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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1222347-Story-of-my-life
Rated: ASR · Book · Inspirational · #1222347
Blog blog blog blog, blog blog blog blog, blog blog blog blog blog blog blog blog! =D
We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.”
-Jeremy Irons

“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”
-Paul Sweeney

“You can only be young once. But you can always be immature.”
-Dave Barry

*Leaf5* *Leaf5* *Leaf5* *Leaf5* *Leaf5*

This is our blog. Comments are welcomed!
May 13, 2007 at 11:26pm
May 13, 2007 at 11:26pm
Oh, gosh, Callie, I didn't know you were posting blog entries! I can't know about them, see, because there's no alert when you post one. Well, anyway... I might as well talk about my life now, because that's just what I do in blog entires. Because, see, there's never really anything good happening in my life to talk about. (At least nothing that would interest someone with an attention span.)

Okay, so. that fight about the video game was mostly about me trusting you, friend. Oh god... that seems so distant now! When did you post that... MARCH EIGHTH!? Ohmahgawd. I was still in my old house then! Time sure does fly when you's wasting away!

For those of you who might read this, (very unlikely, but who knows?) I moved sometime after that journal entry my BFF Callie made. My house was repossed, the house my mother had rented out of desperation fueled by living in an apartment for four years. Four years! That means I've been in Texas for five years, since March 16th. Why'd I move here? I don't think I want to get into that now. Heh. Hehehehehe. HEHEHEHEHE.

And about the character thing... I can't quite remember what that was about, but if it was about the item I made for out characters, you can edit it or something. But before you do, just keep in mind that I concider your characters mine, too. (Some are legally 30.3% mine!)

And, about that whole second entry... for the imaginary readers, I have to say that Devin and Callie have been together for some time now, and I think it's going pretty good for them. I've given Devin a hard time, though. It's fun; I say things so out-there and weird that he finally gives up and says, "... what?..."

HAHAHA! Only for you, Callie! You and him make a good pair. He left me a comment on Myspace, a really nice one saying hello and stuff, and I replied very suspiciously. Then he left me another comment, and I've ignored it completely. It's great fun.

Oh, and about me saying I'm waiting for the right guy... it kills me, too. Kills me so much that sometimes I cry a little, when I think about what I'm missing out on. A serious relationship... at the age of thirteen, that's what I want. A guy that's my best friend. That I can just... talk to, ya know? I mean, I don't ask for much. But lately I've been looking at the world around me, and I've been more and more discouraged. My mother's been divorced twice, (the second divorce was abusive, mind you) and most of my friends have suffered the same as me. T.V. reality shows are all about sex and how to get it, as are books, dating sites, porn videos, even clothing people wear... sometimes I find myself wondering, where's the love? Love poems and romance novels are becoming more and more fictional to me by the day. Is there such thing as love?

Than there's the whole phase, 'my body's not hot enough to get boys' I'm going through. Right now I think that's stupid, but when I wake up in the morning, I'll be looking at my butt in the morning, thinking, "you freak! You're so ugly! Look at that gigantic BUTT!" Then, I'll straighten my hair, put on makeup, take ten minutes to pick out an outfit... and for what, imaginary serious relationships that might pop up during that day? A boy that might glance at me and think, "wow, she's a looker"? The chance that someone might actually notice the effort? Unlikely, unlikely, UNLIKELY! It's pointless. My life is pointless.

But, Callie, your relationship with Devin's a bit comforting. It sort of helps a little. I've never met a hot guy and carried a normal conversation out with him before, so right now, someone like Devin's a little fictional in my head, too; but to think that SOMEWHERE out there SOMEONE'S dating without problems... well, it helps. Just don't tell me if anything worse than little fights happen between you and him, okay? You can go on night and day about how his family doesn't like you, but just don't tell me if it's anything less than perfect. I like that lie. That lie helps me believe in good relationships.

And he likes you because you're so beautiful that it hurts! It makes me mad when you say you're ugly. I mean, look at ME. I'm one step above that one tentacle-y guy in Pirates of the Carrabian that's all... I dunno. You know who I'm talking about.



Thanks for reading, imaginary readers. =D I hope you're entertained by my thirteen-year-old girlish blabber. Oh, and if you're a man/boy, I'd appreciate it if you not comment on the eighth paragraph. Hehe. thxthxthxlololol


~C h e l s e a
March 22, 2007 at 1:02pm
March 22, 2007 at 1:02pm
Today I'm so confused. No one really cares about how I feel about my life right now, so I guess I'm going to type it here. Maybe this could be used as a tool to release my feelings. And, I know people won't actually read this, but it's good to tell things to people that don't go to your school, don't label you, or thinks they're higher than you.

