Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1217185-The-Gnome-Story
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1217185
A Book I started but haven't worked on in a while.
•          Chapter 1
         A dense fog covered the floor of the winding dirt road that Arkwin walked down.  The young gnome crept with a light foot, trying not to make a sound with his tightly buckled boots.  Up ahead he could see a fire light flowing through the fog, instantly he crouched to the floor hiding behind a bush on the side of the road.
         "It’s them!" he whispered to himself.
         With his keen eyes he could see two goblins hunched over a pile of gold and treasures, sorting the valuables into piles.  They each had a pair of very pointy ears, with deep brilliant golden yellow eyes.  Their skin was a slimy green, and was covered in very tatter shabby clothes.  On their lengthy arms they wore steel bracers which had rusty spikes extruding from them. On their skinny fingers were long broken dirty fingernails pointing out in jagged directions that would be good for scratching an enemy to death.
         ~Those were the two, the two that killed and looted the people of my village.~ He thought to himself as he poked his head a little further through the bush.
         One of them was holding a rusted old short sword; the other had a very small pick axe.  ~There no match for me, I'm way too swift and agile for them to even get a swing off. ~ 
         Slowly he stood up, stepped to the center of the road and proceeded toward them.  Pulling out his short sword it shimmered in there fire light like a bolt of lightning.  He was within thirty-yards of them when he cleared his throat.  On instinct the two goblins jumped up and drew out there weapons.  Staring at the young gnome they started to brandish their weapons in a very aggressive manner.
         Lifting his arm and pointing his blade at the two, he shouted in a gruff voice "You rifled through my village, killed many of my friends and kin.  Now I will seek vengeance on you by the spilling of your dirty blood." 
         As the goblins moved forward towards Arkwin they let out a series of grunts and snarls.  Lowering his head Arkwin put his empty hand out in front of him and opened it with his palm facing forward.  "Multio" came muttering from his lips as a brilliant blue light emitted from above his palm. Startled, the goblins then stepped back.  As the bright blue light faded, there on each side of Arkwin stood a mirrored image of himself.
         In a blink of the goblins eyes the three Arkwins were sprinting towards them.  In a series of weaves and spins the goblins quickly lost track of the true gnome.  A few seconds passed and the gnomes where upon them, the goblins slashed at the decoys and hit nothing but air as their blades soared through them.  As the true Arkwin spun with a swift twirl of his cloak he buried his sword within the goblin with the pick ax.  As soon as he came out of the attack it was as if he ran into a wall, not a wall, but the other goblin that already had Arkwin by the gem broach of his cloak.
         Picking him off the ground the goblin stared deep into Arkwins steel blue eyes.  The breath of the goblin had the stench of bloody raw meat.  The goblin raised his blade above his head ready for the strike, but instead it opened its blood-thirsty mouth to speak. 
         "ARKWIN" emitted from his lips in a sing-song voice of a woman.  Then again he spoke "ARKWIN" in the same voice.  The goblin dropped Arkwin and grasped his mouth with his open hand.  "ARKWIN” the voice called out again. 

         SPLASH, he fell into the river he was crouched over.
          "Arkwin what are you doing down there?”, a woman called out from the hilltop. She had brunette hair that was pulled up to a bun and wore a light blue dress that looked as if it was used only for working.
         "Sorry mother...must have been day dreaming." he said as he shook the water out of his hair.
         Arkwin had jet black hair which was usually standing on end like he would have just woken up.  His green collard shirt was soaking wet. It had very elaborate stitching up and down the sleeves and brown pants with the same type of stitching going down the seam of his trousers. 
         "Like always, my little Winnie dreaming the day away." his mother replied with a smile.
         "Don’t call me that? Jeeze I'm almost an adult and your still calling me Winnie." he said with face of detest. Walking up the hill to where his mother stood he handed her a small leather bag.  "I did find some of the mushrooms you asked for though.  I found a few Purple and Black Morels and some Bells; they were near this old stump by the river."
         "Yes" she said as she looked through the bag of mushrooms.  "I guess that they'll do." rubbing her son on the back.
