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by Grey
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Fantasy · #1212220
This is another installment of my chracter development, occors after, Pack Leader.

Wolf month passing
with bitter cold winds,
My pack and I shiver
inside our skins-

Over the rising hill,
smoke from chimney I see
My heart racing,
maybe shelter for me-

Closer I get
it looks almost bare,
the lights are all lit
but there's nobody there-

Muffled whispers i hear
in the back-

A mother,whose child was gutted,
as she lay there and cried
through her own anguished death
"The Wyrm was here, they took the rest"

Standing as she fell
into eternal grace

Fire in my heart
and rage on my soul,
the Pack drew inside
to escape the cold-

"Look at this my pets
do you not see, This Wyrm
knew we were coming,
they are taunting me."

Covering them up
and closing the latch
"We'll make due here
till the snows blow past."

Dusk it soon came
and with it the Wyrm

The smell of death
lingered on them,
easy to pick out
even in this wind-

My pack I had sent
out into the day,
"Find a place and rest
tonight you can play."

Standing in snow
the wind blowing cold
I await the party
known as the Wyrm-

Wind whipping my cloak
and my braids in it's folds,
they've pillaged and killed
innocent souls

As the sun goes down
the band of hate I see
a score of men
coming toward me.

Half of them on foot
and half of them horsed-

The one in the middle
rode out ahead
"so this is the Bitch
that ripped my brother to shreds."

Looking up at him
sweet smile on my face
"well he should have known better
than to sneak in my place."

"You are out numbered,
you think you've a chance?

"Oh I've more of a chance
than you,I would think"

Blue fire lashed out,
surrounding me whole,
freezing the air
with it's bizarre cold.

Daggers of ice
speed through the air,
catching his men
all unaware.

"What in the Seven Hells!"
he screams to the sky

Out from behind the frozen
cloud of snow comes a growl.

"And you thought me helpless"
as I give him a grin,
Bright silver fur, tipped in deep blue,
big as a pony
"your time is through"

Howl in the air
the call answered back.

"Innocent's you've stolen,
land you've destroyed,
Now it is time to reap
what you have sown."

Howls on the air,
coming closer still.
"The Pack has your sent,
Run if you will."

Leaping after him,
I begin the chase.
wind whipping through me
heart running apace.

Dodging the arrows and
sword swipes, I nip
at his heels so close
and then they get bit.

Pulled him from the horse,
pinned him tot he ground.

"For your crimes here
I pass sentence,
death to you, and those that
follow, with no repentance"

Looking him in the eye
as I stand on his chest
"This is my realm now,
and I'll hold no pretense"

He started to scream
and kick himself free
I ended his movement
with a snap of my teeth.

Howling my call
out into the wind,
"take them all
the punishment begins."

Snow flying from feet
as the Pack took its cue.
Blood littering the ground
as they begin to pursue.

"Leave the horses, they
know not what their masters do,
But take all the rest,
and get your fill too."

The fury of teeth had
won out the night.

"Pull them around,
what's left in a pile,
I'll set them to light
and we will warm for a while."

Fire burned low and
ashes were left,
I took wyrm leader's horse
and turned lose the rest.

Supplies now I had in plenty
so a sign I had left
"Cross not the Pack or
this is what you get."

Renee was once my name
in a place far away..
gone now, in this
land of Fae.

But while Loovaes holds court,
legend will hold the land.
Whispers of Madriae the Wolf
and her Pack
© Copyright 2007 Grey (greyhaime at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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