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the beginning of her complaints about life and all. |
Disclaimer: I don't own any of this characters(except the OC's) nor do I earn any profits from them.If in any way the OC's are related to the readers it was purely coincidental.. This is purely imaginative so please bear with me.. ************************************************************************************************ Im Amira Tiana Sade Sapphire.. Just call me Sapphire..or Ayana 17 yrs old..I was born on the month of September (just incase, my name is actually my birthstone) hmmm...I'm a slight vegetarian haha whatever that is...what I mean is I just love vegetables..I could just eat vegetables everday but I still eat meat though,love hamburgers..and any other fastfood..I stand 5'5"..got long blond hair, sapphire blue eyes...yeah my brothers always tell me Im the living Barbie..I play instruments like guitar, drums and piano..I sing too..okay okay!! My life is not as perfect as it sounds..It just sounds errr...cool or whatever..Did I mention my dad was a former rockstar?nope?well he is..and I am proud of him, totally proud of him. I grew up as the only girl in the family(mom walked out from my dad because of this ehem "man" who's actually a millionaire). ![]() ........::::::FLASHBACK::::::........ "Why you insolent little!!!"mom yelled "How many times did I told you not to touch any of my possessions?!"she continued.. "I so-so-sorry mom-my..I in't mean to.."my six year old me said clutching my favorite doll "I'm sorry?!is that all you could say?!you ruined my dress!!!"she yelled and slap me so hard I felt numb and fell on the floor. "mo-mo-mmy!! I sorry!! I hurt mommy!!" I said crying "Hurt?! Oh!! Im sorry baby!!" she said caressing my hair suddenly she yanked my hands I heard them break.."Sorry is not going to make up this one honey!! You need to be punished!!!" She stood up and lead me to my room "You're not going out of this room until I say so!!!" She threw me to my bed and left.. ........::::::END OF FLASHBACK::::::........ "Ayana?!Can I come in?" My twin brother Caleb said knocking "Yeah... Sure..." hesitating for a minute then wiped my tears. Let my brother be the "Something-is-wrong-I-need-to-talk-to-my-sister-unit".. He calmly sat down at the foot of my bed, I watched him for a minute while he was playing with Hardcore his dog.. "Is there anything I could do to help my brother?" I said in my most sarcastic way.. "Huh?No,I'm fine..."he said standing up"Are you?" he continued Why does he have to know everything?! "Im fine.." I replied "Actually on a second thought I'm great I feel great just great!!" I continued.. "Yeah!! you are alright!!"he said sarcastically while opening my drawer "Miss-I-could-handle-everything-so-leave-me-alone!!"he mocked getting something from my drawer.."Hah!!no need to insult me.." I answered back He faced me looking distressed..I look over to what he was holding.. "You're still keeping it huh?"he asked "Ummm..yeah...She's still my mom..our mom.." I replied "After all the things she did?"he shot backed "It's not my fault she's a total psycho!!" I shouted glaring at him *~*At some point I wished I have thrown the family picture, along with every single memory of her, we had when everthing was still perfectly clichéd..She never wanted babies let alone three kids..She was just a selfish b***h that thought she would love kids...*~* "Look, I'm sorry..I shouldn't have snapped on you" he said placing the picture back "It's alright.." I answered looking at the picture "I'm having pizza do you guys want some?" Our older brother William asked poking his head through my door.. "Sure" We both answered *~*It's really weird hating your mom for what she have done to you, your dad and your brothers but at the same time feeling really sorry that she is rotten to the core and would never changed. I grew up feeling our dad's great love for us. He showed us the way through his own perspective. Even though he has this hardcore rocker attitude or image, he still made sure we would be God-fearing, obedient, honest or somewhat the children one parent could wish for. yeah cheesy as it may sound dad did his best to really mold us into what we are now. We may not be a complete family but our dad sure is our father slash mother we would never trade for any royalties.*~* I crashed into something while getting down the stairs.. "ooff" I heard someone say.. **Was it a someone?** "Watch where you're going sis!" Caleb yelled fom the kitchen "Oh..Sorry..Barbie.." the evil said helping me up. "Im fine..and don't touch me" I replied getting up myself "Joel!!hurry the game would start any minute!!" William yelled from his room "Yeah coming.." he replied stucking his tongue out When I reached the kitchen.. "You alright?!" Caleb asked "Yeah Im fine" I answered "What happened to you? You wern't daydreaming again right?"he asked again "I never daydream!! I was just thinking!!" I said defensively "Calm down..You're lucky you bumped into Joel and not Paul" He said laughing "Whatever!!" I retorted back *~*Yep I bumped into the Joel Madden..They are my brothers friends. I know them, Seeing that Benji is my bestfriend's boyfriend and all,Paul being Paul that he is, and Billy, actually I have a crush on him we practically have the common interests. You're probably wondering why I don't like Joel?It's simple he's just a complete moron who teases me alot and when I say alot it is alot.*~* ........::::::FLASHBACK::::::........ Joel: "Oh look!! Its Barbie!!!" Me: "Get a life.." Him: "Ooooohhhhh!! Barbie is not in a good mood today.." he said pouting Me: *sigh* Him: "What made Barbie so angry? Is it because Ken stood up on you?" Me: "whatever" ........::::::END OF FLASHBACK::::::........ *~* I mean could you actually believe him? He's so childish and I'm her brother's girlfriend's bestfriend, My brothers are their friends*~* I walked upstairs to go back to my room when "Hey Ayana.."Billy said with his cutest smile "I'm going out to buy some ice cream you wanna come?'he continued "yes" I replied not sounding to eager but at the same time I heard "no!!!" shouted by William while walking towards to me "You are not going anywhere because we, and when I said we that was me and Caleb, are staying here" He said making sure he emphasized the word not. "But I don't want to be here..' I replied while looking at Joel "Wil, just let her it's not like Billy would do something to her" Caleb said while concentrating on the game.. "Please!!!" I said pleadingly "Fine!! Go out but if Dad finds out, you two are in trouble" He said defeatedly *~*Did I mention Billy is my bestfriend? Funny.. I have a huge crush on him considering our relationship is platatonic..*~* "So.. still hate him?" he asked opening the door for me "Who?" pretending we weren't thinking on the same page "Hahaha..Very funny..Don't pull that game on me.." he said while we walk outside the house to his car.. "Oh you mean Mister-I-have-to-torment-Sapphire-everyday-of-her-waking-life?" I said with a hint of annoyance "Chill..Yeah him.." he answered thinking if the topic should be continued "I am not a hater..He's just annoying, and a moron, and childish and he torments me everytime he sees me.." I replied "You have some issues.." he said opening the car door for me I waited for him to get inside before I answered..."He torments me first.." He just looked at me and smiled.. I could just melt right now.. "and earlier tonight he stucked his tongue on a very childish way at me" i said matter of factly "hmmm..let me think.."he said focusing on the road It took him ten minutes before he talked again.. "Maybe.." he started "Maybe what?" I asked "Maybe you like him!!!" he shouted I was shocked, how could he say that?! "I do not like him." I said with a bossy tone he didn't say anything but just laugh until we reached the ice cream parlor ********************to be continued******************** |