         Arkwin stood a bit taller than his mother, (So it would be a bit hard to pat him on the head.)  for she was a short gnome of her age
          "Come; let’s hurry home so we can start supper before your father returns from the fields." 
         Walking down the hill they had an open view of Nuglada (their gnome community.)  The sun was setting, casting a mesmerizing purplish orange hue, painting the sky just behind the mountains, which littered the horizon to the west.  They didn’t live in houses like other races, but they lived underground in hills, that where perfectly placed, with gardens and flowers around and on top of them.  A small creek, flowed from the surrounding forest, ran in front of their village with a small stone bridge which was wide enough for a good size wagon to come through with traders of all sort to come and trade with the local shops.  Inside town the gnome life was very prosperous. Children ran and played with each other, while the adults would stand and chit-chat with each other about the latest gossip. 
         "Arkwin, when we get home you should go and pay some attention to Pumel."  Pumel was their riding dog that they used to cart their goods from town to town or to help father plow the wheat fields. 
         "Aye, I will. It’s my turn to tell the story to the kids at the Celestial tomorrow, so I've been quite busy with that." (The Celestial is a big festival the gnomes have every year, celebrating there love of nature and life.)  Arkwin would as often as he could write small stories to tell the children by fireside every Friday also.  He would retell his daydreams, but he would also use the little illusion tricks he knows to recreate them in small figures on the lawn.
         "Oh, yes I completely forgot your adventures.  Seriously Arkwin you must get that nonsense out of your head.  You’re no warrior, or great sorcerer, your just Arkwin Daergel, my son."
         "I know, but I do know some Illusion tricks."
         "Yes, we all do that is what we gnomes are the best at.  We’re naturals to it"
         "Well I think I may have a good talent mother."
         "Oh I know you do" she said with great enthusiasm. "Finding these scrumptious mushrooms...now that’s a talent.” she said with a small giggle.
         "Thanks a lot mom." he said trying to hold back his smile as they walked down the country road from Nuglada to their cozy little farm hill.

•          Chapter 2
         Supper at the Daergel’s           

         The sun eventually fell beyond the mountains and let the moon take its shine.  Arkwin and his mother stood in their kitchen and prepared dinner of mushroom and rabbit stew with hot rolls. (Gnomes vary rarely ate meat, they favored animals and the lives that they live, so they only hunted what was over populating the area.) 
         Waiting on their father, Arkwin tried to explain to his mother his recent story or dream and she listened reluctantly. "I really think that the kids will-"
         "Hello Arkwin, Jorja dear." came from the door cutting Arkwin off. A gnome as tall as Arkwin, but a little rounder in the stomach, came wobbling into the kitchen.  He had a pair of leather overalls on that where just dirty as his hands where.
         Arkwin turned around and see his father, "Hello Darl-"
         "GET OUT OF HERE WITH THOSE FILTHY RAGS CONNER!” roared Jorja her face turning a deep shade of red.
         "Oops, Sorry honey.” he replied with a blush of embarrassment, Turning on his tiptoes to quickly leave the room.          
         Arkwin couldn’t help but crack a smile at his dad as he rolled his eyes to him as his mother turned back to the mushrooms. 
         "Honestly Winnie, what does he think I do all day, stand around and gossip like all of the other wives in this town." she said shaking her head as she cut up mushrooms.
         "Mom, please stop calling me that?" he said with a sense of annoyance.
         "Oh Winnie I'm going to need you go and fetch some water from the well." she said without even a noticing his request.
         Arkwin let out a great sigh of frustration, grabbed the water bucket with a snatch, and then walked outside slamming the door.
         "WINNIE DONT SLAM THE DOOR" come calling from the inside, which just made him boil even more.
         "Who does she think she is treating me as if I was fifteen?  I'm almost forty years old." (Surprisingly forty is the year of adulthood for gnomes considering that they live for about three-fifty years old.)
         Filled with anger he took the empty bucket for the water and then kicked it towards the well. 
         "OUCH! HEY!" Not even looking he didn’t realize his dad was bending over by the well and the bucket hit him right on the seat of his pants.  Turning around he looked at Arkwin.  "What’s the big idea son, something eaten' at you?"
         "Yeah; Mom" he said with grimace. “With all of her Winnie this, and Winnie that,” Mocking his mother.
