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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1212087-Baby-writer-whining-blog
Rated: E · Book · Self Help · #1212087
This is my blog where I get to whine about writing.
Hello to everyone who has gone or is going through the misery and joys of writing. This is my blog to whine, laugh, learn and share thoughts about writing adventures.
I call myself a baby writer because I have nothing published and even though my stories are interesting my grammer is awful and my arraigments of sentences in some eyes leaves much to be desired. I write on because I must because I cant help myself and because I am hopeful that I will one day get it write err I mean right.
So come share and lets teach eachother.
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December 28, 2007 at 8:22pm
December 28, 2007 at 8:22pm
The new year is approaching and I hope I have less to whine about next year than I have this year.
Let's see I watched a very good friend loose her house because of the economy. I had a major break up romantically speaking wise for the 7th and last time!
Same person by the way. My house leaked like crazy until I found someone who could fix it and do it right. I found out this year I had high blood pressure big surprise there. My dog had puppies after I had given up that mating her with my best friends dog had taken. I was caught off guard and unprepared. Due to tons of rain I have a river outside my door that I get to hope over. I cant stop smoking!!!! whine whine. The truth is if this is all I have to complain about even the breakup as painful as it is I guess I am doing alright.
Happy New Year everyone!
May 27, 2007 at 2:30pm
May 27, 2007 at 2:30pm
I sit here and pour my heart out in a blog. I ask for responses. What do I get? Nothing! ok I know I am whining once again. My last blog truly required some help in your responses. What's a girl got to do around this here gin joint?
May 23, 2007 at 3:30pm
May 23, 2007 at 3:30pm
Today I found myself asking how do I know when to take someones suggestion in their review. Some suggestions I got made sence and I actually fixed the area's they mentioned.
Some suggestions fall into a greyer area. These suggestions are more about what the reviewer likes to see in a story as opposed to discussing grammatical errors.
So what am I suppposed to do? I know a writer cant please every reader and I also know we have to please ourselves first. Now if the story sounds good just the way I have it well at least to me should I leave it? Hmmm I tried the reviewers way and did not like it at all so I put it back the way I had it.
Now it still does not mean I am right however just because I like my way better. (granted I know I am the writer) Should I pay more attention to the reviewer or to my own ideas? Which brings me back to the grey area sometimes I just dont know.
If anyone out there has any thoughts they would like to share I would truly appreciate hearing from you. Not that I will take your advice for sure but it is nice to know what you think.
May 17, 2007 at 4:44pm
May 17, 2007 at 4:44pm
Today has been a great day. I have been able to write, its a nice sunny day and I got some feed back on a story I did. Wow I actually have nothing to whine about at all.
April 27, 2007 at 1:07pm
April 27, 2007 at 1:07pm
Hello Ladies and Gents.

Today I am a might bit disturbed about something that happened in my boyfriends life.

I should start out by saying he recently lost his job due to a shoulder injury.

Being that he had lost his job he also lost his health benefits more to the point his dental benefits. Now he had been having work done on his teeth and all that he needed was the filing and a cap completed.

He had informed the dental office that he had lost his job and was low on funds. The dentist gave him some paperwork to show proof that he had not been working told him to fill this out and have someone sign it to verify the info (that would be me) so they could help him pay for the fill and cap.

He got on this right away in-between looking for suitable work that wouldn't hurt his shoulder further. This man is a hard working man, he pays his taxes and keeps out of trouble and at this point feels hopeful to get his dental work finished.

Hold on Dear reader this is the disturbing part.

My love returns to the office with paperwork in hand filled out and feeling pretty good about life and the world in general. He hands over the paperwork to the dentist and is then abruptly taken to the back office where he is now informed that he has to pay today's visit in full! Looking shocked he reminds them of the paperwork they asked him to fill out.

They tell him he does not qualify. However if he was a transient or drug addicted or a single mom he would get all the work done he needed.

Hello What! Does this make sense to you gentle reader?

Don't get me wrong. Single moms need all the help they can get that is just circumstances. Homeless people need help unless they choose to be homeless but who chooses that?

