Claimer: fierydeath  
: 12-08-10 @ 2:29am Claim: I ascend from the heavens, angels singing harmoneously. I swipe a harp from an angel and play possibly the worst music on earth. While your ears ring, I call you all mean names. Still your hill though...
Claimer: Shadow  
: 09-23-08 @ 7:11am Claim: My rhino warriors dead I, the mighty Spratchet, leap heroically of the hill and severe Sharokt's head from his weak and feeble body leaving his body to rot.
Claimer: Sharohkt  
: 09-23-08 @ 4:38am Claim: I stride to the base of the hill,my ragtag band of canary warriors in tow. "Today, men/birds, we shall claim this hill!Why? I have no idea, but claim it we shall!"I charge forward, tripping over a prone rhino-samurai, and falling flat on my face.
Claimer: Shadow  
: 09-22-08 @ 7:48am Claim: Spratchet arrives with an eviller army of hardcore rhino samurai and mutilates jericks monkey ninjas claiming the hill rightfully for himself
Claimer: Jerick  
: 09-17-08 @ 6:25am Claim: After a long exile from the hill Jerick returns at the head of an army of evil monkey ninjas.
Laying waste to everyone in my path I reclaim My Hill and my picnic basket!
Claimer: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 06-19-08 @ 8:14am Claim: *yanks dday out of the game* How many times do I have to tell you to stop telling the girls that they are boys? One of these days a girl is going to knock your head off. Now get back in there and try to stay alert to gender references.
Claimer: Simplicity-In-A-Jar  
: 03-18-08 @ 5:16pm Claim: I Run in eat all the bananas, and give a good ol' kick to Jerick!
Claimer: Mistress Dragonslayer  
: 04-25-07 @ 10:45pm Claim: I charge the wall. Steed breaks it with his steel-clad hooves. My hill.
Claimer: Dormael  
: 03-03-07 @ 9:43pm Claim: I smell pastrami sandwiches. I emerge from the river and proceed to higher ground. I see a man sitting next to a basket. I tell him to get lost, but to leave his picnic. Hmmm, this hill is better than the bottom of the river.
Claimer: Jerick  
: 02-28-07 @ 10:37am Claim: I climb the hill as giant ants drive Steve Ellen away from the slopes of my hill
Claimer: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
: 02-28-07 @ 6:38am Claim: When I woke up from my nap I noticed my hill was overrun with ants so I stomped on them and sprayed "stay off my hill" bugspray everywhere.
Claimer: Tigger thinks of Prancer  
: 02-27-07 @ 10:15pm Claim: Seeing two foolish people quickly getting bruised, I realize at once that it would not be a difficult feat to reclaim MY hill. (I piled the dirt with my own two hands!) So, I come, throwing cornmeal in the eyes of el and Jerick. HA! My hill!
Claimer: Mistress Dragonslayer  
: 02-27-07 @ 7:41pm Claim: Though sore and battered, I get up and climb back towards the top of MY hill. I whistle. Steed comes galloping up, and chases Jerick off my hill. I win.
Claimer: Jerick  
: 02-27-07 @ 3:34pm Claim: Armed only with a ham roll I charge back up the hill bellowing my defience.
My insane yelling causes Del's horse to panic
It bolts throwing Del from it's saddle and sending him rolling down the steep slope of the rocky hill!
This is my hill.
Claimer: Mistress Dragonslayer  
: 02-25-07 @ 8:41pm Claim: I ride my steed across the hill, knocking over baskets and meal alike. It is my hill, and I will smite all who try to steal it from me. I knock Jerick with the flat of my sword, tumbling him down the slope. Good has triumphed!
Claimer: Jerick  
: 02-15-07 @ 1:29pm Claim: In the mourning sun I stride across calm meadows, utill I come to a perfect hill for my picnic.
Slowly I unpack my basket and setup my picnic.
My hill.
Total Displayed: 16 |