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Based on 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes |
The rain was a downpour of arrows from God's merciful bow The clouds were a cover of silk, hand spun from the ear of a sow The lane was a stretch of shadows, with tower blocks behind every door And the Youngman he was hiding Hiding-hiding- The Youngman he was hiding, hiding from the law He had scraps of clothes on his torso, his bones barely covered by skin A curly mess of matted dark brown hung on his head and his chin He crept with a silence on cobbles, his feet barely touching the ground He was a sign of the times The changing times The times in which his life would be wiped if found And quietly he listened for noises, of boots that were coming his way His breathing paused a moment as he was not one to betray And satisfied with the silence, he made the needed haste Into the pure bright moonlight The welcomed cleansing moonlight From the darkness in which nightmares were laced He came to a shadowy hope, a home away from home A place where rich men would outstretch a hand to a beggar upon a throne He knocked on the red circle halo, in which 'A' stood strong The revolutionary's symbol The people's symbol They needed it, but not for long And when the barrier was opened and light filtered into the dark She stood there a reflection of him; his will, his dreams, his spark Together they loved and they hated, together they sinned and they hid But they were forgiven Condemned but forgiven And justified was what they once did He followed her through to a room and over the back of his hand In which the outline of futures in maps and blueprints was planned Everything was set in motion and they were both fit to explode Parliament was their target Facade of justice their target Until it came a time to reload He accepted the role of Alpha, and Omega embraced by her True justice and the means to an end created an almighty stir And as the dawn was breaking, into a thousand and more They gave a gesture A single wordless gesture A Fuck You! gesture aimed at the so-called law |