Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1219246-A-little-place-in-the-mountains
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Inspirational · #1219246
A inspirational christian romance
Kristy was born and raised in the mountains of North Carolina.She was used to her small town life.She loved her new home in the city, but was overwhelmed by the violence.
Since she had gotten saved,she had been praying for God's light to shine on her city. She had seen enough hurt, pain, and agony. The people that walked past day after day with their head hanging low was on her heart always.
Kristy was on her way to Jamie's. She looked up to her best friend.They had had similar things that they had gone through as children,but Jamie was older and acted very responsible.As iron sharpens iron Kristy knew if she ever had a problem (in which she did),she could always go to Jamie for help and get the truth.Kristy knocked on Jamie's front door.As she knocked she played with Jamie's dog, Scamper.
After several knocks Jamie answered the door and said,"Hi,I'm sorry I couldn't here you. Come in; you look like you could use a friend."
Jamie was very congenial and caring toward everyone.That was just a few of the many qualities that had caused them to be friends.Kristy entered the house and tried not to trip over scamper running circles around her feet.
She sat down and begin to tell her what was going on."Oh, you won't believe what I got myself into this time.I stopped by to see pastor Jerry to see if there was anything I could help with in the motor-cycle rally coming up. I thought he might say I could serve the people water or refreshments and he then dropped a major bomb on me."
By this time her friend Jamie looked white with wonder, "Well, tell me what he asked you to do!"
Kristy looked for a tissue and wiped her nose.She said,"He ask me to speak and give my testimony. "Wow! You don't think you would like to do that?" Jamie, how many times have you heard me speak at church. She said, "maybe two or three. "Just do me a favor Jamie, will you pray for me?" Jamie hugged her close and said, "you know I will, because that's what best friends do."
Kristy left Jamie's house thinking about how this happened. Less than two hours ago she had walked in the doors of the church and found pastor Jerry's door open with him inside reading.She knocked lightly on the door.
Pastor Jerry looked up and said," Kristy come in here what can I do for you today?" Kristy made her way inside the wide office doors.
"Pastor Jerry, Kristy said, I feel like the Lord is saying to me I need to do something to help out in the motor-cycle rally coming up, but I do not know what it would be.I would be glad to help in any way I could."
The preacher put his book that he was reading down on the desk in front of him. He walked around the big desk and set his glasses on the table. He lifted his head and looked into Kristy's eyes.
He said, "darling, I have been watching you and I believe that the hand of the Lord is upon you and wants to use you in a bigger way than you think."
She had to sit down because her knees begin to bulk under the heavy anointed gaze he used.She sat down in the chair on her left to hear what he had to say.
He said, "Kristy I believe you are the person God wants to speak through at the rally."
Kristy's eyes took on that look of a deer caught in front of an oncoming truck.
As her mouth opened she said, "Me!" Why me, I have never done anything like that and there are many people around this town that would be more qualified than me."
The pastor stepped one step closer and said," Kristy, I want you to read about Moses, because God is not concerned so much about the outward man or woman, but God looks on the heart and he likes what he sees coming from your heart.You are a lot like Moses because you want to know what you can do, but then you give God excuses about who you are.You have a fire burning for the lost in the city to come to know Christ and he has chosen you for this time and this season."
She had to get away and pray; there were peoples lives at stake. She thanked him and told him she would pray about it. Then she left.
She was going to go to her favorite spot to pray. Down by the lake she had cried many tears and prayed many prayers. It was a place to look at the wonderful mountains God had made and to watch the ripples of water glide by the gentle wind blowing.
Kristy sat there until she felt she heard the Lord's voice confirming everything the pastor had said to her.She prayed, "Lord, if you want me to speak in this rally, please give me peace."
© Copyright 2007 joywriter (admirable at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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