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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1225163
This is the background information for a story that i'll be writing.
Some Background Information

A Tenkai is a species that is part angel, part devil. They are considered neutral beings, as they do not and are not associated with either party. They walk amongst humans, when they please. However, though they have the ability to tread where they please, and blend in if need be, they prefer to remain in seclusion, and self-preserve.

They are believed to have been – and rightly so – the keepers of the peace, and protectors of the balance. They protect the human, considered to be the “weaker” species, from the more powerful and intelligent species.

Their powers are unmatched, and they have very intense powers, in their own right. However, and with training, they are able to imitate and, in turn, perfect powers they’ve seen, and sometimes thought of and created themselves.

While they are the most powerful species, they do not impose their will upon others without due necessity. They are not easily corrupted by both nature and training, and the most they try to change others is by trying to make them not so power driven.

The Tenkai have no caste system and no monetary device. Everyone is equal, and treated the same – with the exception of the royal class, which no one minds, as they do not take advantage of their position, and usually treat things as a democracy, but they keep things the way they are to make alliances and the like run more smoothly - and they use equivalent exchange when trading. When trading with other countries they, at times, request a few monetary pieces, for trading with outside nations, but as it is not often that that is done, they usually stick with the way that things go in their particular society.

The main nation, Alisglan (referred to in the first chapter, and where the prince, and most of the beginning takes place), is the trade center. That is where most business commerce and trade is centered, where many visit to be with others of their time, where people, angels and devils ( this includes demons and the like) alike, are tried for crimes against humanity, and crimes against laws. This is also where there are meetings to determine where and how things will go.

There are nations outside of Alisglan, smaller in comparison, but not easily overlooked. They are mostly those who wished to give the Tenkai a greater advantage at protecting the vast human, angel, and devil/demon settlements on Szwinentally. Szwinentally is the planet where the Tenkai live.

There are also, however, nations where the Tenkai living there branched out, and have decided that the Tenkai way of life was not for them. This is where you found the power-hungries. There species were human, Tenkai, devil/demon, and angel, alike.

This is where you went to profile after a lesser being has described who, or what –depending on the situation- , they saw. This was also, usually, where they were located. It made things easy, to know that they all congressed in the same general location. However, as of late, there have been those who chose a sneakier route. Houses in the mountains, houses in places considered to be uninhabitable, even houses where there were peaceful nations, and they were considered to have a peaceful life, as the alias to their bloodthirsty, and sometimes merely spiteful, nature.

These were the ones that were hard to find, and at times, these will be found in the story.

More on the Tenkai:

The Tenkai are immortal beings. They CAN die, if they catch a fatal disease, for their particular blood sequencing. They can also die of murder, and if they try REALLY hard to take their own lives. It is not very often you find a suicidal Tenkai, but there are times when a Tenkai has taken another Tenkai’s life, albeit whatever the reason.

They heal rapidly, can go up to six months without food, and up to three months without water. Their enemies, luckily, do not know that. They have extraordinary vision, and can see miles away, in both sunlight, and moonlight. Even the tiniest of light-beams can allow them sight.

The reason for their rapid healing is that they have two hearts, making it easier for their bodies to produce more blood. The angels and devils/demons believe that they are like them, having merely rapid regenerative properties, yet the devils/demons can only stop blood flow, and regenerate quickly, not replenish blood quickly, and therefore, they would end up very weak after a fatal wound. The exception to this rule, of course, were the demons known as vampires.

The vampires are not your average, run-of-the-mill, Bram Stoker breed. They are able to walk in the light, some, however, develop an allergy to sunlight, or garlic, but it is not common to find either or, and even less common to find both.  They are not bloodthirsty animals, and many of them are accepted into the Tenkai reserves (kind of like the army reserves), as they mostly hold the same ideals as the Tenkai, and would rather use their magical gifts, and immortality for good, than evil.

The Tenkai all have a few characteristics that are common. They mostly have slanted, almond-shaped, seductive eyes, though the color may vary. They usually have long hair, but the rebels prefer to chop theirs off, and wear them similar to what would be deemed and emo-cut,  as a way to separate themselves from the rest of their “people”. They are rarely found shorter than 5’5”, and even that is cutting it short, as they are usually found to average around 5’9”.