Drug addicts?!! If someone is a meth addict would they still get new teeth? That would be throwing good money after bad. They would just mess them up all over again. This is my disturbing thought.

People who really try to do the right thing, work hard and keep clean are punished. People who don't are rewarded.

This is indeed a sad state of affairs.

Let me hear your thoughts on this matter. Maybe it is just me that it bothers. I am betting not.

April 16, 2007 at 7:54pm
April 16, 2007 at 7:54pm
Today is a day to remember and be watchful of this ever happening again.

My grandparents got out of Germany just when all of the Jewish businesses were destroyed. They barely got out with their lives and came to America with what was the equivalent of $10.00 in their pocket, my mother Gabi who was 5 and my uncle Peter who was 2. They were made to leave all of their precious family belongings behind and the rights to any property they may have. My grandfather had family in America who wrote a letter of responsibility to them that allowed them to get out.

My great uncle Irving (who was my grandmothers brother) was not as lucky. Irving along with my great grandmother and his wife Ilse got out of Germany through China and was made to stay in a prisoner of war camp in Shanghai. They were treated very badly, were barely fed and were always afraid of the American bombs dropping around them in Shanghai right near the place they were imprisoned. My aunt Ilse became sick with malaria and lost their little baby she never became pregnant again.

Many years later after I was born and was able to talk to them about their lives their experience in that time was one it would take many years for them to tell me about.

Whatever your feelings are about the world today and or Israel this was a horrific thing to do to anyone and it is our responsibility to stop it where ever it takes place now and in the future. Remember Knowledge IS Power it arms us against the evil of the present and the future.

March 12, 2007 at 12:35am
March 12, 2007 at 12:35am
Oh my I have come to realize that I would rather take constructive criticism on my work then to give it to someone else and have thier feelers hurt. Getting disapproval on your review is harder then getting a bad review well at least to me. Strange Hu?
March 10, 2007 at 12:57pm
March 10, 2007 at 12:57pm
Romantic love is a beautiful thing. This love gives us butterflies in our stomach, it makes our hearts smile with anticipation for our other half to return. We wake up knowing that there is a warm, safe and devoted places for us to return to when we have to go out into our busy day. It's the massage we get when the world outside is cold and critical leaving us stressed and feeling battered, we can finally relax and say aah ooh that's the spot.

It's the person we go to when a loved one has passed on because those arms will hold us until there are no more tears and cheeks are kissed and peace enters the heart again.

When the body and mind feels empty love smiles and whispers ever so softly in our ears how special we are and what a treasure we are considered and tenderly strokes the nape of the neck and winks with a mischievous smile.

There is that call just to say I want you mind, body and spirit and I love you just the way you are and we smile from deep down inside. Now all is good with the world because we are desired and appreciated completely and even deliciously and its good.

When we have a victorious moment no one is standing taller cheering us on more then our love and for us that is the true victorious moment.

Even at the very moment love has to leave and we are broken hearted it is still OK because we know we were loved and we shared amazing things and our memories will last a life time and it is good.
March 3, 2007 at 10:46am
March 3, 2007 at 10:46am
Here we go whinning about that I have been out of touch for a bit. Had a relationship break up which hurt and was sick for a time with the flue. Whine whine. Now today I feel more clear then I have in a long time. I am not bitter or angry just finally able to (as the movie says) Exhale. Except I am not exhaling because of a hot man but because he is gone and I can relax again and not feel guilty because I need my alone time and I need to be independent to some degree even in relationship. I need to grow as a person at my own pace. Now believe me I want to grow as a person and be open to life possibilities but you bully me or guilt me I will dig my heals in and did to some degree shamefully and I am a little embarrased about that. Because of him I did learn about scuba diving and not allowing once limitations stop your life. Because of him I grew as a person and I am grateful.
February 10, 2007 at 12:00pm
February 10, 2007 at 12:00pm
I like that title it is almost obvious. I can write because it is too rainy to go out and enjoy the great outdoors. Darn. Today I am letting the rain inspire me to imagine how wonderful spring time here will look. Spring time here can get anyone's creative juices flowing because of all the wonderful flowery smells, sights and sounds.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1212087-Baby-writer-whining-blog