         “Aye, I see son.” His dad said with a concerned face.
         Unlike Arkwins mother, his father treated him with some respect as a soon to be man.  He never babied him but made him help around the house and in the fields when ever needed, to try to make Arkwin appreciate the goodness of life.  Which Arkwin liked because he seemed like he made his father proud when he accomplished the task he assigned him. 
         “I just wish she would treat me like the adult I’m going to be, not her little Winnie.” He put some extra sarcasm on the Winnie.  “I just wish that she would be interested in my life and not that I’m going to be turning forty soon, that I’m not the little gnome I was, I’ve grown up.” He said as he picked the bucket up off the ground.
         “Oh, son,” replied Conner in a caring voice. “Your mother knows your becoming an adult; I just don’t think she wants to accept it.  She cares too much for you she fears you go into the dangers and responsibilities of an adult.”
         Arkwin lowered the bucket into the well retrieving the water for the stew.
         “I guess I just wish she would give me a chance to prove to her.” He replied with a face of gloom as he pulled the water bucket back up the well.”
”Don’t worry; I’ll try to talk to her for you.”
“Thanks dad, I’d really appreciate it,” Cracking a smile from his fathers offer.  “Well better get this water to mom, before she starts to howl again.” He chuckled as he walked back towards the house.
         Arkwin came into the house carrying the bucket of water very carefully, trying not to spill it on the floor.  Because his mother would have his head for something like that.
         “What took you so long out there it shouldn’t have taken you that long.”  She said still preparing the ingredients for the stew. 
         “Oh, sorry mom I got in a conversation with dad.”  He said with a apologetic voice.”  He replied looking at the floor.  Scratching the back of his head he adds, “I’m going to check up on Pumel quickly before supper.  I’m sure he’s pretty lonely I don’t think he’s seen anyone but dad in the past few days.”
         “Well that’s fine just make it quick the stew won’t take long now.  Oh! I forgot her take the rest of these meat pieces for him to snack on.  I’m sure he’ll appreciate those.”  Jorja said handing Arkwin the bowl full of rabbit scraps. 
         “Thanks mom, I’ll be right back.” He yelled walking out the door.
Pumel stayed in the shed a couple yards from the house next to the fields.  Walking across the field a slight wind picked up and was blowing Arkwins hair in a swirling daze.  When he reached Pumel’s shed he leaned against the door and it swung open.
         In an instant Arkwin was knocked off his feet and on top of him stood this, to Arkwin, giant Saint Bernard licking Arkwins face in an intense manner and wagging his tail with happiness.
         “Get off me!” Arkwin let out in a jumble of words.  “Here attack these.”  Throwing the scraps Pumel stopped in motion.  With a push off of Arkwin he scattered towards the bowl.  “Ya, Like it boy?” Arkwin asked while dusting off the dirt on his clothes.  “Next time I would just appreciate a bark hello.” He walked up the dog and started to scratch under his chin and on top of his head.  Pumel replied his liking of it by licking Arkwins palm.  “Oh, Your such a good boy.” He said in a cooing babyish voice.  You’re the best riding dog ever, probably the bravest too, right?”  Arkwin moved from scratching his head and grabbed a grooming brush and started to brush his back.  “Definitely the bravest!” he said kingly voice.  “You could be my faithful mount on my adventures I bet.  I’m sure you could!  Who else would?”  After checking to see if his water bowl and regular food was filled he said his goodbyes to Pumel.  “Well I better get back in for the stew boy.  I’ll come and spend more time tomorrow I promise.”  After running his hand from the top of his head to his back he tightened his grip and let the tail slide from his grip as he walked away. 
         He closed the door to the shed and made sure it was secure. 
         ~ Seems like a storm might be coming in. ~ He thought as he felt the wind pick up.
As he continued by the fields toward the house something very strange happened.  The wind with a swift gust changed opposite directions. 
         Stopping in his place Arkwin had a very confused look on his face. ~ Is that even possible he wondered. ~
         Sure enough the wind began to pick up in the complete opposite direction.  Pushing against his chest; he was enjoying the odd breeze looking straight up in the night sky.  All the stars where out tonight due to the lack of clouds.  Focusing on a bright red star Arkwin noticed in the sea of twinkling lights there was a flash of light around it, sending it in a rocketing speed towards the above the mountains with a streak of red behind it.