They go through one or many changes:

The first, which is standard is a change that occurs in various ages, and is never definite as to when someone will partake in it. This stage is the stage in which the Tenkai body becomes more adult-like. If they are meant to bear children, or sire them this is the time in which they would gain the characteristics necessary for their role. (This goes for both male and female Tenkai, as some males bear the right to birth and nurture children, and some females end up with the ability to sire children- there are also those who can chose which they would rather be, but that will be discussed later in the story.) This is also where the Tenkai get their height, their eyes turn from large, doe-like eyes, to the more slanted, almond-shaped, seductive ones. This is also where the hair and eye colors are determined. Tenkai have tanned skin – that is a constant. They usually have darker features. However, if a Tenkai was abused, or mistreated in anyway, that usually is reversed. If they had mostly bad times, and some good, they would have mostly light colored hair, and partly dark. If they were just physically abused, their hair will be a lighter color, if they were mentally abused, their eyes will be the lighter color, and if they were both, they had both lighter colors.  The color for the hair, even in abuse, was not definite, it would just be a light, easily dirtied, color, as opposed to a darker one.

This color scheme for Tenkai is also why, before this stage is hit, traitorous Tenkai like to abduct Tenkai from Alisglan and do as much damage as they can. The way it works is, the more damage done in succession, the quicker the Tenkai will get to this stage, and the more valuable their light features will be. If this stage is hit due to abuse, the Tenkai (the word is plural) involved is granted the ability to mask the brighter features, as they believe it will shame them, when, in reality, it would grant them safety from those who caused them pain. It is very rare to find a Tenkai with white, silver, or platinum hair, and even rarer to find a Tenkai with identically colored hair and eyes, be they abused or not.

The second stage is one of the few ways that Tenkai are separated. This stage is for those who will become more powerful than just a normal Tenkai, and usually end up in the special-elites, a Tenkai force known for its precision. This is the stage in which the Tenkai gain more elite abilities of magic, speed, and gain some other neat tricks as well, such as the ability for teleportation, and the ability to use whips.

Fledgling note: This is a part of stage two. Basically, if the paring is just a fledgling paired to an alpha (based on blood type and magical abilities capable of), the alpha feeds (drains life essence) from the fledgling, as fledgling will die without it. If beta-fledgling to alpha, alpha needs to be drained to survive. This second pairing is merely for intendeds, and continues until they mate.

The final stage, and one reserved for mainly those with royal blood through their veins, is the one where the Tenkai gains a tail, which can split up to 8 times, and transfer power, all 8 tails being useful and equally strong. However, they begin with just one large tail, and have to power up to get to the maximum number of splits they are capable of. Many can only ever get up to two, and it is not very often you find someone who can get all 8. T

This stage also allows for the ability of flight. Tenkai are given wings to match their hair and eyes, and they are also given the ability to fly without the wings, so that they are not as easy a target.

Finally, and not lastly, this is where you get the highest of whip powers, and the highest of poison powers. If you make it to the stage, you will get the maximum amount of whips and maximum level of poison available to you.

It is believed that the first decision of those who would be royal was based upon this stage. Those elite few who made it to this stage – the head of house recorded for bragging rights – were the ones chosen. As the gene consideration is random and not every one-even those born of royals-are guaranteed to get to this stage.

Those who get to this stage, are, then moved to the castle of Alisglan, so that they can begin their studies as part of the royal family. Since it is not common for this to occur, there is never a risk of their being too many royals. If they child was abused, or mentally damaged in any way, they work at a comfortably, and not overwhelming pace to get them to the point where they feel equal to others.

In this stage, as well, many are granted the ability to go into a chibi-form (as is the official name). This form entails that they can go from their normal, tall form, to a shorter one. The way it works is: If they are between 5’10” and 6’4”, they can only go to a chibi of around 5’5”. If they are 6’5” tall or taller, they can decide the height of their chibi, and they are granted the ability to stay in that form for as long as they please, as it is a more subconscious action with them, whereas those of a shorter height must concentrate.

Tenkai Mating:

The Tenkai mate for life. There is only one life-mate, known as an “intended” that they must find. The intended can be either male or female, and will always create a breading pair (one will have the ability to sire, and the other would have the ability to bare the pups). They are allowed to take as many lovers as they please, as long as their mate is alright with it. The way that mating is decided is based upon genetics. It is predestined, and in the blood, how many intendeds, and therefore mates you will have. An intended is the person that you are meant to mate with. Also, in order for a beta to survive, they must find favor with their alpha (once they are alert of their position). If they don’t, both parties will be miserable, and the beta will most assuredly die, unless steps are taken to ensure life.
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