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Here is an inside look at Myvanor's thoughts since losing some of her recent memories.
She lay on the soft grass, gazing up at the night sky. As she watched the clouds move slowly past the moons, casting their shadows down over the land, she ran her fingers through the soft grass slowly. The thoughts of the recent days running quickly through her head made it almost impossible to enjoy the beauty of the night sky. The moons and stars seemed to dim with each thought. She closed her eyes, trying to regain some control over her thoughts, before quickly snapping them open. Her gaze returning to the sky, but not seeing it. Her hand stopped combing the grass, and slowly made it's way to her face, where her finger rested on her lips. The thoughts of his kiss the other day pushing everything else away. She couldn't help but smile at the thought, but the smile quickly faded as she remembered the feelings it had brought. It had felt so right, and almost perfect. Almost as if it were a dream. A dream that she had had before, but could not remember. The way it made her feel was almost pure bliss. This stranger, who claimed they had once been lovers, who's kiss had felt so new, but at the same time, something about it seemed so familiar.

She tried to force herself to follow on those feelings, and remember why it felt the way it did. Why had it felt so familiar, but from someone that she knew almost nothing about? She had only ever loved one other in her past, but his kisses had never felt so loving, caring or soft. They had never made her feel so right. Yet, she almost remembered feeling that way before. Could it have possibly only been a dream, long ago that she was remembering, or was it possibly she was feeling something that had at one time been real?

Her thoughts began to swirl in her head again with each question she asked herself. Her gaze remaining on the night sky, it started to blur as tears formed in her eyes out of frustration. She could not remember everything they had told her about her life no matter how hard she tried. She could not remember the feelings she had once supposedly felt for this man, but she could see the look in his eyes and on his face when he looked at her. The pain when he would tell her something about them, and she would shake her head that she did not remember it. The tears that would almost form in his eyes when he did not see the loving looks, or receive the loving touches that he so desired from her. It hurt to see these looks from him. She knew they were not lying to her, but she could not bring herself to just feel the way they so desired.

She turned on to her side, breaking her blurred gaze away from the night sky, as she curled into a ball and cried to herself. There had to be a way. Something that would return her memory to her. She ran her fingers through the grass slowly, a small smile forming on her lips at the feel of it running softly between her fingers. There had to be someone who could help her remember the one who obviously loved and cared for her, and help her to return those feelings. She slowly brought her fingers to her lips again, closing her eyes with another small smile, her fingers lingered there as she remembered.
© Copyright 2007 Kal'men'el (goddess5683 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1213562-Memories-or-Dreams