         “ARKWIN SUPPERS READY” Called his mother from the house.
         In a second the wind was normal and a shiver fell over his spine. 
         “Maybe I do daydream way to much.” He murmured under his breath.
         After stopping by the well to wash the dirt from Pumel from his face and hands he headed into the warm house.
         Inside his father and mother sat in the middle of conversation waiting at the table for him.
         “Sorry, I went to see Pumel.”
         “Oh how’s the old champ.” Conner asked.
         “He’s fine.” Arkwin replied
         His father redirected his attention back to his wife and continued there conversation.
         “Jorja, like I was saying.” Conner blew on his stew and then continued. “The harvest is done and it needs to be traded before it’s eaten by the field rats.”
         “Well honey, you’ll have to take it soon before the mice take to it.  We don’t really need the money we have enough provisions to last us the coming winter, but the money would be nice to have just in case.”  His wife responded.
         “Yes, a nice break from the field work would be nice.” He said as he winked at Arkwin and took a bite of stew.  “It’s a beautiful trip to Peyton, lots of rolling plains and the beautiful mountain landscapes.”
         Arkwin had traveled out of Nuglada, but not yet ventured out of Dal Jordane.  Dal Jordane was the Valley of the Gnomes, in the valley there are many different gnome villages.  Arkwins family was strewn about Dal Jordane so much he didn’t know where who lived where.
He once remembered his dad saying his Uncle Rangol lived in Corspra a village near the river that ran through Dal Jordane. As for his grandparent they passed away while Arkwin was just a little gnomling. 
         After dinner Arkwin retired to his bedroom and laid on his bed looking at the ceiling. 
         ~ Hopefully dad will talk to mom about his Winnie stuff because I don’t know how much more I could stand of it.~  Thinking hard Arkwin tried to figure out a way to prove how much he isn’t a child anymore.  ~ If only I could go on my adventures and then she would see that I’m not a kid anymore. ~  With the sound of the wind blowing against the roof the melody put Arkwin asleep.

•          Chapter 3
         The Celestial

         The Sun peeked over the dew hills of Nuglada.  The birds sang melodies to the gnome women as they danced and sang while bring out the mornings wash to hang on the tree lines.  The sky was clear, but for a few wisp of clouds that scattered the blue sky.  In the small farm house of the Daergel family, the morning chores where starting.
         “Wake up Arkwin!”  His father yelled from the kitchen.  “Breakfast is ready; we have a lot of things to get done if we want to be on time for the Celestial”
         “Be there in a moment” Arkwin yelled from his room.  Inside his room he stood in front of his mirror in making daunting gestures.  (If anyone would have seen Arkwin they may have thought him to have gone mad, but in his imagination he was a fierce warrior)  “Aye you talking to me” Arkwin said in a deep manly voice.  “Well are you, because if you are my broad sword here will silence your tongue.”
         “Winnie. Who are you talking to?”  His mother called from outside the door.
         “No, one mom ill be right out.” He called back as his pushed his hair out of his eyes and in the air. 
         After slipping on his mangy clothes, he would wear for working; He moseyed out into the kitchen to sit down for some breakfast. 
         “Arkwin, when you get done with breakfast go out and get Pumel and start getting things ready for the trade.”  His father said as he hiked his pants up to his round belly.  “In the mean time I’m going to prep the wagon.  Tomorrow will be long journey and I want to try and get back within a day.” 
         “Well Dad, if you don’t feel like bearing the trip I would gladly take it for you.”  Arkwin threw out there with a very broad and stern voice.
         “Winnie, your way to young to be going on a journey like that, It’s a lot of responsibility.” Jorja said without even taking her attention away from the dishes.
         Arkwin just rolled his eyes and keep to his porridge.  His father gave him a concern look.  He has notice the melancholy attitude that Arkwin has been carrying.  After a few moments of silence Conner found it his queue to start preparing the wagon.
