Many things taken away from me,that were important and meaningful in my life. When I was just nine years old,I had the greatest life.My parents were the best.They helped me,cared for me,listened to me, and most of all loved me.I loved them and thanked them everyday for what they did for me.Attending to my desires to my needs.But,one night,changed that. Someone or something had entered my home and brutally murdered my parents.My father.Cut in every place single place on his arms and legs.Blood spilled from his mouth and dripped from his nose.My mom suffered a more horrible faith.She was tortured.Her face covered,but her body slaughtered.Limbs hung and I was there witnessing everything that had happen in a hiding place.It was terrible and terrifying. I looked out from my spot and saw that nothing would,probably,happen.I got up slowly from my spot and walked to my parents' body's.I looked down at my dad's and saw his eye's stare straight into mine.And then turned around and looked at my mom.Horrible,a scene,it was. But life for me,had moved on.I had to leave everything.My past had to be forgotten.But,here,I am talking about it.Reliving my worst nightmares and fears.And most of all,a regret.A regret of not coming out to help them out.But what could I have done?I was too young to understand.But,now,I realize that I could have done something.I could have made a difference. You can't just go back in time and change,now can you?You can't.You have live with it.Breath it.Relive it.Replay it.Horrible scenes that I should have forgotten,but why did I not choose to forget it?Because it's what it makes me.What makes me,me.Who I am." As he finished,he knew that he had just done it the night before.It was a horrrible paper to him.He looked down at the floor and back at his classmates.One person started to clap and another.One by one each person got up and clapped for him.He gave a sad smile and looked at the teacher.He walked up to him and gave his paper to him.The teacher gave a weak smile to Marcus.Marcus knew that he wasn't his favorite student,but it seemed that he had impressed him for once and once in his life,he felt a bit happy. 2:12 PM-Afternoon As school finished up,Marcus was out and about and was in his car.He was just driving around since it was a weekend tomorrow and that there was no point of him,going back home,yet.He drove around for a bit just wanting to feel the freash air go on him.Now,after about a hour or so,he was heading back home.But he was dozing off from the road.Some reason,his vision started to get blurry.Then he felt he was getting a headache.He decided that he should just park along the road to avoid an accident.He parked it into the grass along side the road and turned his car off.He looked at himself in the mirror and he looked awful.He looked like he was sick.He laid back in his seat and his eyes started to droop and then finally,he drifted into a deep,but small slumber. . . Back into the dreams of horror,he revisited the dream from the morning.This time fastforwarding to more horrors of his life.From the time he was born and to his school years.Horrible experiences.This time he was woken by a loud shriek from his dream. . .and. . . 5:23 PM Marcus woke up and saw that he was still in his car.He looked around him to see if anything had happened.He was still not feeling so great,though.He looked around once again with his eyes wide.Him wide awake and then he sighed and just as he was about to fall back asleep,some one knocked on his car window,and he jumped up a bit feeling startled.He looked to his side and squinted his eyes.He rolled down his window slowly,breathed through his nose,and laid back again in his seat looking at her with his eyes still squinting.Marcus opened his mouth a few seconds later and said as politely as he could: "Is there something you need help with or anything?" |