Okay, so there's this guy. And, it's weird. Because, with my ex-boyfriend, who was extremly hot, I couldn't really picture us together, you know? Like, it somehow didn't belong, and, from the beginning, I knew it wouldn't last long. Not that he thought I was a loser or anything; I just knew he would find some "hot" girl sooner or later.

Anyway, THIS guy is different. I can see the future, mainly because I try to think up a perfect life that'll be mine one day, and in it he's with me. We'll be couple where everyone's like, "Yeah, you can't see Callie without Devin. They're always together. I'm jealous of that realtionship." Or something like that. Because, to put it bluntly, I'm jealous of almost every couple. I ask myself WHY I'm not with someone, but then, I talk to Chelsea and she tells me that she's waiting for that perfect guy.

Waiting? That's the thing that that kills me. I'm very impatient.

So, last night Devin told me that when we become closer friends, then we could go out. He wanted to, but he said in his last relationship things moved too quickly and it turned out to be "crap".

It's been going on like that for a while. But, I'm so glad that now, when I'm talking to him, I'll know that he likes me and I like him, you know?

Anyway, I don't see why he likes me. He's popular, hot, and has the greatest personality. The weird thing is that he's not always flirting with girls. He's not like other guys. I don't know, but I'm going to sign off now because I EMBARRASS myself. Hahahahhahhah!


March 19, 2007 at 12:55pm
March 19, 2007 at 12:55pm
This is Callie.

Chelsea got mad at me yesterday. Because I went ahead on the video game that we're supposed to stay together on. It wasn't THAT far. Just one easy boss far. I told her I was sorry, but she was still mad all yesterday. I guess it is really my fault, but really, it wasn't like I was gonna beat the game without her. Chelsea, by the time you read this we'll probably be over it, but I'm sorry, okay? Good.

Anyway, I'm at school right now; fifth period. I'm taking the next twenty minutes to study for a huge test next period, so yeah.

Today's a bummer. I'm soooo bored. But, I did curl my hair and Camden complimented me. He never does that, so it must be a good thing.

And, oh my god, Chelsea! You said that you were gonna make the character thing here for ALL of OUR characters. But, all I see is you going on about how they're YOUR characters and BLAH. Well, you know what! BLAH. I am very dissapointed. You just lost six respect. ]=

Peaaacee out from South Carolina ya'llllll. =]
March 8, 2007 at 2:11pm
March 8, 2007 at 2:11pm
Well, I've gotten a million "UPDATE YOUR BLOG!" E-mails, so I guess I'll update my blog. I've been on writing.com a lot lately, and it's actually really fun. I've been trying to make GPs in my new Signature shop,

[I deleted it because I made a new one 10/11/07.]

I got my first customer, and I'm really excited. It's pathedic, actually. But oh well! I think Lala will be buying one from me later today. She asked me if I could make one after the picture prompt, "Dreaming of Stars". After Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sneeking into her portfolio, (yes, I stole this from you, Callie!) I found out that that was the name of her image folder. So I found her a picture to match that prompt, and I'm waiting for her to place the order so I can make it! Yaaaay! Squeee! Yipeeeeeeeee!

Anywhoo, buy from my siggy shop, please. I'm saving up for an upgrade, and a pen for Callie. =]

Oh yeah, and I'm on spring break! PAR-TAY! Wait... no. No par-tay. More like sit-around-at-home-doing-nothing-ay. It's boooorrring. But at least I'm getting some writing in on my novel, which was dormant for a little too long!

I'm hungry. Gotta go eat.

Love, hugs, and free paper butterflies,
-C h e l s e a

P.S.: PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>
March 1, 2007 at 12:50pm
March 1, 2007 at 12:50pm
Hey, wow, I'm Callie! The other person who owns this acocunt...and yeah...this site is the ONLY place my stupid computer in school doesn't block! But, that's okay, I guess. Chelsea, don't delete this; I like to leave my mark!

Anyway, I'm in 5th period right now, which is keyboarding. It's pretty boring. I've already finished all the lessons and there's no where to go on here. It even filtered my bored.com! Oh, well....I guess I'm off to harrass the dude who sits beside me!

Oh, and Chelsea stole my "Peace Out!"

But, Peace out, anyway!
February 28, 2007 at 10:55am
February 28, 2007 at 10:55am
I'm at school right now! Turns out PISD can't filter Writing.com. This is a great breakthrough for me, because it means I can switch writings between school and home without having to save it to a CD or anything! I already made an item that I'll be storing links in.