         When he finished his breakfast Arkwin made way to the Pumel’s field house.  After a warm greeting by Pumel, Arkwin started to groom him then made sure his nails were an appropriate length. 
         “They just don’t get it do they boy?  How am I supposed to get responsibility if they don’t even try to give me any?” 
         Pumel just looked into his eyes and then gave him a nice wet lick across the face.  “Well I’m glad someone appreciates me around here.”  Pumel followed him up by barking.  “Hey boy how about we saddle you up and get you a little exercise.”  Pumel got excited once he said saddle.  He started to jump around and nudge Arkwins’ side.
         After their ride on the farm land, Arkwin and Pumel went back to the dog stable.  Arkwin made sure that he had enough food and drink for the rest of the day. 
         “It’s going to be an exciting day today, Pumel.  The Celestial” He said with a grin.  “Take care I’ll stop in before bed.”  Arkwin turned and headed to the house in a hurry.  He had to change his chore cloths and get on something a little more respectable.
         “Well son are we ready to.”  Conner said standing by the door with Jorja. 
         “Yeah, I’ve been waiting all year.  It’s my turn to shine in the spotlight with this story.”  Arkwin said as he walked down the hall.  He was wearing a cloak that was as dark as the night and under it he had some olive green pants on with smooth tan boots.  The exquisite beige shirt had a very complex stitch on each side of the shoulders.  On his hip was a very shine polished sheath though it only held a rust dull blade, which was given to him from his father passed on from his father, but the appearance was very elegant. 
         His parents looked him up and down. “Well, Well, Look at him honey.  A very sharp look son.”  Conner said giving Arkwin a wink.
         Arkwin shot out a smile and gave a spin on the tips of his toes.  His cloak spun in a slow motion and wrapped around him as he cocked his brow and gave a sinister smile.
         “Ok, Ok, that’s enough lets get going before the fun all starts.”  Jorja said.  She was always about being on schedule about things, but in this case so was Arkwin.
         The family headed down the road it was way to nice to be cooped up in a wagon for such a short ride.  The sun was high and the heat was at a minimum.  It was a perfect day.  As they neared in to town they could see all the family’s walking together. 
         “See, everyone has the same idea as us, a nice family walk to the festivities.”  Mother commented as Conner wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her close. 
         In Arkwins head he ran over his story making little adjustments on how he will present every little detail.  ~ Everything must go well ~ he thought.  This is his chance to prove that his stories aren’t just rubbish. 
         When they entered the town square, which is where the Celestial was held, pure delight showed on there faces.  There ears where filled with music, while their eyes were distracted by all the banners lining the trees and people dancing and mingling.  Ale booths were scattered all over the town square along with food stands and different attractions. 
         “Well I think it’s just about time for an ale.”  Conner said in a casual voice.
         “Honey remember what we talked of no getting fuddled and embarrassing me.”
         “Oh I haven’t been filled up in a longest time.”  He debated as he once again winked at Arkwin. 
         Arkwin couldn’t help but crack a smile.  His father wasn’t a lush but he could understand why he would want to let loose with mom always nagging.  He almost feels like he should sip a bit. 
         “JORJA!”  Called out a quite tubby lady from the distance.  She started to wobble over towards the Daergel’s. 
         “Oh Great.  It’s Lunia.”  Jorja said with anguish.  “Just don’t leave me alone with her.”  Turning she found that she was already alone.  The rest of the family split on there own ways. 
         Lunia was Nuglada’s village gossiper, which everyone found very annoying and very hard to get rid of.  Mother on the other was very proper even though she didn’t care for some people she still was nice and kind to them. 
         “Lunia how are things” she replied as she scanned the crowd for her strayed family. 
         “Oh you know the same old same old, but you would not be able to guess what I just heard the other day.”  Lunia started. 
         “I probably couldn’t guess” Jorja barely got to let out before Lunia started back up.
         “Well I’ll just tell you.  The Heldug’s from the south side of the village wont be able to trade there crop this year cause their horses have come across some strange disease.  They’re liable to lose their house and everything.”  Looking wide eyed Lunia just stood there with her head shaking and mouth gapping.
         “Well that would be just terrible.”  Jorja said but thinking it was highly unlikely. 
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