Why this matters to you: because I'll probably save school papers in here, which means you'll get to see Chelsea the student instead of Chelsea the writer for once! Yay...?

Anyway, long time no blog! Not much has happened since my last post... I've been going to school and everything. Right now I'm in science 3rd period, and I'll be getting my card to fill out my scedual for next year in 7th period! Yay! I can't wait. I'm already becoming a Tech Ed leader for two semesters (Tech Ed stands for Technical education. My favorite class EVER!) And I'm getting in to advanced Art, and hopefully becoming a library aid. I'm so excited! 8th grade is going to rule!

Anyway... I don't feel like pouring out emotions right now, so... I guess I'll leave it at this. Maybe now those stupid "REMINDER: UPDATE YOUR BLOG!" E-mails will stop bothering me. At least for a day.

So, peace out, imaginary fans! Peace!
February 22, 2007 at 10:56pm
February 22, 2007 at 10:56pm
I almost didn’t go to school today. I guess that’s what happens when you get the choice—when your mother will let you stay home for just one day, even if you’re not sick. My little brother’s sick, though; he has a terrible cough, along with all the other kids. Curse this season! I just hope I don’t catch it—that’s just what my lungs, recovering from pneumonia, need! So anyway, back to the school issue. I almost didn’t go. I was lying in bed, staring at the clock, telling myself, get up, Chelsea, get up! Go to school! You’re no better than the other kids going to school today. You’ll have homework. You’ll miss first period. Get up. Get up!

Eventually I did, and I slipped on the purple dress my friend Nicole told me to wear, and put on makeup. I actually looked pretty nice. Not pretty—I’ll never look pretty in my own eyes—but nice, almost Myspace picture nice. Which is really, really nice.

Then I got on the bus, sitting next to Nicole and yawning as I always do. When I got to school, I went out to the courtyard, (a place outside with benches and greenery where kids go before school, during lunch, and any other time to hang out) and found a group of my friends. Erin seemed to be annoying an 8th grader named Brian, which turned out to be a screaming fight. I laughed, because I’m so terribly mean like that sometimes. It’s just that, it’s hard to see Erin serious; she’s never serious! She’s my friend that’ll talk really high-pitched with me and run around and scare people. And I’ve known her since the beginning of time (A.K.A. since I moved to Texas).

After that, first period. I sit with a group of guys; Tyler across from me, Brock to the right of him, and Stefan to the right of me. (We have assigned seating—none of these guys actually want to sit next to me.) So I sat down at my seat with my normal high-pitched “hi!”, and we began the class.

Half the time, I was glaring at Tyler who was being gross, and giggling at Brock who would make random funny comments, and making fun of Stefan, who was just fun to make fun of.

Okay. Second period, Sushi sits to the left of me, Marcus to the right. To summarize them both, I will use a simple word: “nerds”. When I’m not paying attention to the teacher, I’m usually making random comments about Marcus. One of my favorite ones today was me stating, “Marcus, you’re a nerd.” He made the funny face he always does when he thinks I’m weird or when he’s acting offended. I laughed at him. I’m always laughing… wow, I just noticed that! I’m amused REALLY easily.

Third period was boring. We wrote our essays on the Buffalo Soldiers. Yep, that pretty much sums it up. The interesting thing was what happened after class; coach Diaz called me back, and after everyone left, he told me I looked nice today. “I know that the other day you were crying because you didn’t think boys like you, but I just want to say you look very nice today. And I’m not saying that in a older-man way, don’t get me wrong—I just wanted you to know, okay?”

I was extremely embarrassed. A few weeks ago, I had an emotional breakdown, and started crying over stuff like that. I made the mistake of telling him, and now he thinks I’m a low-morale loser. Which I am, but that’s not the point—the point is, that I don’t care if boys like me anymore. I didn’t back then when I said that, either. I was just suddenly depressed because I wanted the perfect guy—yeah, that was it! I want the perfect guy that all my friends have, that’ll talk on the phone with me all night and hold my hand and be my friend. And it took that day for me to realize I didn’t have him. So I cried, I guess.

Anyway… fourth period choir. We sang. Okay good.

Fifth was gym. I played basketball, which was actually really fun. Basketball’s the only thing I’m even mildly good at sport-wise…

Sixth was an assembly about George Washington’s B-day. Bor-ing. But we got cake, so it was all good!

Seventh we took a quiz summarizing the first five chapters of “the Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien. You probably know that book, right? Prelude to the Lord or the Rings? Yeah, well, I sucked at that. Heh. Failing is not fun, folks.

Now, finally, for debate… nothing happened, lalala. That’s the end of my day. I came home, just on the computer, typed this. The end!

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